Many tourists who decide to visit Vietnam for many years remember the local cuisine with nostalgia. Indeed, Vietnamese seafood is not only varied, but also quite cheap, so you can treat yourself to a variety of delights.
Seafood in Vietnam
Going to this amazing country, you should prepare in advance for the fact that the local cuisine is very different from the usual European one. But not always for the worse. For example, beef and pork, not to mention lamb, are very rare here and are quite expensive.

But the same cannot be said about seafood. They are presented in a huge assortment - our compatriots saw many of them only in the picture. And the analogues sold in supermarkets have been frozen and thawed so many times that they have long lost all taste. Therefore, a trip to Vietnam is a great opportunity to enjoy a variety of delicacies.
Where is the best place to buy them?
Before you try Vietnamese seafood, the photos of which are attached to the article, you need to find out where it is better to do it.

It's worth saying right away - refuse to buy products, especially ready-made ones, on the beach. Local residents are well aware that after swimming, any person wakes up a brutal appetite. And Europeans are also greedy for various unusual delicacies and delicacies. Therefore, they often sell shrimp, lobster, crabs and other seafood right on the beach. And already fried or boiled. It would seem that a great opportunity to have a bite to eat without going far from the sea. And the prices are frankly ridiculous - for $ 5 you can buy a huge portion of fried shrimp, which is not like those sold in supermarkets. But such a meal can be regretted. Typically, such entrepreneurs buy stale products, cook them with various spices to beat off the smell, and treat simple-minded tourists. And that they can get to the hospital after such a snack, they don’t care at all.

Therefore, it is better to visit a small cafe or restaurant. Here the probability of poisoning with stale products is almost completely excluded. Yes, prices are several times higher than on the beach. But still, most of our compatriots, who have painstakingly saved up for a vacation for a whole year, can afford such a meal. And the pricing policy largely depends on the status of the institution - you can look for the option that suits you completely.
Now let's talk about what seafood you can try in Vietnam and what makes them interesting.
Very popular among tourists from Europe arebivalve molluscs. Which ones should you try first?
Of course, one of the most attractive options is scallops. Their meat is very tender, dietary, and rich in proteins. Perfectly reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and at the same time enriches the body with a number of important trace elements. Served in different forms: fried, stewed and boiled. You can also order raw and enjoy them with olive oil and lime juice.

Oysters are even more popular. A real delicacy that strengthens the immune system, and even increases male strength. You don’t have to talk about them, because any modern person has already heard about such a delicacy. Also eaten raw with lime juice. If desired, you can ask them to be baked with greens and peanut sauce or with cheese.
Many people also like mussels. They are equally good in almost any form: pickled, baked, fried or boiled. Plus, they have very few calories. But selenium, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids are in abundance. Therefore, it is a great way to rejuvenate the body.
It is possible to enjoy high-quality crustaceans in our country only in the most elite restaurants, which not everyone can afford to visit. But Vietnamese seafood is much more affordable. What is worth trying here?
Of course, first of all it's shrimp. Yes, you can try them at home - they are sold in many stores. But it is rather a pale shadow of real, king prawns.- frozen several times, tiny and almost tasteless. How about fresh seafood! They can be cooked in the usual way - boiled - or grilled, seasoned with incredible herbs and pre-marinated in mind-blowing sauces.
More like crabs. They taste great, especially roasted with tamarind. In addition, they are quite useful, as their meat contains a large amount of antioxidants, amino acids, trace elements and vitamins. You can eat and improve your he alth at the same time.

And of course, you can't visit Vietnam and not eat lobster at least once. This pleasure is not cheap. But having tasted them once, you will never forget this delicate bouquet of taste, smell and pleasant texture of meat.
Giving the names of Vietnamese seafood, one cannot fail to mention the fish. There is a lot of it in Vietnamese cafes and restaurants. You can order something quite ordinary, such as sole. It is also freely sold here, but here it is the freshest product, and even cooked by real masters. A well-chosen side dish, combined with an amazing bouquet of spices, will turn the fish that you have already eaten more than once into a hitherto unknown delicacy.
Don't miss the opportunity to taste the conger eel. This is a much more exotic product. Its meat contains a large amount of omega fatty acid, which ensures normal metabolism and strengthens the immune system. Yes, and there are a lot of cooking methods - it is worth trying different options in order todo not regret the missed opportunity later.
Finally, if you want a real exotic, you can also taste cephalopods. For example, squid. Of course, they are also sold in our country. But when frozen, they lose a considerable part of their taste, and the consistency changes dramatically - it becomes like rubber. Fresh squids are much tastier - you can eat them grilled, stuffed with seafood and meat, seasoned with exotic vegetables and fruits. And they have quite a lot of useful trace elements.

And of course, you can taste the octopus. They have sweet meat. Rich in proteins and trace elements. Having tasted them once, you will forever remember the unusual taste. Moreover, in Vietnam, masters are able to cook them in a variety of ways: boil, marinate, grill, and also please tourists with a variety of appetizers and salads made from octopuses.
This concludes our article. Now you know much more about seafood in Vietnam. Names and photos with descriptions of different cooking methods will surely help you choose those dishes that will not disappoint and will definitely be remembered for a lifetime.