Distance Nizhny Novgorod - Saratov and travel options

Distance Nizhny Novgorod - Saratov and travel options
Distance Nizhny Novgorod - Saratov and travel options

The distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Saratov is about 630 kilometers. It is relatively easy to travel by car, but with regular transport it is worse, since there are no direct buses, and there are few trains. Before organizing a trip, it is worth considering all possible options.

route on the map
route on the map

By railroad

At 01:30, train number 339 departs from the Moscow railway station in Nizhny Novgorod, which goes to Novorossiysk. On it you can drive the distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Saratov in 20 hours. It is connected with the winding line of the railway. Tickets are only reserved seats and compartment tickets, from 1,000 and 2,000 rubles, respectively. The train runs infrequently, once every 4 days.

Besides this, the distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Saratov can be traveled in a trailer train from Vorkuta to Saratov. It departs at 03:53 and arrives at its destination at 06:29 every other day. 26 hours on the road, very slow option and suitable for travel only in the summer during the holiday season.

Trains run through Arzamas, Saransk, Penza and Rtishchevo stations. Stops can be long. For example, in Rtishchevo, a trailer car will stop for 7 hours, and in regional centers, the train can stop for up to an hour.

Back the train distance from Saratov to Nizhny Novgorod can be traveled faster. Train number 340 leaves at 21:01 and is on the road for 19 hours. Trailer car leaves at 20:06, 21 hours on the way.

There is a travel option with a transfer in Samara. Train number 337 leaves there at 17:03 and is on the road for 15 hours. The ticket price depends on the type of carriage:

  • seated - from 800 rubles;
  • reserved seat - from 900 rubles;
  • compartment - from 2,000 rubles;
  • sleeping - from 4,700 rubles;

From Samara to Saratov, the train departure schedule is as follows:

  • 00:03;
  • 00:34;
  • 00:42;
  • 02:54;
  • 04:32;
  • 13:53 (Signed Day Express);
  • 15:33;
  • 15:43;
  • 18:13.

The trip takes 7 to 10 hours. Trains do not run every day, some may only be seasonal.

Ticket price depends on the type of carriage:

  • seated - from 660 rubles;
  • reserved seat - from 760 rubles;
  • compartment - from 1,600 rubles;
  • sleeping - from 4,400 rubles.
Train to Saratov
Train to Saratov

By bus

Less convenient option as there are few flights. You can drive the distance from Nizhny Novgorod to Saratov in just 10 hours. The ticket will cost 1,200 rubles.

The bus leaves at 20:00 from the Chkalov shopping center and arrives at the Saratov railway station. Transfers are inconvenient. For example,There are enough flights from Samara to Saratov, but getting to Samara from Nizhny Novgorod is inconvenient.

Nizhny Novgorod, Volga embankment
Nizhny Novgorod, Volga embankment

Drive along the route

From Nizhny Novgorod you need to leave by car from Gagarin Avenue near the bridge over the Oka to the R-158 highway. It leads to Saransk and from there through Ruzaevka on to Penza and then through Petrovsk to Saratov. The trip will take 8 hours. On the way, you can see Saransk, here is the Volga Center of Finno-Ugric peoples' cultures.

Panorama of Saratov
Panorama of Saratov

What to see in Saratov?

There are various attractions in the city. For example, cute and funny monuments to the heroes of the cartoon "Three from Prostakvashino", as well as a monument to the famous Saratov harmonica on the local Arbat, or the first teacher.

Of the more serious monuments, it is worth mentioning the monuments to Stolypin and Gagarin.

There are also interesting museums in Saratov:

  • Artistic named after Rtishchev.
  • Chernyshevsky's estate.
  • Gagarin Folk Museum at the University.
  • Local history.
  • Entertaining sciences.
  • Battle glory.
  • Samovars.

There is a beautiful church "Assuage My Sorrows" and a pseudo-Gothic conservatory building. In general, it is interesting to spend several days in Saratov.
