Ah, Odessa, a pearl by the sea… These words from a famous song characterize one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine in the best possible way. Odessa is sung in verse, it has become a filming location for many films, Ostap Bender has admired it more than once, and there is no need to talk about the humor and color of the locals.

This is a city that combines incompatible things. And the sights of Odessa can easily compete with interesting places in Athens or Rome itself. It has everything to spend an unforgettable summer vacation: the sea, the sun, beaches, wonderful excursions and luxurious hotels. Odessa-Mama is always happy to welcome its guests and give them a wonderful journey through its architectural and cultural monuments.
A Brief History of the City
In the 13th century, just when the Golden Horde ruled, the settlement of Dzhinestra existed on the territory of modern Odessa. At the end of the XIV century and the beginning of the next century, it was part ofcomposition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Then she was called Kachibey, Kotsyubeev or Gadzhibey.
Starting from 1475, Kachibey comes under the control of the Ottoman Empire and receives the name Adzhibey or Khadzhibey. In 1764, the Yeni-Dunya fortress was built here. But in mid-September 1789 (during this period the second Russian-Turkish war took place) it was captured by the company of Major General of the Russian army Joseph de Ribas.
In May 1794, Catherine II issued a decree according to which a military harbor began to be built on the site of Khadzhibey. Joseph de Ribas and Franz de Vollan began to draw up a plan for the creation of the city. The first bricks of Odessa were laid on September 2 of the same year. And the name of the city comes from the Greek village of Odissos or Odessos.
The main sights of Odessa were created during the time of the most prominent mayors, who did a lot for the prosperity of the settlement. Their names are Admiral de Ribas, Count Langeron and Vorontsov, Duke Duc de Richelieu.

What to see in Odessa
There are so many different outstanding places in this seaside city that it takes a while to figure out what you can and should see here. Therefore, we have compiled a list of those monuments and institutions that you should definitely visit:
- Passage;
- Potemkin Stairs;
- monument to Richelieu;
- Import;
- Primorsky Boulevard;
- Deribasovskaya street.
These sights of Odessa (the list of which goes on and on)known to many from this or that film, stories of acquaintances, newspaper anecdotes. All of them have become symbols of the city, its visiting card, zest.
Up and down the Potemkin Stairs
Arriving in Odessa, tourists immediately go on an excursion to the Potemkin Stairs. Many of them know this city precisely because of the aforementioned object. Meanwhile, the description of the sights of Odessa could be started from another place. But if the public demands, then we have no right to refuse.
So, the world-famous Potemkin Stairs brought the movie "Battleship Potemkin" directed by S. Eisenstein. The object was built from 1837 to 1841. The author of the project was the architect F. K. Boffo, and the famous Count Vorontsov initiated the creation of such an amazing architectural miracle. The green-gray sandstone for the construction of the steps was brought from Trieste. In 1933, the attraction was reconstructed.

At the very beginning, there were 200 steps on the stairs. But when the construction of Primorskaya Street began in 1866, eight steps had to be dismantled. Therefore, today the Potemkin Stairs has 192 steps. The length of the structure reaches 142 meters, and it rises to a height of 30 meters. But it is not difficult to overcome this path, since every two dozen steps are replaced by a platform.
Those who saw the film "Primorsky Boulevard" practically made a tour of this amazing place. After all, in this movie you could see manysights of the city of Odessa. One of them is Passage. This building is a luxury hotel, which is one of the most beautiful buildings in the city. "Passage" strikes the attention with the sophistication of sculptural compositions and the architecture itself. Inside the hotel there is a real street with rows of elite class shops. Light inside the building is provided by a high glass roof. It also creates a feeling of immense space. The house was opened in 1899 and has since been used exclusively as a shopping center.
A person who crosses the threshold of an entrance for the first time and falls under a glazed vault emits an involuntary delight “Ah!”. And this is not surprising, because the "Passage" is an unsurpassed masterpiece of typical Odessa architecture.
Everyone to the market

To describe the popular sights of Odessa and not to mention the world-famous Privoz market would be a real crime. After all, this is the center of trade, known throughout the planet. More than a hundred thousand people come here every year. Rumor has it that there is nothing here that could not be bought. You can buy even more here. "Privoz" works every day, the only exception is Monday. Here you can meet colorful local beggars. They refer to visitors as "gentleman" and will always please you with Odessa jokes.
In 1827, an unusually large market was built on Privoznaya Square. From this moment begins the history of "Privoz". Immediately it became the most important Odessa market. BUTthe architectural complex is complemented by the "Fruit Passage" - four buildings, two floors each.
Famous Duke Monument
Sights of Odessa are not only markets and steps, but also monuments to people who have done a lot for the development of the city. Such a monument was awarded to Duc de Richelieu. The sculpture was installed in 1828, and I. P. Martos became its author. It was the first monument erected in Odessa.

The statue is cast in bronze and installed in honor of the French aristocrat, who was the governor-general of the city in 1804-1815. Richelieu is depicted wearing a Roman toga, holding a scroll in his hand. And three high reliefs made of brass embody trade, justice and agriculture. Armand-Emmanuel de Richelieu did an incredible amount for the construction of the city, he turned it into a large trading port. By this act, he earned love and recognition among the local population.
To all boulevards boulevard
"Primorsky Boulevard" is not only the name of a famous musical film, but also a street in Odessa, so popular that it is impossible to forget. Many sights of Odessa (interesting places and monuments) are located on this cheerful boulevard. Reviews of tourists about Primorsky are always full of emotions, positive impressions and a bright mood. The building of the old exchange became the beginning of Primorsky Boulevard. She, by the way, also bears the title of one of the most prominent city attractions. And the end of the street is marked by the same unsurpassedarchitectural ensemble of the Vorontsov Palace.

Building on the boulevard began in the early years of the century before last. Until the end of this century, it was called Nikolaevsky. It was a favorite place for walks by Lesya Ukrainka, Aivazovsky, Gogol, Belinsky and Pushkin. Primorsky Boulevard combines the brightest sights of Odessa.
Good weather on Deribasovskaya
Another local symbol and landmark is Deribasovskaya Street, also known for popular Soviet comedy films. The street was named in honor of the outstanding architect of the city I. M. De Ribas. Deribasovskaya is the main pedestrian type street in Odessa. Here, tourists can admire the unsurpassed architecture, visit numerous shops and cafeterias. Deribasovskaya (just like Primorsky Boulevard) is loved by the locals.

Amazing Odessa! Attractions (excursions which cost from 1400 hryvnia) will not leave anyone indifferent. The city is always happy to welcome guests, giving them unforgettable impressions and staying in hearts and memories for life.