The distance from Ufa to Yekaterinburg is 530-550 kilometers. This distance can be driven along the dull roads of northeastern Bashkiria, and along a more civilized route through Chelyabinsk. Not only do trains and buses run between cities, but planes sometimes fly as well.
Ride on the bus
Buses from Ufa to Yekaterinburg depart from the southern bus station and from the Semya shopping mall. Approximately there will be six flights per day with the following departure schedule:
- 06:50.
- 07:00.
- 15:50.
- 18:00.
- 19:30.
- 23:00.
The trip takes 8 to 12 hours. Buses of the brand "Hyundai", "Kia" and "Man" with a capacity of 30-45 passengers run along the route. A ticket costs about 1,100 rubles, so the fare is 2 rubles per kilometer. The Severny bus station and the Sverdlovsk shopping center can become the place of arrival in Yekaterinburg. Both are located near the railway station and near the metro station "Uralskaya". Buses travel along the roads of northeastern Bashkiria, through Mesyagutovo to Krasnoufimsk and further toEkaterinburg.
On the way back, from Yekaterinburg to Ufa, buses depart according to the following schedule:
- 08:00.
- 12:00.
- 17:33.
- 21:00.
It also takes 8-11 hours to get to Ufa and the ticket price is the same as above.

Rail ride
This option is better because you can ride the train at night lying down, and not sitting, as in the bus. The distance by train from Ufa to Yekaterinburg will be longer than along the highway. This is due to the fact that the train first goes to Chelyabinsk, that is, makes a detour, and then travels north to Yekaterinburg. The total is 730 kilometers.
There are enough trains on this route:
- 02:42.
- 08:23.
- 12:51.
- 17:33.
So, you can leave at night, during the day, in the evening and in the morning. Traveling from 14 to 16 hours, the trip takes longer than by bus, because trains have longer stops, up to 30 minutes, for example, in Chelyabinsk.
The trains are all unbranded, they can run from Ufa itself and from various cities to the south, for example, Makhachkala and Anapa.
Ticket price from Ufa to Yekaterinburg depends on the type of carriage:
- Reserved seat. From 850 rubles.
- Compartment. From 1330 rubles.
On the return route from Yekaterinburg to Ufa, the schedule is:
- 03:01.
- 13:03.
- 19:31.
- 19:40.
- 23:02.
All trains are formed by Russian Railways.

Air flight between cities
Despitefor a short distance, planes fly between cities. At 05:10 a Ural Airlines flight departs from Ufa airport to Koltsovo. One hour flight, the ticket costs from 2600 rubles. However, flights are rare, which is why air travel is inferior to the option of traveling by bus and train.

Drive by car
The distance by car from Ufa to Yekaterinburg depends on the route. If you go to the north-east of Bashkiria, through Mesyagutovo, you get 535 kilometers. Entrance to Yekaterinburg along the E-22 highway from Druzhinino.
The trip will take place on the tracks:
- E-30. To the border with the Chelyabinsk region. In the village of Shalash, you need to turn to the northeast.
- Р-242. To Mesyagutovo.
- Р-350. To the village of Russian Tavra in the south of the Sverdlovsk region.
- Druzhinino from Russian Tavra can be reached by secondary roads through Nizhniye Sergi or along the P-350 mentioned above to Achita and from it already to Yekaterinburg along E-22.
There is an option with a trip through Chelyabinsk. 422 kilometers to it should be driven along the E-30 highway. Already in the regional center, in front of the international airport Balandino, you need to turn onto the M-36. This route leads to the Sverdlovsk region and cars enter Yekaterinburg from the south along M-5.

Sights along the way
There are many places to visit in Ufa, Yekaterinburg and cities in between.
For example, Ufa is interesting with a large equestrian monument to Salavat Yulaev and various museums, among them: national, art,military glory, geology, literary, local Ministry of Internal Affairs. In addition, there are expositions rare for Russia, for example, the writer Aksakov or the forest museum near the zoo and the Botanical Garden.
There are three museums in the city on Soviet themes: Lenin, Stalin and Soviet life.
Not far from the station there is a children's railway, it operates only in summer. Interestingly, there are similar transport routes in Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg. All three cities are interesting for their architecture, both pre-revolutionary and Soviet, for example, the Stalinist Empire style. Universities, institutes and libraries were built in this style in the 50s, for example, the regional one in Chelyabinsk.
Ekaterinburg surpasses both Chelyabinsk and Ufa in the variety of museum exposition. In the central part of the city there are museums of famous people - B. Yeltsin, Nicholas II, Vladimir Vysotsky, E. Neizvestny. In addition to them, there is a literary quarter and museums on military subjects - soldiers-internationalists and the Airborne Forces.
If you go from Ufa to Yekaterinburg through the Chelyabinsk region, then you should stop at Lake Turgoyak near Miass.