There are so many buildings and structures in the capital of our country that it is easy to get lost in a huge metropolis. But there are places in Moscow that remain recognizable for many decades. First of all, these are ancient estates that are unique in their significance. They keep the memory of their eminent owners for centuries and are among the most famous museums in the capital. Eminent Russian architects took part in the construction of many of them. Today, both Muscovites and guests of the capital have the opportunity to visit these historical monuments and touch history.
General information
Many interesting buildings were built on Myasnitskaya Street, which at one time served as a road between Nemetskaya Sloboda and the Kremlin. The king often traveled along it. This circumstance gave the street a special status. Many noble people began to hastily move to Myasnitskaya.
It is here that the famous Baryshnikov estate is located, the photo of which is presented later in the article. Today it is the press mansion of the printed edition "AiF". In the estateoften meetings of journalists with the most famous Russian politicians, ministers, governors, businessmen, representatives of show business and creative intelligentsia are held. Many are impressed by the magnificent interiors of the Baryshnikov estate.
This magnificent mansion, made in the classical style, with a wrought-iron fence and a Corinthian portico, is perhaps the most memorable building on Myasnitskaya Street. The architect of this work is Matvey Kazakov. The mansion was built in 1802. The customer was a retired major, a we althy landowner, owner of horse and bakery factories Ivan Ivanovich Baryshnikov.
The U-shaped building is designed in a classical style. At one time, the courtyard of the Baryshnikov estate was surrounded by galleries with columns, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day. But the appearance of the house itself has not changed much over the past centuries. True, graceful balconies on consoles in front of the windows of the outbuildings that overlook Myasnitskaya Street were lost.
But, probably, the most amazing thing is that for many years the metal fence of the Baryshnikov estate has been preserved - unique in its beauty with strict elegant lattices between white stone columns with cast iron balls. By the way, almost all such fences in Moscow were destroyed at one time.

The territory on which the famous Baryshnikov estate on Myasnitskaya was built is quite small. And this is not surprising, because the square meters on this street in the nineteenth century were in incredible demand. Therefore, the courtyard of the Baryshnikov estate in Moscow turned out to be not so big. To hide this shortcoming, the architect pushed forward a portico, widely used in the architecture of classicism. In addition, he raised the columns to a high plinth, moving them far from the wall. The facade turned out majestic and incredibly solemn.
Outside, the walls of the Baryshnikov estate were plastered and painted in a bright yellow color characteristic of classicism. At the same time, such individual details as the plinth, horizontal belts and columns crowning the cornice were made of white limestone.

Today Baryshnikov's estate has become the press mansion of the AiF newspaper. It is an architectural monument and is under state protection. Estate address: Myasnitskaya street, building 42.

You can get to it by public transport and by metro, getting off at the Sretensky Bulvar station.
Baryshnikov's estate miraculously survived the fire of 1812. But, unfortunately, it was completely plundered by the French. The then owners - the Baryshnikov family - then had to restore their family nest for a long time. The mansion belonged to this family for several decades. Then he passed into the hands of the nobles Begichev, and then to Pyotr Beketov.
After the revolution, the Baryshnikov estate was transferred to the state. By decision of the Soviet authorities, a hospital for workers was built in it. And since 1922, the building housed the Scientific Research Institute of Sanitary Education of the Ministry of He alth. But in the Soviet years, the Baryshnikov estate suffered evenmore than from the destruction of her rich decoration by the French army. Much has irretrievably disappeared and cannot be restored.
Matvey Kazakov, who built a mansion on Myasnitskaya in the shape of the letter "P", was able to achieve an original layout. She made it possible to include the old chambers of the seventeenth century in the new building. According to experts, such private houses can be called palaces.

At the time when the estate belonged to Begichev, it won the fame of one of the most popular cultural centers of the city. Here were frequent guests poets, writers and composers - V. Kuchelbecker, D. Davydov, A. Verstovsky, V. Odoevsky. Begichev was also in close contact with Griboyedov. Moreover, in the winter of 1824, the latter worked on his famous masterpiece in the chambers located on the left side of the estate. The guests of this mansion were such bright figures of the era as Leo Tolstoy, many representatives of the Decembrist society.
Strictly elegant portico in the estate is contrasted in the left wing with an ordinary residential entrance. The entrance door leads to the front vestibule, which is divided into two parts by columns. They are located in a semicircle and smoothly lead to the main staircase. At the base of the stairs is a three-meter mirror that visually doubles the space.
The first living room is the green one. Its front portals framed by marble columns topped with antique bas-reliefs create an additional play of light and shadow.
In the green hall there are two mirroredcompositions: a group of nymphs crowned with a garland of Eros roses, and muses in round medallions.
The pink living room overlooks the front yard. Although it is less green, it seems more elegant thanks to the stucco and marble columns. The oval hall of the estate is designed in exquisite elegant gray tones. On its beautiful ceiling vault, recesses in the form of rhombuses are made. The latter are beautiful paintings that give the ceiling volume and height.

Behind the door on the east side is a narrow corridor leading to the back room. The system of moves in the Baryshnikov mansion is carefully thought out so that the staff does not interfere with distinguished guests.
But the most luxurious room of the estate on Myasnitskaya is the hall for magnificent balls and celebrations. This living room was once known throughout Moscow. The hall is usually called "round", although in fact its walls outline a square. The reason for this name is that the round colonnade, built on the principle of the Roman pantheons, completely changes the perception of a person in this space.

The round hall has a balcony, exquisitely designed and designed for musicians. Its bas-relief depicts Apollo surrounded by the Muses. Entrances to the buffet and the dining room are symmetrically located on both sides.
The ceiling is decorated with a painting: rosette flowers located throughout the golden-ocher arch, gradually decreasing, turn a flat surface into a dome.
Judging by the reviews, the most impressive room in the estateconsidered to be her front bedroom. According to the customs of that era, it served not only as a sleeping room, but also as an office where the most important visitors were received.

In the early 90s of the last century, the mansion was leased to the Arguments and Facts newspaper for a long-term lease. Reviews of the Baryshnikov estate indicate that from the time when the house had a new owner, the mansion began to be treated with due respect as a monument of architecture, and not just as a state-owned house. Today it has been preserved almost in its original form, delighting the eyes of tourists and Muscovites. It is said that during her press conference at the estate, the famous Catherine Deneuve was amazed by its interiors.

Today, everyone can enter the mansion to personally see the beautiful facades, amazing interior and interior decoration of this architectural monument, which has perfectly preserved its appearance to our time.