Distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk and how to get there

Distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk and how to get there
Distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk and how to get there

There are several places worth visiting in the Novosibirsk region. For example, the city of Karasuk in its southwestern part, near the border with Kazakhstan. It is interesting because of its s alt lake. The distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk is almost 400 kilometers and can be reached by train, bus and car.

road from Novosibirsk to Karasuk
road from Novosibirsk to Karasuk

Rail ride

Karasuk is inconveniently located away from the Trans-Siberian Railway. Getting to it from Novosibirsk by train is not as convenient as getting to Barnaul or Krasnoyarsk.

The train number 627 Novosibirsk - Kulunda, which leaves at 18:58, stops there. He travels the distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk in 14 hours. Long for such a short distance, but the train is night, you can sleep and get there.

He follows to Karasuk through Barabinsk and Chany, that is, makes a detour to the west of the region.

The cost of tickets depends on the season, Russian Railways promotions and other factors, you need to focus on the following fares:

  • Seated - from 750 rubles.
  • Reserved seat - from 890 rubles.
  • Compartment - from 1800 rubles.

Besides this, there is a rather rare trailer car to train number 603. It leaves on Fridays at 20:45 and travels the distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk in 9.5 hours. The cost of tickets in it is not fundamentally different, there are also seated cars. He travels to Karasuk by the southern route, through Cherepanovo and Kamen-na-Obi.

In the opposite direction, from Karasuk to Novosibirsk, the first train departs at 17:20, and the second - at 18:40 on Sundays. The trip takes 14 and 10 hours respectively.

Trains at Novosibirsk Station
Trains at Novosibirsk Station

Ride on the bus

The bus covers the distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk in 6-7 hours and runs more often than the train, this is an advantage. Flights depart from Novosibirsk from 9 am to 9 pm. They arrive at the Karasuka Bus Station, which is located on the same square as the train station.

A ticket costs from 850 rubles, that is, more expensive than a seat in a seated train car.

Buses depart from Karasuka Bus Station from 6 am to 3:30 pm. Flights can be local and passing, for example, from Pavlodar.

Panorama of Novosibirsk
Panorama of Novosibirsk

Drive a car

On the highway, the distance from Novosibirsk to Karasuk can be driven in 5 hours. You need to leave Novosibirsk on the R-380 and move along it to the village of Ordynskoye. After it there will be a fork, where you should turn onto the R-382 highway, which leads to Karasuk. The area along the way is not particularly populated, but there will be villages with gas stations androadside cafes.

There are few sights in Karasuke. There is a local history museum with departments on the history of the Great Patriotic War, nature and archeology. There is a new memorial to home front workers, it was opened in 2015. The s alt lake on the southern outskirts of the city is similar to the Dead Sea in its specificity. It is also famous for its healing mud.
