Distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk and travel options along the route

Distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk and travel options along the route
Distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk and travel options along the route

The distance between Yekaterinburg and Pervouralsk is about 45 kilometers. Thus, in good weather, a he althy person may well walk it on foot during a summer daylight hours. However, it is much more convenient to pass it by some kind of transport - road or rail.

Ride on the bus

The fastest and most convenient way is to drive a short distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk. Buses between cities run from 7 am to 10 pm. They depart from the Severny bus station near Yekaterinburg railway station, where trains arrive from many cities (from Vladivostok to Brest) and buses arrive from Koltsovo International Airport.

The distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk by bus can really be reached in an hour or faster (some buses travel 40 minutes). The ticket price is from 95 to 122 rubles.

Panorama of Yekaterinburg
Panorama of Yekaterinburg

Commuter train ride

On an ordinary train, the distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk can be traveled in an hour, and onaccelerated - in 53 minutes. The first ticket costs 91 rubles, and the second - 122.

From 6 am to 9 pm, eight trains depart on this route. They can go to the stations of Shalya, Kuzino and Kordon to the north-west of Yekaterinburg.

At 17:51, an express train of the "Swallow" type leaves for Shalya station.

It should be noted that some long-distance trains also make a stop in Pervouralsk, but due to the specifics of tariff formation, tickets are expensive, from 500 rubles for a reserved seat. There is almost no time benefit, 45 minutes drive.

Railway near Pervouralsk
Railway near Pervouralsk

Drive a car

By car, the distance from Yekaterinburg to Pervouralsk can be reached in 50 minutes. From the capital of the region, you need to move to the northwest. For example, from the center of Yekaterinburg, go to the area where the VIZ is located, and then turn onto the R-242 highway. It is separating between Revda and Pervouralsk, you can enter the city from the southeast side, according to the sign on the highway.
