The Black Sea coast of Bulgaria is the eastern border of the republic, the length of which is 378 km. In the north, it is continued by the Romanian coast of the Black Sea, in the south, the coast of Turkey stretches.
The Black Sea coast is the pearl of Bulgaria
130 kilometers of sandy beaches allowed the Bulgarian Riviera to have dozens of world-famous resorts on the coast, the popularity of which is added by mineral springs, which abound here. Balneological he alth resorts located on the beautiful coast - that's what Bulgaria is famous for. "St. Constantine and Helena" - so abbreviated, throwing out the word "resort", is called one of the oldest places of treatment and relaxation on this seaside.

Balneology - what is it?
Balneotherapy in Greek means treatment with healing natural baths, or treatment with water, the benefits of which were written by Herodotus in the 5th century BC. And in the 1st century AD, by the forces of a Roman doctorArchigen carried out the first classification of mineral waters. Savonarola wrote about their benefits in the 15th century, and a doctor from Italy G. Fallopia proved that they are curative due to the presence of various minerals in the composition - carbonic acid s alts, magnesia sulphate and table s alt. All these elements, plus many others, are part of the mineral waters of the springs, which are so rich in Bulgaria. "St. Constantine and Helena" is exactly the resort where there are many springs, and they come to the surface at a temperature of 42 degrees.
The oldest and most honored
1908 - the date of the beginning of the glorious history of this healing paradise. And the first attempts to use these territories for medical and recreational purposes date back to 1848.

In 1905, the Bulgarian Queen Eleonora, using her own money, founded a sanatorium for children suffering from tuberculosis of the joints and bones. This marked the beginning of the construction of the first balneological resort here. When Bulgaria was a socialist republic, it was called "Friendship". A very good name, but even now it is no worse - the resort of St. Constantine and Helena. The name was given to him by the monastery, which was located here in the 17th century. And although only a chapel remained from it, half grown into the ground, services are regularly held here, which also gives this place an additional charm, filling it with the aroma of antiquity. Who are the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Constantine and Elena?
Great saints
To this face the church ranks people who lived immediately afterapostles - disciples of Jesus Christ, and who did everything possible and impossible for the establishment of Christianity. Emperor Constantine I and his mother Empress Helena went down in history as true ascetics of Christianity. By the will of the emperor, the practice of this religion was officially allowed in the territory subject to him. He endowed his mother with great powers and means to travel to Jerusalem to find the Life-Giving Cross there, which was acquired in 326. Through the efforts of mother and son, churches were erected, temples were built. Monasteries named after them can boast not only Bulgaria. There are images of St. Constantine and Helena on the beautiful mosaic in St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. And in general, a lot of churches and parishes bear the name of these ascetics. And the name of the popular, famous resort that Bulgaria is famous for - "St. Constantine and Helena" - is also a tribute to the memory of the imperial family.

A rare combination of natural properties
The charm of the climatic zone we are considering lies also in the fact that all the life-giving springs are located on the shores of the beautiful sea, which itself has had the glory of healing, healing the wounds of Prometheus since ancient times. Yes, and in itself, rest on the golden sands is not without pleasantness. Neptunus omnia sanat, which translates as "The sea heals everything", is the most appropriate saying to characterize these places. An additional value is the relic, ancient park, where ancient oaks, fig trees, cypresses and lemon trees grow. Unique, unique toThe coastline of this place with numerous bays and rocky cliffs, combined with the original development of the coast, make these places irresistible and desirable.

Top service
Great hotels can be added to the rich natural data. "St. Constantine and Elena" - a resort that includes the complex "St. Ilias" equipped with the latest technology. On the territory of the Grand Hotel "Varna" you can find absolutely everything you need for a pleasant and useful pastime: cultural, active, extreme, relaxing, healing and just a vacation for the whole family with children. This resort complex stands out from more than two dozen largest he alth resorts on the Black Sea coast of Bulgaria. Therefore, "Saint Constantine and Elena" reviews are the most positive. And how could it be otherwise, if this resort has 100 types of preventive treatment, for which it has the most modern equipment. Here they cure rheumatic and arthritic diseases, restore the musculoskeletal system, and successfully fight against the mental and physical exhaustion of the body.

All for he alth
Several original programs are offered by the Grand Hotel Varna: mud therapy, anti-stress programs, he alth improvement with bee products and much more. Mineral waters in warm natural and artificial pools are rich in iodine, bromine, calcium, and magnesium. There are many sources, but each of them has a unique chemical composition. And the air in the territoryThe resort is full of light negative ions, which makes it invigorating and healing.

It can be added that the service and treatment of clients and vacationers is carried out all year round, and the prices for the services offered are affordable. The resort complex is located between Varna (8 km) and the famous Golden Sands resort (10 km), which further diversifies the cultural program of vacationers.