Distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk and features of the trip along the route

Distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk and features of the trip along the route
Distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk and features of the trip along the route

The distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk, by the standards of the Asian part of Russia, is small - about 225 kilometers, if you count along the highway. Due to the peculiarities of the transport infrastructure of the Kemerovo region, few trains run between them. Perhaps the best option would be to travel between cities by bus. However, consider below all the options.

Rail ride

The train covers the distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk in 7 hours. This is twice as long as a road trip. However, there is a peculiar plus - the trip takes place at night. For some, it will be convenient, because you can spend the night on the way. Rare trains No. 161 and No. 276 depart at 01:05 and 01:10 from the railway station to Kemerovo, and arrive in Novokuznetsk at 08:05 and 07:50.

There are non-local trains: the first follows from St. Petersburg, and the second from Kazan. A ticket for a reserved seat car costs from 700 to 1000 rubles.

On the way they have several stops of 5 minutes, and the longest will be at the stations of Topki and Belovo, on average30 minutes each.

Train station in Novokuznetsk
Train station in Novokuznetsk

In the opposite direction, the distance from Novokuznetsk to Kemerovo, these trains travel in 6.5 hours, but the departure time is more varied. Train 161 departs from Novokuznetsk railway station at 08:00, train 275 departs at 10:20.

Besides this, the distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk can be traveled by electric train with a change at Topki station for a long-distance train. From Kemerovo, electric trains do not go to her every day, but tickets are cheap, only 50 rubles. It takes about an hour, the first train leaves at 09:05, and the second at 17:35.

At Topki station you need to transfer to one of the trains to Kemerovo. Their schedule is:

  • 06:29. Local composition of the 600th numbering from Tomsk. It is on the road 5, 5 hours. A reserved seat ticket costs from 600 rubles, and in a compartment - from 1500 rubles.
  • 09:43. The composition follows from Kislovodsk. 5 hours on the road, prices are about the same as the previous one.
  • 20:04. Summer train from Vladivostok to Novokuznetsk.
Train station in Kemerovo
Train station in Kemerovo

Ride on the bus

The bus covers the distance from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk in 3.5 hours. It is better than the train not only in terms of time, but also in terms of ticket prices. The trip will cost about 500 rubles. The first bus from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk departs at 05:30, and the last one at 19:00. In the opposite direction, buses run from 5 am to 2 am.

The big plus is the fact that in both cities the bus stations are located near the railway stations. This may be useful for furthertransfers.

Panorama of Kemerovo
Panorama of Kemerovo

Drive a car

You can drive from Kemerovo to Novokuznetsk in three hours. You need to leave Kemerovo along the R-38 highway and follow it to Leninsk-Kuznetsky. After this city, the route leads south to Novokuznetsk Airport. Near it, you need to turn east to enter Novokuznetsk from the side of Goncharova Street.

Population density high along the way; there are enough settlements, gas stations and cafes along the route.

What to visit in Novokuznetsk?

Novokuznetsk is one of the oldest Russian cities in Siberia and the Kemerovo region itself. He recently turned 400 years old. In a city of 550,000 people, there are enough attractions for every taste:

  • Monuments. Serious and funny. For example, Gav the kitten and the puppy sharing a sausage.
  • Local history and art museums. As a rule, such a combination is found in regional centers, and this is a district center.
  • Dostoevsky Museum.
  • Roerich Museum.
  • Kuznetsk fortress.
  • Various temples, from Catholic to a small Advenist church.
  • Planetarium.
