The distance from Novokuznetsk to Novosibirsk is about 310 kilometers in a straight line, and if you go by car, the distance between the cities will be 370 kilometers. It can be traveled by car or bus, by rail, or by plane.
Air flight between cities
The fastest way to get from Novokuznetsk Airport to Novosibirsk. The plane of the airline S7 takes off from Spichenkovo airport at 12:50. The flight takes about an hour. Flights do not fly every day, moreover, they can fly only in summer and the first two months of autumn. Tickets from Novokuznetsk to Novosibirsk cost from 2100 rubles.
The airport in Novokuznetsk is small, it is one terminal. To services of passengers: a room for mother and child, a restaurant, a hotel. It is connected with the city by bus number 160. It leaves every half an hour and makes stops near the bus station and railway station. Moreover, there is a bus number 130 to the city of Prokopyevsk.
The return flight from Novosibirsk to Novokuznetsk departs at 11:00 from Tolmachevo Airport and lands at its destination in an hour. An air ticket also costs from 2000 rubles and the S7 airline operates the flight. Novosibirsk airport can be reached by bus from the railway station, it runs frequently, the ticket costs about 100 rubles.

Rail ride
There are a decent number of trains from Novokuznetsk to Novosibirsk. Still, the first city is located on one of the branches of the Trans-Siberian Railway, and the second is right on the highway and is a major transport hub. The schedule looks like this:
- 07:05. Commuter train 800th numbering. Seating only, from 950 rubles.
- 11:26. Summer passenger train to Anapa.
- 20:26. A branded train to St. Petersburg, not particularly suitable for a trip, tickets are not cheap, from 1000 rubles for a reserved seat, and a compartment from 1800 rubles.
- 21:15. Passenger train to Sochi, runs only in summer.
- 22:03. Train to Moscow, from 770 rubles for a reserved seat and from 1400 rubles for a compartment.
- 22:45. Another train to the south of Russia, goes to Kislovodsk, from 850 rubles for a reserved seat and from 1270 for a compartment.
- 23:50. Local train from Tashtagol. From 600 rubles for a shared carriage and from 1,750 rubles for a compartment.
It takes 6 to 9 hours to travel from Novokuznetsk to Novosibirsk by rail.
On the way back, the schedule is:
- 00:14 to 00:23.
- 05:07 and 05:28.
- 14:40.
- 19:27.
- 21:39.
- 23:09.

Ride on the bus
The bus station in Novokuznetsk is locatednext to the railway station (Transportnaya st., 4). Buses to Novosibirsk depart according to the following schedule:
- 00:05. Flight from Tashtagol.
- 10:45. This bus goes to the city of Temirtau in Kazakhstan.
- 14:20. Flights from Mezhdurechensk.
- 21:10. Flights to Tolmachevo.
The trip takes 6 to 8 hours. A ticket costs from 1350 rubles.
Flights depart from Novosibirsk to Novokuznetsk according to the following schedule:
- 12:00.
- 15:00.
- 16:30.
- 20:20.
- 23:40.
Buses on this route can carry between 17 and 50 passengers.

Drive a car
The trip by car on the route Novokuznetsk-Novosibirsk will take about 5 hours.
First, you need to go to the R-384 highway near the Spichenkovo airport and move north along it, towards the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky. In it, you need to turn west and move along the same route to the border of the regions. It is located near Lake Tanaevo, and nearby is the year-round resort Tanay. Not far from it and Novosibirsk.
What to see in Novokuznetsk and Novosibirsk?
Each of the cities is interesting in its own way. They are worth a visit for lovers of Soviet architecture of the 1930-1950s, that is, the Stalinist Empire style.
In Novokuznetsk it is worth visiting several museums on different topics:
- Kuznetsk fortress. After all, the city was founded in the 17th century, it is 400 years old.
- Dostoevsky Museum.
- Geological.
- Artistic andlocal history.
Besides this, the city has a planetarium, a park of culture and recreation, a drama theater.
Novosibirsk in terms of attractions is much more interesting. The city has a subway, an academic campus, a funny DNA monument, a cheat sheet shop, a children's railway, a museum of railway equipment and retro cars. It may take a week to see all the interesting objects.