The smell of oriental spices, picturesque oases of green gardens and parks, the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, an extremely rich historical past - all this is the sultry African country of Morocco. Rabat is the capital and one of the largest cities in the kingdom. Today it is the heart of the country, which is its political, administrative and cultural center.
The modern capital of Morocco was founded in the XII century. She played the role of a well-fortified, impregnable military post. It is not surprising that the heyday of Rabat falls just at the time of the holy war between Morocco and Spain. The walls of the city have seen many battles and the Moroccans have always come out victorious.

Rabat lived a stormy life under Sultan Abd el-Moumen, this city was also loved by his grandson Yakub el-Mansour. The latter always saw in the capital a real springboard for the fight against the Spaniards. The city walls were built by workers from simple clay, and the gates were hewn from stone. All buildings were built from shell rock, which is the main building material in Morocco. The capital is also notable for its powerful fortress - the Kasbah of Udaya. It allowed to protect the city from warships of Portugal, Spain and England.
A mosque was built on the central street of the fortress, it is considered one of the oldest in the city. Also here you can see a beautiful garden with orange trees and flowers. Sultan Abd-al-Mumen spent a lot of time in it, plunging into his thoughts and resting from business.

Sultan Yacoub el-Mansour wanted the capital of Morocco to be famous as the owner of the world's largest mosque. He planned to build a mosque of Hassan, which could accommodate all of his army, and he himself was able to ride up the steps to the top on his horse, calling everyone to prayer. His plans were not destined to come true, since the mosque was only partially built when the Sultan died. After his death, construction did not continue.
Today, the capital of Morocco is divided into two parts - the southern, more modern, and the northern, which is also called Medina. Construction of the new part began only in 1912. The business and administrative quarters of the city are located in the eastern and northern parts. Closer to the coast are residential areas.

The two parts of the city are completely different from each other. Medina is the embodiment of the real east. Its streets are saturated with centuries of history, legends are in the air. Only Muslims live here, who zealously protect their traditions and continue to practice the crafts of their great-grandfathers. It is in this region that carpets of amazing beauty are woven; this Moroccan miracle is known all over the world. also inLace is knitted in Medina, silver and copper dishes are made.
In Medina is the king's palace. For prayer, he leaves his residence every Friday to the Jamaa Akhel Fez mosque. This event is accompanied by a solemn ceremony, many people gather to look at the ruler. The capital of Morocco has countless architectural and historical monuments, which will be very interesting to see for all tourists. Everyone without exception will like this colorful country, because where else can you admire beautiful nature, get acquainted with oriental culture and swim in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean?