Narrow-body turbofan passenger aircraft Boeing 737 800 "Aeroflot" began to acquire in its fleet, starting from September 24, 2013. There are now 11 aircraft of this popular model, making daily flights over medium distances.
Model Popularity

These aircraft have been manufactured by Boeing since 1967. During this time, a huge number of such aircraft purchased by the airlines of the world. It is estimated that every five seconds a Boeing 737 takes off somewhere in the world's airspace, and somewhere it is already landing. This is the most massive passenger airliner in the world history of aircraft construction.
Let's take a closer look at the Boeing 737 800 purchased by Aeroflot, the cabin layout and good places for travelers.
Description of the aircraft
People always feel some tension before flying. I want to be 100% sure of the quality and technical characteristicsdevice. Therefore, for the peace of mind of passengers, let's consider what such air transport is. We will describe the cabin of the Boeing 737 800.
The company, competing with Airbus, produced it with wings extended by 5.5 meters. The group of Boeing 737s is called the "Next Generetion" because they have improved engines and digital cockpits.

Aircraft from this series are manufactured not only for passenger transportation, there is also a military modification, produced under the number "Boeing 737-800ERX". There are also two types of such a model in air transportation, designed for a different number of travelers: for 189 and 160 passenger seats. They also differ in that there is only one category of seats on an aircraft with a larger capacity of people. The smaller variant has seats in two comfort categories: business class and economy.
The aircraft flies to a maximum range of 5,400 km. By the way, the Boeing 737 800 (passenger reviews often remind of this) has very narrow aisles between the seats, because the cabin is only 3.54 meters wide. Consider the salon and the available seats in more detail.
Aircraft cabin
First, let's look at the two-class Boeing 737 800 aircraft, cabin layout, good seats. The first five rows are occupied by 20 business class seats. They are located two in a row on each side. Each seat has its own monitor on the backs, which is a great advantage and distinguishes the convenience of theseseats from the rest of the salon, where the monitor is one for all at the beginning of the row.
Front in the business class is a room for stewardesses with a kitchen and a toilet. The distance between the chairs here is quite large - about 1 meter, so it is convenient to stretch your legs. The lowered backrest for lying down will also not cause inconvenience to anyone.

According to the online reviews of flying in business class, it can be judged that some experienced slight inconvenience while sitting in the front row in the aisle seats. People walked past them to go to the toilet, door slamming was heard, and smells of food and coffee came from the kitchen.
Followed by economy class seats. Seats of this category of comfort are located from the 6th row. They are located on 3 chairs on each side, which noticeably narrows the passage. And at the end of the salon there are two toilets.
Escape doors are located in the middle of the case. Let's take a closer look at the quality of the seats on the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, the layout of the cabin, good seats, and where they are located.
Best Economy Class Seats
All economy class seats, in principle, are comfortable, especially if the flight is not very long and distant. According to passengers, many people like seats in the 6th row, which are located immediately behind the business class. Since there is a fabric partition between the salons, sitting here, you can freely stretch your legs forward - there is enough space even for tall people. But noted in the reviews and a significant minus - the eyes here all the way rest against the partition.
Such seats are considered to be increasedcomfort, and the price for them has a markup of 25-50 euros.

In the cabin (the photo shows this well) there are several more rows of relatively comfortable seats. This is the row located near the emergency exit. Looking at the presented photo of this place you can see how good they are. There is plenty of free legroom. But here, too, a surprise awaits passengers. One armrest is missing from the side of the aircraft wall. And the cost of such seats is also more expensive than regular tickets for 25-50 euros.
Awkward places
In the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, we have considered the cabin layout, we have considered the good places, and now we turn to the problem areas. Many passengers note the inconvenience of the back row. It is located next to the toilets, working for passengers of the entire economy class. In a narrow aisle, a queue of people who want to visit these offices often forms. Doors slam, tanks drain water, and smells are not always pleasing with aroma. In addition, although the backrests are lowered, but with a restriction, not like all other passengers.

The same problem applies to places in front of the emergency passage. The outer seats near the wall do not have one armrest, and the backs still do not fully fall. There are also restrictions on the transport of passengers. It is forbidden to board people with children, animals, and the disabled in such places. This is due to safety, because the chairs are located right next to the emergency exit.
Recommendations when buying tickets
After a detailed study of the aircraft cabin, a photo of its comfortableand less comfortable places, it remains only to give some recommendations for buying plane tickets. Before each trip, you need to find out which plane will take you. You need to find its scheme on the Internet, read which places are convenient and which are problematic, decide on the price, and only then go to order a ticket.
You also need to think about the choice of place in the row. If there is no need to go to the toilet often, then it is good to sit at the porthole. If you are traveling with a child, or there is a need to get up often, then take an aisle seat to less disturb your neighbors.