Distance from Moscow to Tambov and features of the trip along the route

Distance from Moscow to Tambov and features of the trip along the route
Distance from Moscow to Tambov and features of the trip along the route

The distance from Moscow to Tambov is small, about 470 kilometers, it can be traveled both by land transport and by plane. It is worth going from Moscow to Tambov for the weekend, that will be enough.

Flight and bus ride

A small plane covers the distance from Moscow to Tambov in about an hour. Flights are operated by UTair and RusLine airlines, the place of departure and arrival is the capital's Vnukovo airport. Departure at 08:30 from the capital to Tambov, and back at 10:20. Airplanes do not fly every day, the ticket price starts from 4200 rubles, but may vary depending on the season and the offers of the air carrier.

By bus, the distance from Tambov to Moscow can be traveled in an average of 8 hours. It departs from the northern bus station from 8 am to 11 pm almost every hour. The place of arrival in the capital is most often the bus station on Kantemirovskaya, but sometimes the bus arrives at the Warsaw or Shchelkovo bus stations. The bus can carry 17-20 passengers (Ford, Mercedes) and up to 50 (Neoplan). The ticket costs from 750 rubles. Return flights from Moscowdepart between 8 am and midnight from the above metro stations and also from Krasnogvardeyskaya. The place of arrival can be either the northern bus station on Michurinskaya street or the new bus station on Kikvidze street.

Tambov railway station
Tambov railway station

From Tambov to Moscow by train

If it is necessary to overcome the distance from Tambov to Moscow by train, then it should be scheduled from 7 to 10 hours. In the capital, the place of arrival and departure is most often the Paveletsky railway station, but for some flights it may be Kursky and Kazansky. The fastest train is the Day Express. It departs from Moscow at 14:30 and arrives in Tambov at 21:30, and in the opposite direction it departs at 07:15 and arrives in the capital around 14:00.

Of the tickets, the cheapest one is the seated one, it costs from 600 rubles and can be both on the night and on the day train. From 1000 it will cost a reserved seat and from 1500 - a coupe. In rare branded trains, there are sleeping cars with prices from 3,500 rubles.

Moscow City in the evening
Moscow City in the evening

Drive by car and points of interest along the way

The most convenient distance from Moscow to Tambov is to drive along the E-119 highway. It leads from the regional center to the northwest towards the Oka River, where it connects with M-4. There are no major cities along the way.

You can go the other way, if you move through Lipetsk and Tula, it turns out, 600 kilometers from Tambov to Moscow.

If you are not in a hurry, then during the trip you can look into the ancient and beautiful cities: Yelets, Lipetsk, Serpukhov, Tula. Yasnaya Polyana is also real along the wayvisit, and also buy gingerbread in Tula as souvenirs.
