The resort village of Gaspra in Crimea is a favorite vacation spot among many tourists. What is especially pleasant, while relaxing in this village, you can not only enjoy peace and quiet, but also visit a number of interesting sights. One of them is the Kharaks Palace, a unique building from the early 20th century.
Building a chic southern residence

Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich (grandson of Nicholas I) inherited from his father about 100 hectares of land in the Crimea. This site was ideally suited for the construction of the estate, but for a long time it was neglected due to the lack of fresh water. Georgy Mikhailovich was able to solve this problem by acquiring a drinking source. After which he hired N. P. Krasnov - the chief architect of Y alta for the design and construction of the estate. It is worth noting that the territory was badly neglected and initially work was carried out to improve it. The Kharaks Palace and the complex of manor buildings were finally completed only by 1908. In addition to the main residential building, the following were built on the estate: a church consecrated inthe name of St. Nina, a house for servants, outbuildings. All buildings of the estate were made in the original unified style.
Palace Charax: photo and description

The main manor house is designed in late modern style. The author himself - N. P. Krasnov - called his creation Scottish. The walls of the palace are made of limestone using the technique of mosaic masonry. All facades of the building are made in the same style, but when viewed from each side, the impression of the building changes. The building is not pompous, but it looks impressive and regal. It is worth noting that the residential building is really relatively small. The building received the status of a palace only thanks to its large windows. And yet, despite the modesty, the estate was considered exquisite and original, which means it was quite suitable for the life of a member of the royal family. In total, the three-story house has 46 rooms for various purposes. The Kharaks Palace has a spacious terrace on the second floor, where you can relax in any weather.
History of the palace and park complex

Grand Duke Georgy Mikhailovich did not stay long as the owner of a beautiful southern residence in the Scottish style. After the revolution of 1917, the estate was nationalized, and soon enough a sanatorium was opened here, retaining the name of the palace. The southern estate was significantly damaged during the Great Patriotic War. After a long restoration repair, the he alth resort reopened only in 1955 with the new name "Dnepr". The sanatorium workeduntil 2014, and after the change of power, it again changed its name and became known as "Southern". A restaurant has been opened in the ancient palace today, which everyone can visit.
Manor Park at the Charax Palace

When the architect N. P. Krasnov first saw the area where he was to build the Kharaks Palace, he was horrified. It took a talented craftsman a lot of work to turn dry stony soil into a real oasis. More than 200 species of trees and shrubs have been planted on the territory of the park, including a whole collection of coniferous plants. One of the prides of the estate is the juniper grove, which has survived to this day. During the improvement of the park, a large number of small buildings and decorative elements were erected. A unique building is an antique gazebo, symbolizing the ancient history of these places. There were other shelters from the sun and rain in the park, as well as fountains, fences, decorative sculptures, and benches. An impressive stone staircase has survived to this day, starting from the main entrance to the residential building. The steps of this structure lead to the sea.
Deciphering the mysterious name
Many inhabitants find the name of the estate Kharaks incomprehensible and strange. The palace and the park were named after an ancient, presumably Roman fortress that once stood in the area. The word "Charax" in translation from ancient Roman means - "fortress". It is believed that Georgy Mikhailovich began excavations even before the construction of the palace began. And the result of archaeological research became valuablefinds. In 1909, a museum was even opened at the estate, where a collection of ancient objects was put on public display. Today, the library of the sanatorium has a museum room where you can learn the history of the area. Archaeological excavations near the palace of Harax are still being carried out today. According to experts, the local land can be fraught with many more interesting artifacts and antiquities.
Where is the palace of Georgy Mikhailovich?

The Kharaks Palace in Gaspra today has the following address: Alupkinskoe highway, 13. The historical landmark is located on the territory of the Yuzhny sanatorium. You can get to this place from Y alta by minibuses: No. 32, No. 102 and No. 115. There are no organized excursions to this estate, but believe me, this walk will not leave you regretting the lost time. During a walk, you can enjoy not only the external appearance of the legendary palace, but also appreciate the beauty and convenience of the park layout. You can learn more interesting facts by visiting the mini-museum. The Kharaks Palace (Crimea) is a unique landmark that deserves special attention. The restored building and the well-groomed park around make a pleasant, peaceful impression. You will not find another such palace on the entire Crimean coast!