Distance from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk and how to get there

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Distance from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk and how to get there
Distance from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk and how to get there

The route from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk is simple, it can be reached by car in 2-3 hours. Rostov is located far from the sea, and in Yeisk it is quite possible to swim not only all summer, but also in September. The road from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk crosses the border of the Rostov Region and the Krasnodar Territory. You can drive along it in different ways.

Road from Rostov to Yeysk
Road from Rostov to Yeysk

Railway option

There are few trains on such a specific route. Yeysk is a dead end railway, it's not a busy line, like between Rostov and Krasnodar or Kislovodsk.

  • 02:43. Daily summer train from Moscow. It travels the distance from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk in less than 4 hours, a ticket in a compartment car costs from 1000 rubles.
  • 20:45. Summer train from St. Petersburg, runs every other day. On the way is 7 hours and arrives in Yeysk at 4 o'clock in the morning. Makes two stops along the way, 2 hours each.

There are few long-distance trains, but there are many electric trains that can travel the distance fromRostov-on-Don to Yeysk.

Trip by train means changing at Starominskaya station.

Several trains depart from the suburban station of Rostov-on-Don according to the following schedule:

  • 07:36. Daily express train, about 100 minutes travels along the route.
  • 08:13. Daily train, 2 hours on the way.
  • 12:47 and 12:56. Ordinary trains, which sometimes alternate, cover the distance from Rostov to Starominskaya in 2 hours.
  • 16:17 and 16:41. Express trains, 1.5 hours on the way.
  • 19:20. Daily train, 2 hours on the way.

Ticket will cost 215 rubles.

The next section of the journey, from Starominskaya to Yeysk, you also need to travel by train, the schedule for their departure is as follows:

  • 05:30.
  • 13:50.
  • 20:20.

The trip takes 1.5 hours, the ticket costs 175 rubles. The railway station in Yeysk is located near the sea, the port and the seaside park.


Ride on the bus

There are enough buses between cities. At 6 am, a flight departs from the suburban bus station, which travels the distance from Rostov-on-Don and Yeysk in 3 hours. In addition, from 07:00 to 19:00, about 10 more flights leave for Yeysk from the main bus station. They can be local Rostov formation, and passing, that is, have a point of departure Taganrog or Belaya Kalitva. A ticket costs from 400 rubles.

The bus station in Yeysk is located at the opposite end of the city from the railwaystation, next to Victory Park and Pionerskaya street. There are few interesting objects near it, but a good choice of places to stay.

In the opposite direction, from Yeysk to Rostov-on-Don, there are many buses from 04:00 to 18:00 pm.

Embankment of Yeysk
Embankment of Yeysk

Drive by car

The distance from Rostov-on-Don to Yeysk is from 180 to 200 kilometers, depending on which route to go. It is best to choose the second option, that is, first drive to Kushchevskaya, then turn west and move through the village of Starominskaya to Yeysk along the P-250 highway. The trip can take about three hours, in summer the track is loaded with vacationers.

Sea of Azov in Yeysk
Sea of Azov in Yeysk

What to see in Yeysk?

Eysk, despite its small size, is a cozy seaside town. This is one of those Russian cities whose flag and coat of arms depict sturgeon fish, although there is essentially no fishing for these valuable fish.

There are monuments of the war years in the city, for example, the T-34 tank and the MIG-17 aircraft made of military equipment, partisans and the mother-heroine in Gorky Park. You can visit the dolphinarium and water park. Near the Poddubny park there is a rope park and an ostrich ranch.

In Yeysk there is a monument to a local commercial fish - a goby, this is a kind of response to a monument to a goby in Berdyansk on the other side of the Sea of Azov.

Worth visiting local museums:

  • Local history. One of the oldest museums in the Krasnodar Territory, founded in 1910. In it you can learn more about the history of this region, about its famous natives,look at archaeological finds.
  • Artistic.
  • Ivan Poddubny. It looks like the only one in the world.
  • Memorial to the "Defenders of Yeysk", which was opened on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory.
