Distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo and how to get there

Distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo and how to get there
Distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo and how to get there

The distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo is short, in a straight line it is 145 kilometers, but the roads between the cities are winding, so you have to drive 50% more - 200 kilometers. There are many ways to do this.

road from tomsk to kemerovo
road from tomsk to kemerovo

Ride on the bus

From different types of public transport, the easiest way to get from Tomsk to Kemerovo is by bus, which departs from the bus station at 68 Kirov Avenue. It is located next to the Tomsk-1 railway station in the south of the city. Various public transport, such as trams, runs to it.

Buses depart from the bus station from 7 am to 7 pm, up to 10 flights a day. There are different types of buses - "LIAZ", "Daewoo", "Kiya", "NefAZ", "KAVZ". They can follow not only to Kemerovo, but also to other cities, for example, to Mezhdurechensk. They can accommodate up to 45 passengers.

You can travel the distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo by bus in 3, 5-4, 5 hours.

There are no major cities along the way. Ticket costs 480 to550 rubles.

The bus station in Kemerovo is located near the railway station. As in Tomsk, trams run past it. The city center can be reached along Lenina Avenue.

Station in Tomsk
Station in Tomsk

Rail ride

It makes no sense to travel a short distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo on long-distance trains, the fare will be too high in terms of kilometer.

It will take longer to travel between cities by train than by bus. This is due to a change in the city of Taiga on the Trans-Siberian Railway. The train departure schedule is as follows:

  1. 08:39.
  2. 18:06.
  3. 23:49.

The trip takes two hours. Along the way, the train passes many small stations. The ticket costs 134 rubles.

From Taiga to Kemerovo trains depart according to the following schedule:

  1. 06:24.
  2. 17:44.

The trip takes 4.5 hours. On the way, the suburban train passes a couple of small towns, for example, Yurga and Topki. The ticket costs 187 rubles, total - 320 rubles for the entire route. It's cheaper than a bus ticket, but the transfer can take a long time.

Electric trains depart from Kemerovo to Taiga station according to the following schedule:

  1. 09:05.
  2. 17:35.

From Taiga to Tomsk, the train schedule looks like this:

  1. 04:48.
  2. 14:26.
  3. 21:22.

The city of Taiga, where the transfer takes place, is not very interesting, not far from the station you can have a bite to eat in the canteen"Cedar".

Train station in Kemerovo
Train station in Kemerovo

Drive a car

By car, the distance from Tomsk to Kemerovo can be traveled in three hours. The R-400 highway leads from Tomsk along the Tom river to the south, to the entrance to the Kemerovo region.

Near Yurga, from P-400 turn onto P-255, which leads to Kemerovo. You can enter the city from the south, that is, near the airport.

There will be roadside cafes and gas stations along the way. Like Tomsk, Kemerovo stands on the banks of the Tom River.
