Cover the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk by car

Cover the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk by car
Cover the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk by car

The capital of the Russian Federation attracts many people due to the grandiose political and economic role it plays in the country. Every year, a lot of travelers arrive here, and many tourists leave the capital. One of the busiest highways from Moscow runs towards the largest metropolis in Siberia. The distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk is about 3200 km. The road from Novosibirsk to Moscow and back takes 4 days and 6 hours. Consider the traffic route in more detail.

The distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk can be covered in just 56.5 hours if you move along the motorways in the right direction.

Distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk
Distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk

Moscow Region

Route: Moscow - Big Bunkovo. Distance: 65 km.

Conditions: The distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow on this section, as well as movement in the opposite direction, takes 1.3 hours. It is best to go through Shchemilovo and Balashikha.

Vladimir region

Route: Petushki - Gorokhovets. Distance: 220 km.

Route: Lipna, Lakinsk, Vladimir, Khokhlovo,Seninsky Yards, Simontsevo, Vyazniki.

Conditions: The distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow or the way back can be overcome in 5 hours. It is better to stay in Vladimir for rest. The automobile route runs along the outskirts of the city in the Leninsky district. On this section of the path there is an inexpensive hotel "Zarya". The object is located at: st. Studenaya Gora, 36a.

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Route: Smolino - Vorotynets. Distance: 200 km.

The route: Kstovo, Lyskovo.

Conditions: On the M-7 highway there is an inexpensive roadside hotel "Orion". It is registered at: st. Teplichnaya, 4.

Republic of Tatarstan

Route: Tatarskoye Burnashevo - Old Baisarovo. Distance: 392 km.

Path: Morkvashi embankments, Shali, Nizhnie Yaki, Pospelovo, Naberezhnye Chelny, Konovalovka, Menzelinsk, Ayu, Poisevo.

Conditions: The distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk or back on this section of the movement can be covered in 6 hours. However, the movement requires compliance with traffic rules due to the high concentration of traffic police on this section of the road.

Distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow
Distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow

Republic of Bashkortostan

Route: Verkhneyarkeevo - Austrum. Distance: 207 km.

The route: Asyanovo, Tartyshevo.

Conditions: The largest city that you can visit for a good rest is Ufa.

Chelyabinsk Region

Route: Sim - Chelyabinsk. Distance: 271 km.

Travel: Yuryuzan.

Conditions: A good option for recreation is Chelyabinsk. In the city nearfrom the railway station there is a hostel Sunshine. It is located at: st. Russian, 279.

Kurgan region

Route: Mishkino - Chastozerye. Distance: 298 km.

The route: Yurgamysh, Kurgan, Makushino.

Conditions: The distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk on this section of the highway is large. If you need a good rest, you can visit Kurgan. There is a good and inexpensive hotel "Profsoyuznaya" in the city. It is located at: st. Gogol, 153.

Tyumen Region

Route: Berdyugye - Abatskoe. Distance: 152 km.

The route: Berdyugye, Ishim, Tushnolobovo.

Conditions: Experienced drivers advise not to break the rules at 63.5 km near the village. Ravnets. There is a traffic police post.

road from novosibirsk to moscow
road from novosibirsk to moscow

Omsk Region

Route: Yaman - Kalachinsk. Distance: 290 km.

Travel: Tyukalinsk, Omsk, Kormilovka.

Conditions: The best option for recreation is the city of Omsk. Near it there is a mini-hotel "Sidorova Goat". It is located in the village of Svetly, 505, to 2.

Novosibirsk region

Route: Tatarsk - Novosibirsk. Distance: 484 km.

Path: Barabinsk, Ubinskoye, Kargat, Kochenevo, Ob.

Conditions: Don't worry about refueling and eating on the road. From the starting point to Tatarsk, canteens and gas stations meet every 5-8 km.

The road from Novosibirsk to Moscow or the way from the capital to the Siberian metropolis passes through many places with attractive sights. Experienced travelers are advised to stop by Kazan and admire the local Kremlin. Other beautiful cities are Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Chelyabinsk. Omsk is more convenient to go around bypass. In order to save time, it is better not to enter Ufa at all, since the M-5 highway bypasses the settlement.
