Distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo

Distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo
Distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo

If a person sets out to pave the way from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo, then he has several ways to implement his plan. It is worth saying a few words about the most popular vehicles such as car, train, plane and bus.

By car

The distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is 258 kilometers. If you have a personal vehicle, it is recommended to make a short trip on it. Approximate travel time will be about 3 hours 30 minutes. This is an inaccurate indicator, since it is worth making an error for the speed of the car, the presence of traffic jams and the personal preferences of the driver.

novosibirsk kemerovo
novosibirsk kemerovo

Between two points, there is only one route along which you can overcome this path. Unfortunately, there is no way to shorten the distance. But the road promises to be pleasant - in almost every section it is flat, does not have complex forks and is equipped with bright markings.

Three traffic police posts will meet along the way, you should follow the rules of the road so that there are no unwanted problems.

About settlements

The distance from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is 258 kilometers. In the process of overcoming it, you will meet three settlements where you can stop for a bite to eat or rest.

distance Novosibirsk Kemerovo
distance Novosibirsk Kemerovo
  • On the 81st kilometer of the way - the village of Voronovo.
  • On the 209th kilometer of the way - the village of Rassvet.
  • On the 243rd kilometer of the way - the village of Krasnogorsky.

It is better to think well in advance and build your route, providing for all the necessary stops and the need to check in at gas stations.

By train

The route from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo is not the easiest. Almost every day, traffic accidents are recorded on it. Mostly they occur due to exceeding the speed limit. Not every person wants to risk their own life, so many travelers prefer the safest means of transport - the train.

Unfortunately, there is no direct route between these two points. There is only one passing flight, which is not operated every day - train number 30. It arrives at the main railway station of the city of Novosibirsk at 00:22, four hours later - at 5:00 - it arrives at the station of the city of Kemerovo.

novosibirsk kemerovo bus
novosibirsk kemerovo bus

There are also several options to get to the designated point by train. The passenger who chose this particular vehicle will have to make three transfers. Of course, few people will like such a tedious path.

Ohbuying a ticket

You can buy a ticket for the train "Novosibirsk-Kemerovo" at the box office of any station. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the availability of seats on the single website of Russian Railways. The minimum cost of a travel document is 900 rubles. If the passenger decides to choose a compartment, then he will have to fork out for 1,700 rubles.

highway kemerovo novosibirsk
highway kemerovo novosibirsk


Today there is no direct flight from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo. This is due to the small distance. However, there is an airport on the territory of each city. If desired, you can overcome such a distance with a transfer in the city of Moscow. The flight operates every day. Approximate travel time is less than 3 hours. This is the most expensive option, the price of one ticket will be more than 6,500 rubles. It is reasonable to use it only for those passengers who additionally need to go to the capital for some business.

On the boat

The Ob river flows between the cities of Novosibirsk and Kemerovo. Some people experiment and decide to take a completely free route by going downstream. It is worth noting that this is a very dangerous undertaking, and the travel time will be more than one week.

By bus

Every day there is a bus from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo. This is the most convenient mode of transport, since without transfers you can fully get from the center of one city to the center of another. Travel time will be approximately 4 hours 30 minutes.

highway kemerovo novosibirsk
highway kemerovo novosibirsk

For a passenger who decides to travel by bus,You are given the opportunity to choose any option that suits you. More than 20 identical routes are carried out per day. The first departure is at 5:00, the last at 22:40. As a rule, there are no problems with buying a ticket, you can buy it a few minutes before the departure of the vehicle. The cost can vary from 670 to 772 rubles per person.

Only import express trains are sent for such a long distance. They are equipped with adjustable seats, air conditioning and TV. The trip will be very comfortable.

How to get from Novosibirsk to Kemerovo? As it turned out, there are several options. The most convenient means of transport is a private car, it can be used to get from one point to another as quickly and comfortably as possible. If there is no such option, as well as the opportunity to become a fellow traveler (or use a taxi), then it is most reasonable to give preference to the bus. The train and the plane are rarely used due to the lack of a direct flight and the high cost of the ticket.
