Gogolevsky Boulevard in Moscow

Gogolevsky Boulevard in Moscow
Gogolevsky Boulevard in Moscow

One of the most beautiful places in the capital of Russia, which has historical value - Gogol Boulevard. It is one of the components of the famous Boulevard Ring of Moscow, consisting of 10 boulevards, and keeps the names, destinies and titles dear to all of us. When people here built the houses that we see now, lived in them, suffered, fought and loved, they did not think that they were creating history and creating culture. You can walk the boulevard in 15 minutes, but in order to view it, appreciate the beauty, you will need much more time.

gogol boulevard
gogol boulevard

General Description

The beginning of Gogolevsky Boulevard is Prechistensky Gate Square, the entrance to which opens with an original arch. It should be noted that this area is also the beginning of the Boulevard Ring. You can get here using the metro, getting off at the Kropotkinskaya station. The boulevard ends at the Arbat Gate Square. It descends in three terraces, starting from the inner, high driveway and ending with the outer, lower one.

Gogolevsky Boulevard (Moscow) is considered one of the most picturesque sections of the Boulevard Ring, rich in green spaces. Here you can see green maple, and high poplar, and quiet ash. During the flowering period of linden, the scent of this tree fills the entire boulevard.

gogolevsky boulevard moscow
gogolevsky boulevard moscow

From history to the present

Gogolevsky Boulevard has a very interesting history. It received its name in 1924, and before that it was called Prechistensky. It bore its former name thanks to the carefully plastered wall that surrounded the White City and was located exactly at the place where the boulevard is now located. The White City itself towered on the steep bank of the Chertoroy stream, which in 1870 was enclosed in an underground pipe. The Sivets stream also flowed into it, dried up over time, and the modern street located at this place is called Sivtsev Vrazhek. The famous fire in 1812 did not pass by Prechistensky Boulevard. During this event, most of the buildings were destroyed. After some time, he was almost completely returned to his usual appearance, and in 1880 a horse-drawn railway was laid here. In 1911, horse-drawn transport was replaced by a tram, and in 1935 the first metro station was opened on the Palace of the Soviets boulevard, and now Kropotkinskaya. The name that the boulevard has today was given to it in 1924, on the day of the celebration of the 125th anniversary of N. V. Gogol, the famous Russian writer.

gogolevsky boulevard 10
gogolevsky boulevard 10

Architectural secrets of Gogol Boulevard: the odd side

Gogolevsky Boulevard is fraught with many secrets, in particular architectural ones. Both of its sides are aesthetic in their own way, and each of them has its ownpersonality and character. It is impossible not to pay attention to the mansion number 5, built for the secular adviser Sekretarev. Later, the famous architect Ton lived here. And at the beginning of the 20th century, the family of Vasily Stalin lived in this house. House No. 23 also attracts tourists with its stained glass blades located between the windows on the fifth floor. In the summer, on a sunny day, you can clearly see the color of the ceramic inserts, which merge with the sky. Walking a little along the boulevard, you can see the small church of the Apostle Philip (No. 29), the construction of which dates back to the 17th century. It is decorated with semicircular stained-glass windows and is located in one of the courtyards. House No. 3 also went down in history thanks to Princess S. Volkonskaya, who lived here in the early 19th century. House number 49 is known for the fact that General A. P. Yermolov lived in it.

Buildings on the even side of the boulevard

The even side is no less famous. In general, Gogolevsky Boulevard is known for the fact that famous people lived here in almost every house at one time or another. So, the famous Russian writer A. S. Pushkin liked to spend time in house number 2, and in house number 6 lived the brother of the famous philanthropist P. M. Tretyakov, the mayor S. M. Tretyakov. In 1930, the House of Artists was built here, the project of which was developed by a whole group of architects, among them such as Borsh, Vladimirov and Leonidov.

gogol boulevard museum
gogol boulevard museum

We continue to look at Gogol Boulevard. The 10th house deserves special attention. It is a vivid example of Moscow classicism and is a two-storya structure built according to the project of M. F. Kazakov. In addition, the house is also known for the fact that the famous Decembrist M. Naryshkin lived here. Now on the building you can see a marble plaque, which depicts shackles intertwined with a branch of laurel. The Central Chess Club is housed at number 14. Back in the 19th century, this building was a kind of center for the musical life of Moscow. Such famous personalities as Rakhmaninov, Chaliapin, Glazunov have been here. House number 16 is an excellent mansion, the construction of which dates back to 1884. A whole block, starting from Kolymazhnaya Street and ending with Arbatskaya Square, is occupied by the fence of the Ministry of Defense and the building of the Alexander Military School.

Museum of Contemporary Art

But that's not all about the house that Gogolevsky Boulevard is so proud of. The Museum of Modern Art, which is very popular with tourists, is located in house number 10, which was already mentioned above. This is the first Russian museum that specializes in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Its discovery took place in 1999 under the leadership of Zurab Tsereteli. He gave the museum his personal collection, which consisted of more than 2,000 works by the most famous artists of the 20th century. Funds have now increased significantly. In order to support young artists, the museum has opened a school of contemporary art, offering a two-year training program.

gogolevsky boulevard museum of modern art
gogolevsky boulevard museum of modern art

Symbol of Gogol Boulevard

We continue to consider the most interesting buildings andbuildings for which Gogolevsky Boulevard is so famous. The museum is not the only place that many tourists seek to visit. The symbol of the boulevard is the monument to N. V. Gogol, which has a rather long history. Initially, a monument made by the sculptor Andreev stood at this place. He caused a lot of controversy in the Moscow aristocratic environment. It was a bronze sculpture of Gogol, who sat thoughtfully on a bench with his head bowed low. In 1951, it was removed, and soon a new monument was erected, which is a sculpture of Gogol in full growth with a soft smile on his face. After 8 years, it was decided to return the former Gogol.

Monument to Sholokhov

But this is not the only sculpture here. Among the many creations, there is one that Gogolevsky Boulevard is so proud of - the monument to Sholokhov, which is located almost at the very end. It was installed in 2007. This is a bronze sculptural composition, where the writer is sitting in a boat, and horses are swimming behind him in different directions.

Gogol Boulevard monument to Sholokhov
Gogol Boulevard monument to Sholokhov

A little interesting about Gogol Boulevard

Gogolevsky Boulevard appears in the frames of many films. So, in the film "Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears", two scenes took place here. It is here that Katya Tikhomirova meets Rudolf Rachkov for the first time, and here they meet 20 years later. Gogolevsky Boulevard, house 10, in particular, can be seen in the film "Pokrovsky Gates", where scenes unfold near the house and along Nashchokinsky lane of the boulevard. See footageGogolevsky Boulevard is also possible at the end of the film "The Cold Summer of 1953", when the main character of the film, Basargin, after a difficult conversation with the relatives of the deceased goods, goes into the distance.
