Circumstances have developed so that our pre-planned route has changed dramatically, and instead of the designated point, we ended up in Dalian. China for me is a land of paradoxes, and Dalian is no exception in this sense. I am a meticulous person by nature, therefore, while we were rushing along the Shen-Da expressway, I managed to “dig up” a lot of information that was not very pleasant for myself on the Internet. I found out that in 2010 in the port of Dalian (China remembers this tragedy, because tons of oil spilled into the sea) an oil pipeline exploded, and in 2011 there was a severe flood. Having prepared to see the dirty yellow sea and the ruins left after the flood, I did not even realize that the clean, beautiful and well-groomed city we entered was Dalian. China, using the example of this city, showed how it cares about its “face”.

Sparkling clean streets, green lawns gently wrapping around buildings of European architecture, lush bright green treetops,flowering shrubs - you can never say that the city is one of the largest ports in China. I liked the city so much that there was no trace of a bad mood left. As soon as we settled in, we immediately went for a walk. Our translator turned out to be a smart woman. She immediately said that Dalian is China in miniature. The city has everything that is in the country: ports and universities, luxury resorts and large construction companies, endless beaches and amazingly clean streets. The translator continued, “Do you know what China really is? Dalian (photo) will show you.” She was right.

After spending a week in this city, I fell in love with China forever. Today I can talk for hours about how impressed I was by the Catholic Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, how I liked walking along Zhongshan Square, how beautiful the coastline is, which stretches for almost one and a half thousand kilometers. Dalian is a city where people study, work, relax, fall in love. I have not yet determined for myself why my stay in this city has become so romantic for me, but I know for sure: in my plans for the next year, the first item is a holiday in China.
Dalian is a city of luxury

There is a place in Dalian that made me feel like a special royal blood. Half a kilometer from the coast we saw a small rocky island. The translator smiled mysteriously and said that it is called Baichui and we can visit it. Baichui turned out to be only a part of the resort area, more likeearthly paradise than the former resting place of the Chinese party elite. Luxurious villas, golf courses, swimming pools, fabulously beautiful nature attract tourists from all over the world. Surprisingly, by our standards, accommodation at this resort is relatively inexpensive. You can talk about Dalyan for hours. For those who are going to go there, I advise you to definitely visit all the beaches, go to the street. Changjianglu, to admire the retro trams, be sure to stroke the "Guileshi" (turtle stone), which is located in Jinshitan, take pictures of the unique reefs located in this government resort area. By the way, shoppers will also find something to do here. Things in China are very cheap, but their quality is much higher than that of the "imported" Chinese consumer goods we are used to.