When traveling around Central Asia, it is recommended to visit a unique state with the beautiful name of Kyrgyzstan. Osh is a city of republican subordination, officially recognized as the "Southern Capital". This is the administrative center of the region of the same name, which is located closer to the east of the Ferghana Valley. It is surrounded by rocks and hills of the Altai Range at an altitude of more than 1000 meters above sea level.
Ak-Bura is a mountainous and fast river that divides Osh into two parts. In the center rises above the city of Sulaiman-Too - a huge rock - one of the spurs of the Altai Range. The population in 2015 was more than 240 thousand people. In percentage terms, the majority of Kyrgyz and Uzbeks live in Osh (approximately 40% each), the rest are Russians, Tajiks, Tatars and other nationalities.

A bit of history
A state like Kyrgyzstan has a rich history filled with unique facts that interest scientists from many countries. Osh is an ancient city, historians are already tired of arguing about its age. Existsmany legends about the date and history of this ancient place. Someone says that it arose under King Solomon, while others found the first mention of it in the annals of the 9th century. Without a doubt, this is not only the oldest city in Kyrgyzstan, but throughout Asia.
However, civilization does not stand still, and, starting from the 80s of the 19th century, a new Osh began to be built up on the southern side of the city. It eventually filled the Russians. The new city became more equipped and corresponded to modern standards - smooth green streets, plots, and not constructions scattered in disorder. Modern Osh began to develop, and soon combines, factories, plants appeared there. The production of machines, building materials began, enterprises of light, food and other industries appeared, and an airport was built. Osh (Kyrgyzstan) is now not only a developed administrative center, but also a cultural one. Thanks to the many flights, both local and international, a large number of tourists visit the city every year.

What awaits the guests of the city?
The Republic of Kyrgyzstan is of great interest to tourists. Osh is a city with a well-developed tourism sector. The climate in these parts varies from temperate to subtropical. The transport interchange is very convenient - you can fly by plane from any corner of the globe, dozens of buses go to the city center, a taxi will cost a little more. There are many hotels in Osh that will be available to people with different incomes. Here you can find very cheap accommodation with all amenities.
Shopping centers, shops, markets - everything is in abundance. The main bazaar of the city, located on the banks of the Ak-Bura River, deserves special attention. This is a huge covered area filled with thousands of shops, which was founded in antiquity. And the abundance of goods just rolls over. The most common souvenirs are felt hats, national skirts, robes, leather shoes. Osh is also famous for its traditional dishes in the form of vessels in which koumiss is served to the table.
Kitchen Features
Traditional dishes are what you should pay special attention to when visiting a state like Kyrgyzstan. Osh is a city where establishments where you can have a tasty and satisfying meal are located at almost every step. The cuisine here is very diverse. The most famous dishes are lagman, kabyrga, asip, goshan. An abundance of special herbs and spices makes the taste of lamb, rice and other national products simply amazing.
Osh is a very beautiful city, it is famous for its sights. The museums store the oldest exhibits of past eras, ancient monuments to Kyrgyz queens and rulers, the Shaid Tepa mosque. The cave cities are also famous. The largest of them are Chil-Ustun, Chil-Mayram, Keklin-Too.

A trip around Osh will appeal to everyone, because it includes everything that can interest a person. This is an opportunity to purchase beautiful trifles, national souvenirs, home decorations in the form of handmade carpets or dishes. AlsoMountain walks along the slopes of the Altai Range are very popular here. Tourists can visit historical monuments, museums, nature reserves and parks, admire the beauty of nature, study Kyrgyz culture and history.
Hospitable and harmless people are always happy to have friends from other countries. We can safely assume that the city of Osh (Kyrgyzstan) is a cultural, ancient and insanely beautiful highlight of the republic.