Slavyansky Boulevard Station is a place that is especially popular with both Muscovites themselves and guests of the Russian capital. What is so unusual about it? Why does it receive so many visitors every day?
Well, of course, first of all, this is because the station was built in the business part of Moscow, which means that the number of employees constantly striving to go about their business simply cannot be insignificant. Tourists are attracted by museums located on the surface, for example, the Jewish Heritage and the Holocaust and the Second World War, the Diamond Fund of Russia and the well-known Victory Park.
Section 1. Slavyansky Bulvar metro station. General Description

Slavyansky Bulvar station is located on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya line of the Moscow metro. This is a single-vaulted station made of reinforced monolithic reinforced concrete.
The length of the platform is 162 meters. In addition, it is known that the height of the vaults of the station reaches 8.5 meters, while its width is 10 meters.
Note that there are 2 underground lobbies equipped withtwo lifts. The eastern vestibule is connected by means of stairs to the platform, and the western vestibule is connected to the escalators. You can get to the surface through underground passages. The entrances are made of light-transmitting material and are equipped with the "Snegoshros" system. The western vestibule will take passengers to Kutuzovsky prospect and Starorublevskoye highway. Vostochny - on Kutuzovsky Ave., to Slavyansky Boulevard, as well as on the street. Tarutinskaya and G. Kurina.
Section 2. Slavyansky Boulevard metro station. History

According to the original project, the construction of not one, but two stations at once was to be carried out on the section "Victory Park - Kuntsevskaya"
The second station was supposed to be "Minskaya". As a result, construction began precisely from the Slavyansky Bulvar station. In 2005, they decided to revise the project, as a result, only one metro stop was left, and the architects also wanted to move the entrances closer to the northern part of Kutuzovsky Prospekt.
Thanks to this redevelopment, it was possible to significantly save money and reduce the length of the site by as much as 900 meters. Further construction of the station was delayed until around 2006. When the Park Pobedy – Kuntsevskaya section was opened in 2008, the Slavyansky Bulvar station was still under construction, and trains passed through the station without stopping. Moreover, the construction was covered with shields from prying eyes, they were removed only in August, and on September 7 the station was solemnly opened. She was named after Slavyansky Boulevard, which is located nearby.
Section 3. Stationmetro station "Slavyansky Boulevard" Features

Few people know that initially they wanted to decorate it with black natural stone. Now, as noted by all those who visited, the style of the interior of the station can be described as Art Nouveau, and it is very similar to the design of the Paris Metro. Thus, the track walls are made of green marble and additionally decorated with stainless steel. The floor is made of black marble. Along the edges of the platform, this stone was treated with a heat-resistant coating.
Great recesses were made in the ceiling, they are now covered with forged ornaments designed in the form of branches and leaves. The lamps on the track walls were placed at such an angle that they illuminate the entire station remarkably. The coffered vault visually increases the distance to the ceiling, giving the impression of additional space.
In addition, the platform is decorated with elegant metal trees, on top of which there are lanterns, and three benches in the form of a boat. Details like these make the station look like a real boulevard.
Truly Moscow is the center of technology in Russia. M. "Slavyansky Boulevard", by the way, is also not inferior, it was designed in accordance with the requirements of modern passengers. For example, today mobile communications are stable here, it is possible to access the Internet.
Typically, the lobbies open at 5:40 and they are open until late at night - until 1:00.