The Boeing 767-300 is a passenger airliner designed for flights over medium and long distances. In total, the manufacturing company assembled 104 units of this model. The airliner is still successfully used on routes in all corners of the planet. An interesting fact is that this modification, according to official statistics, crossed the Atlantic Ocean the most times in the history of aviation.

Brief history of creation
Work on the aircraft project began in the autumn of 1984. Initially, it was planned to create a short-haul passenger airliner, which was supposed to be distinguished by a short takeoff and increased capacity. As market research showed, at that time such a vessel was not in demand on it, in connection with which the developers switched their attention to a transcontinental aircraft. The Boeing 767-300 scheme is somewhat reminiscent of the Airbus A-300 scheme. At the same time, the liner was built on the basis of modification 767-200. It differs from its predecessor, first of all, in the length of the fuselage (it has increased by 6,43 meters), landing gear and airframe design. It should be noted that aviation technology at that time was at a very high level of development. In this regard, it is not surprising that the vessel received economical and powerful power units, composite materials in the hull structure, as well as high-quality high-tech equipment. At the development stage, computer modeling was widely used. On January 30, 1986, the novelty made its debut flight, and eight months later it received the FAA certificate. The first copy of the airliner was received by the aviation company from Japan - Japan Airlines.
During the entire history of the existence of the model, developers have created several of its subspecies. In particular, in May 1989, a test sample of this liner with engines from Rolls-Royce was presented. Six months later, he received all the necessary certificates and put into mass production. A further development of the model was the appearance of the Boeing 767-300 ER, which was distinguished by an increase in flight range. In addition, in 1993, the development of a cargo modification (767-300F) was completed. In this version, the aircraft acquired a side door for loading and special equipment for loading and unloading. The model is capable of carrying 24 LD3 containers on its board. This version made its first flight on June 20, 1995.

At the end of 1996, representatives of the manufacturer announced the start of the development of a new 767-400 aircraft based on this modification, which was supposed to receive morelong fuselage, extended wingspan and vertical airfoils.
Key Features
As noted above, the length of the Boeing 767-300 fuselage, compared to its predecessor, has increased. This made it possible to install two additional sections on the model. In addition, the developers have strengthened the chassis and hull structure. As for the dimensions of the aircraft, its length and wingspan are respectively 54.9 and 47.6 meters. When empty, the aircraft weighs 90.1 tons. At the same time, its take-off weight is 159.2 tons.
The liner is equipped with two General Electric turbojet engines, the thrust of each of which is 26260 kg / s. There are also modifications with Rolls-Royce RB 211 installations. The cruising speed of the model is 910 km / h, while the operational ceiling is set at around 13100 meters. Taking into account the maximum load and reserve fuel, the airliner is able to cover a distance of 4350 kilometers. Under normal operating conditions, the ship requires runways of at least 1,900 meters in length.

The Boeing 767-300 is rightfully considered one of the most comfortable aircraft in terms of comfort for traveling over medium and long distances. The interior of the model has a width of 4.72 to 5.03 meters. Depending on the configuration and installation of seats, from 218 to 350 people can be transported here at the same time (including crew members). Seats on most airlines are equipped with multimediasystems. As evidenced by the reviews of many travelers, the cabin is quite comfortable, except in cases where the owners of the vessel provide for a large number of passenger seats in it.

Best places
If you look at the layout of the aircraft, you can see that in the Boeing 767-300 the best seats in terms of safety are in the last row of the first block. This is due to the fact that there are emergency exits. In addition, experienced tourists recommend paying attention to the chairs that are in the initial rows of the second block (37A, 37B, 37J and 37L). Speaking about comfort, it should be noted that in this indicator, as in most other passenger aircraft, the leading places belong to seats in the first and business class. This is not surprising, since the people sitting here, among other things, are offered various services.

The most common area of application for the Boeing 767-300 airliner is now considered to be extended Asian and European routes. At the same time, it is intensively used for transatlantic flights. The high reputation of the model from the very first days of its existence was largely due to significantly lower operating costs compared to previous modifications. The vessel is also very popular among domestic companies, which appreciate the possibility of transporting a large number of passengers by charter flights. Crisis in the marketair transportation at the beginning of the new century, led to a drop in demand for the Boeing 767-300. In 2003, the manufacturer announced the start of designing its receiver, called the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.