Not so far from the city of Khmelnitsky there is an ancient castle, which is distinguished by its extraordinary beauty. This is the second castle in Ukraine, which is incredibly popular. The Medzhybizh castle was called the "White Swan". The name comes from the fact that the defensive walls of the fortress were white.
For strength, they were covered with lime mixed with brick dust. It is for this reason that all people who saw the fortress from afar thought that it was bright white. But unfortunately, over the years, the whiteness has gone, and the walls have become darker. Only the sonorous name remains.

Medzhybizh Castle: history, location
The first records about this castle appeared at the beginning of the formation of Kievan Rus. Due to the fact that the city of Medzhybizh was geographically located very conveniently, local merchants could conduct active trade with Poland, Kyiv and Lvov. Brave conquerors often rested in this castle. After long hikes, they gained strength here, rested and replenished their provisions and water.
Forto protect the region from the regular invasions of the Turks and the constant attacks of the Tatars, it was decided to build an outpost of wood. At the beginning of 1255, the Medzhybizh castle, Medzhybizh-grad and other surrounding villages are completely destroyed by the Tatars. In the future, for a hundred years they dominated these lands. Only with the onset of 1362 did the Great Olger manage to return the lands and destroy the conquerors. He returned the lawful lands to both Lutsk and Lithuanian principalities.
New Fortress
In the middle of 1507, it was decided to rebuild the defensive structures. But this time, high and massive stone walls were erected around the entire perimeter. They acted as a fence and protection. Also, the walls were excellent positions for archers, who could see all the approaching enemies from above. This allowed this fortress to become the most massive. It was almost impossible to attack and capture.

Voevoda Sinyavsky
In the middle of 1540, the rights to own the castle passed to the magnates and noble governors Sinyavsky, influential at that time. This became possible thanks to their numerous services to the empire of Poland. It is the Sinyavskys who decide to build additional towers at all corners of the defensive wall. This is done in order to achieve maximum security and power in front of the advancing enemy.
So, the idea came up in the very center of the defensive shelter to build a large and beautiful Medzhybizh castle. The description of those times says that the governors do not forget about religious principles. Not far from the castlebuilders build a chapel of impressive size. Everyone who wished could pray for their sins before the Lord and ask him for blessings before the responsible battle.
After two centuries, the city receives the right of Magdeburg, which allows you to fully conduct and develop trade. But in the middle of 1640, this castle with a defensive fortress became a direct shelter for Bogdan Khmelnitsky himself and his large detachment of brave Cossacks. After all, it was in those years that they took an unbearable part in the Polish-Ukrainian war.
The fall of the fortress
In 1730, the last legal owner of the castle, who was from the Sinyavsky family, dies. Thus, the Czartoryskis became full-fledged owners. But, unfortunately, the new owners do not care about security at all. Therefore, the former defensive shelter becomes a full-fledged castle, which is decorated with numerous decorations.

Medzhybizh Castle: how to get there by car
If you want to enjoy all the beauties of the local castle, you should immediately get into the car and drive along the Khmelnitsky-Vinnitsa highway. If you drive from Khmelnitsky, then you can see Medzhybizh after thirty-two kilometers of the way. But you can get to the city without personal transport.
By bus
At the bus station "Khmelnitskaya" you should find a bus that goes in that direction. However, be extremely careful, because not every route in this direction includes a visit to the city itself. Somejust passing by. But if you still landed on the highway, then you should turn left and walk about twenty minutes to the city.
It will be even more interesting, because you can enjoy all the beauties of the local nature and feel the surprisingly fresh air. It is worth noting that the Medzhybizh Castle, whose history is interesting and fascinating, receives visitors every day, except for Mondays. Reception hours start at 9:00 am and end at 6:00 pm. The castle receives a huge number of visitors every day.
Tours and festivals
But now you have already got to the Medzhybizh castle. A tour of the ancient site reveals its past for every visitor. But there are also exciting festivals. They have been held since the beginning of the 16th century, when folk art and art were rapidly developing in Medzhybizh. The tradition has been passed down for centuries and has been able to reach our days. Twice a year there are exciting festivals with jousting and lively trade.

Every August, the fortress hosts a festival dedicated to the independence of Ukraine. But in early January, right after Christmas, a festival called “Winter Tower” begins. Each of these festivals is bright and exciting in its own way. Tourists are always happy to visit these events, because there will be enough positive emotions and vivid impressions for the rest of the year. During the festival are:
- Exciting fights.
- Hunting.
- Bathing in a frozen river.
- Banquets andballs.
But it should be noted that every year, the entertainment program changes. You can witness or independently take part in the legendary competition of professional archers and crossbowmen.
There will be scenes of storming fortresses and other exciting events that will not let visitors get bored. All events are held in special themed costumes. Therefore, the local atmosphere, which reigned several centuries ago, seems to be resurrected before the eyes of the public. You can fully feel the local folklore and have a wonderful time.

Interesting facts
It is worth noting that the Medzhybizh castle is geographically favorably located. It, like the fortress, is located on a small hill. A river flows from the north. Previously, there were hunting grounds, but with the advent of modern civilization, the city begins to grow, so there is practically not enough space.
In the summer, the castle looks as beautiful as possible, because its defensive walls protrude from behind the trees. They seem to merge with natural resources into a single whole. In the river you can swim, fish and enjoy the beauty and grandeur of the castle at the same time.
From the very first minutes, as soon as the walls of the castle are shown, emotions are seething inside. I want to immediately see everything around and feel the atmosphere of ancient times. In order to maximize the view of all the surrounding beauties, it is best to climb one of the observation towers.

There are four of them on the territory of the castle, one for each corner. They are on a hill, so you can get an excellent view of all three hundred and sixty degrees. The surroundings look beautiful in any season of the year. Impressions from the beauty of nature and the ancient castle will last for a whole year. And you will definitely want to once again plunge into the atmosphere of antiquity and courage.