In 1990, Alexander Pleshakov registered an airline called Transaero. At that time, the company used Aeroflot aircraft (leasing) and carried out a charter program of passenger transportation. Later, the Transaero company was reoriented to regular flights and became the first private airline in the history of Russia.
Despite the successful work for more than twenty years, after an organized rebranding in 2015, financial difficulties drove Transaero into large credit debts. And in the end, the airline declared itself a complete bankrupt. However, in 2016, the management had two plans to revive the company: the first is to restore the old explant certificate, or apply for a new one; the second is to achieve a merger with an airline that already has a certificate. The company will be created literally from scratch, leaving the old name, but with the transfer from Moscow to the Far East region.
History and description of the Boeing 747-400
The end of 1985 was marked by the development of a completelynew long-haul model "Boeing 747-400" based on 747-300. For better maneuverability, stability, controllability and to improve the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft, special keels were installed at the ends of the wing. Increased upper deck area and wingspan.
"Boeing 747-400" - wide-body, two-deck aircraft with a maximum capacity of 660 people. It is also the largest passenger aircraft in terms of seating arrangements.
Improvement of the technical components of the aircraft allow flights with a range of up to 13 thousand kilometers. At the cruising level, the speed of the aircraft reaches more than 900 km/h. Boeing 747-400 seats are separated by two aisles.
Below is a photo of the Boeing 747 aircraft modification 400.

Plan "Boeing 747-400" (Transaero)
The use of the Boeing 747 by Transaero began in 2005. At the time of bankruptcy, the company serviced 14 747 aircraft. At the moment, many Transaero aircraft are used to operate flights with the new Rossiya airline.
According to the Transaero scheme, the Boeing 747-400 aircraft had a layout of 552 passenger seats, 461 and 447. Most of the cabins were equipped with everything necessary for the first type of layout.
Seats on the plane are divided into three classes: economic, business and imperial (first class in foreign airlines). Only layout 552 did not have an imperial class.

All 747-400 aircraft were equipped with mobile communications provided by AeroMobile, calls were charged according to roaming rates abroad of their mobile operator.
In 2012, all Boeing 747-400 aircraft were provided with a free wireless Wi-Fi network. The usage fee was charged only in economy class at two rates: unlimited - 800 rubles and hourly, where one hour - 400 rubles.
Features of economy class seats
Economy class seating starts on the second deck, just behind the business class seats. The numbering starts from row 5 to row 9, and behind row 9, near the toilet room, there was a staircase to the lower deck of the economy class. There were monitors in the backs of the chair in front.
Seats on the sides of the fuselage consisted of three seats, except for 10, 11, 12 rows (two seats each, places of increased comfort), and four seats in the middle of the side. The beginning of the economy class was in the bow (with the layout excluding the imperial class). In the same place, in the forefront of the economy class, special cradles for babies were attached. According to the scheme of the Boeing 747-400 (Transaero) aircraft, the kitchen counters are located at row 35 and 54 (in the tail section). Food was distributed from two kitchens at once.

All seatbacks located at emergency exits were fixed in an upright position on allinternational requirements. The numbering ended on the 70th row.
Business seating plan
According to the Transaero scheme, aircraft 747-400 had a business class on the second deck. In some liners, the business lounge was located immediately behind the imperial class in the bow of the side, on the first deck. The second deck in this case is completely economy.
Salon equipment was made with the latest technology. In addition to various entertainment services, the business had its own separate menu and fully personalized service.
The distance between the rows was one and a half meters, and the number of seats depended on the layout. So in aircraft 552 and 461 with a capacity of 12 business class seats (from the first to the third rows), in 447 - 26 comfortable seats. Also, the business class cabin was equipped with 110 V sockets.
Imperial class
This class had the best seats according to the scheme of the Transaero aircraft "Boeing 747-400". This is the same as the first class, only with the proprietary name "imperial". Passenger service was more individual than in business class. The scheme of the aircraft "Boeing 747-400" ("Transaero") shows the location of the imperial seats in the nose of the aircraft on the first deck, in front of the economy class.

The Imperial was equipped with unique armchairs that recline almost 180 degrees. As a result, the passenger had a full bed. All frauds were carried out using a special control panel. For each chair-bed there was a personal bed linen, pillow, blanket, pajamas and a cashmere blanket. The location of the seats: one at the porthole and two in the middle of the cabin. In the layout of the cabin for 461 seats, the imperial class occupied 10 comfortable seats, and for 447 seats - 12.
The variety of the menu was to offer a selection of dishes from Japanese, Chinese, Ottoman, British, German and Russian cuisines. The dishes were served on special porcelain of the "Imperial factory". And a big plus for passengers of this class was a free taxi service in some directions.