Transaero Airlines was once the second largest air carrier in the Russian Federation. Founded by a private individual, it constantly competed with the state-owned Aeroflot, from which it once, at the beginning of its activity, rented its first aircraft.
The rapid ruin, despite government assistance, updating the livery and aircraft fleet, drove the company's financial situation into a big depression. Unfortunately, government subsidies can not only help, but also close the shop. So, a year ago, the airline completely passed with its assets to Aeroflot into the hands of Comrade Savelyev. The entire fleet was liquidated: returned to lessors, or transferred to the new Rossiya airline, which opened on the site of the bankrupt Transaero. The same thing happened with large Boeing 767-200s.
History of Boeing 767-200
At the end of the 70s of the last century, aviation construction made a very good and big step forward. A type of aircraft appeared with new generation engines and a fuselage made of composite material. The weight of the liner has been significantly reduced, and hencereduced fuel consumption. Moreover, passenger capacity has increased.
An interesting fact is that the pilot cockpits of the Boeing 757 and 767 were unified, and the navigational functions were replaced by the FMS system.

The first 767-200 was released in 1978. Thanks to new technologies in the design of the wings, production efficiency has been achieved. Most of the drawings were created by an automated design and calculation system. The wide-body long-range monoplane was equipped with turboprop engines attached to the wing with pylons. The first six 767-200s were tested for ten months.
The modern two-way board was equipped with the latest developments to eliminate excess noise in the passenger cabin. The factory layout of the Boeing 767-200 cabin looked like this: two - four - two seats in economy class and two - two - two in business class. The minimum capacity is 224 seats. The layout of the cabin "Boeing 767-200" Transaero confirms a similar layout. But today charter airlines have 340 seat layouts.
The mileage that this type of aircraft can cover is 9400 with a cruising speed of 840 km/h and a maximum ceiling of 10,000 meters.
Scheme of the aircraft cabin "Boeing 767-200" ("Transaero")
Everything in the fleet of the airline "Transaero" was two sides 767-200. The layout of the cabin of the Boeing 767-200 is presented onphoto below. Tail number EI-DBW has 221 seats, of which 209 seats belong to economy class and 12 to business class; tail number EI-CXZ is equipped with 230 seats, 214 for economy passengers and 16 reserved for business class passengers.

Economy class
The Transaero aircraft with the number EI-CXZ "Boeing 767-200" (the scheme of the economy class cabin is presented above) has 30 rows of 7 seats in one row. Numbering starts from row 21 to row 51.
Row 21 had the most comfortable seats, since there were no neighbors in front, but only a business class partition. According to the scheme of the cabin "Boeing 767-200" ("Transaero") near the first economic row, you can see the absence of toilets, which means that there will be no queues of passengers wishing to visit the restroom. However, such seats were most often given to passengers with small children in their arms, since there is a special mount on the partition for the placement of a cradle. It was forbidden to place hand luggage at the legs here - there is no restraint mechanism in case of an emergency landing or sudden braking.
30 row is the end of the first economy class cabin and the seats here are located in front of a wall of middle toilets, so the backs do not recline. Plus, the constant smell of the toilet, noise and hustle in lines.
The layout of the cabin "Boeing 767-200" ("Transaero") shows that this modification has two emergency exits to the wing, these are rows 31 and 32. At 31 rows on the left and right of the fuselage,the backs did not recline, and the placement of hand luggage is prohibited at the feet, as well as under the seat in front of the 32nd row. All emergency exits must be free in case of possible evacuation. Also, in these places, the air conditioning system usually emits cold air. Of the benefits - a sufficient amount of legroom.

49 the rows left and right along the side were completely uncomfortable, as their seatbacks were fixed in an upright position due to the presence of a toilet wall behind.
The last three rows according to the scheme of the Boeing 767-200 (Transaero) cabin consisted of only three seats in the middle, but these are the worst seats in the cabin, because they were located between two toilets. Also located behind the kitchen, unnecessary noise from the crew and passengers in the toilet queue, unpleasant odors - all this created uncomfortable conditions for passengers.
Business Class

According to the Boeing 767-200 cabin layout, the best seats are in business class. There were only two rows - 5 and 6. However, the fifth row still has one drawback, it was past the passengers who took seats B, C, E, F that the road to the toilet room passed.