Alcohol in Vietnam: types, prices, where to buy, export rules

Alcohol in Vietnam: types, prices, where to buy, export rules
Alcohol in Vietnam: types, prices, where to buy, export rules

Coming on vacation to an exotic country, many tourists buy various souvenirs. Gifts often include alcoholic beverages. However, it is important for a traveler to know what is valued in this country, what to look for, and to study the legislation on export / import. Alcohol in Vietnam is quite popular. Due to the fact that the main crop grown here is rice, many drinks are made from it. Next, we will talk about what kind of alcohol is in demand in the southeastern country, where it is better to buy it and recall the export standards.

Varieties of beer

Alcohol is produced in Vietnam in large quantities. But in addition to local brands, many imported ones are also sold here. There are a wide variety of beers to try in the country.

The most popular brand is Saigon. The drink, according to tourists, tastes good, has a slight bitterness and refreshing taste.aftertaste. Of course, you can try other types of beer, but it is the green one that most tourists recognize as the most interesting.

vietnamese beer
vietnamese beer

Untrustworthy beer

Vietnamese beer under the Day Viet brand is not credible. A drink of the usual light shade. But according to tourists, the taste is not impressive at all, and some travelers claim that it is heavily diluted.


Instead of Day Viet, it is better to taste Vietnamese beer under the brand name "333". Some compare it to "Saigon", so it's worth trying it to form your own opinion.

In Vietnam they also offer "Czech Beer". However, evil tongues claim that the drink is heavily diluted in the country. Of course, it is better to try the beer yourself and see the difference. At the same time, there will also be a difference in taste if you buy beer in an imported can or from a barrel on tap.

Beer in Vietnam
Beer in Vietnam

Vietnamese winemaking

Not every tourist knows that wine is produced in Vietnam. However, excellent conditions for the cultivation of vineyards are available on the mountain slopes of the country. Alcohol in Vietnam is made not only from grapes familiar to many, but also from exotic local fruits. The taste of this wine is quite specific and not everyone likes it. But to form your own opinion, you can first try the cheapest options. So most of the reviews of tourists indicate that Vietnamese wine is comparable to an explosive mixture created from a powder with a hint of fruit andfusel alcohol.

But it's not all bad. Worthy of attention of many travelers are expensive specimens. This wine is produced in branded bottles, but most of the responses show that the taste of Vietnamese wine is not so versatile and rich as to compare it, for example, with Georgian.

If you think about the reasons for poor quality, you can assume the lack of elite grape varieties, lack of experience among locals and mention the weather conditions. However, the true reason probably lies in the comparison of all these facts.

Vietnamese wine
Vietnamese wine

Recommended wine brands

Travelers should try Dalat wine. The brand is designed for export, so it has excellent taste. In addition, Vietnam is a former colony of France, so some natives pass on the experience of winemaking by inheritance.

Also traveling through the provinces of the country, you can appreciate the taste of Lam Dong wine. The brand is actively sold in the Dalat mountain resort. There is a milder climate, which is compared with the Alpine, beautiful mountain landscapes. Therefore, in the past, even the French, laid the foundations of winemaking in this area, which are now supported by the inhabitants of the country.

Many travelers are interested in how much alcohol costs in Vietnam. Prices are quite democratic, so everyone can afford to buy several bottles. So, one piece will cost about 150 rubles.

Strong spirits

Vietnam actively grows rice. Here, literally everything is made from it, and alcoholic beverages are notbecome an exception. If you want to try a strong, but with a specific taste of alcohol, you should pay attention to the rice liquor under the brand name Ruou thuoc.

The drink is infused with local herbs with the addition of…animals. Of course, this tasting is not for the faint of heart, as one of the varieties of liquor is made on the basis of snakes.

Tourists, walking along the streets and entering local shops, often see similar bottles on the shelves, through the transparent glass of which reptiles are clearly visible. But experienced travelers are advised to choose the liquor very carefully due to the fact that the bottles look attractive and bright, but often the contents are fake. In this case, negligent sellers cheat for the sake of money.

Vietnam: unusual alcohol
Vietnam: unusual alcohol

Unusual gift

Alcohol in Vietnam is often purchased as a present to relatives and friends. The attractiveness of such a gift is due to its appearance. A large snake or even a huge scorpion swims in a transparent liquid of a pleasant honey color. Of course, such a bottle looks not only intimidating, but also spectacular. Therefore, the present will be an excellent decoration for the collection of alcoholic beverages brought from all over the world. In addition, rice liquor can be a great gift for a relative. It doesn't matter if he drinks or not.

Rice alcohol is believed to be medicinal. But to achieve the desired effect, it is recommended to drink it a little bit. Due to the beneficial substances of herbs and the presence of poisons, in large quantities it can harm.

rice liqueur
rice liqueur

Vietnamese moonshine

Various can be alcohol in Vietnam. Reviews of tourists show that often the name does not justify the content. So, in the north of the country they produce liquor under the brand name Ruou. However, it is difficult to call this drink a liquor. Travelers, after drinking it, compare the taste with Russian moonshine.

You can often find a spectacular serving of strong alcohol in a coconut. But experienced travelers are not advised to flatter themselves on a tempting offer. Often inside is the same moonshine, and not of the highest quality. But some tourists do not feel fusel alcohol and claim that the drink is excellent. However, the taste is deceived due to the strong aroma of the nut itself. If you go too far with such a drink, then in the morning your head hurts a lot.

Herbal drinks

Ruou can - wine made from rice and herbs. However, in the usual sense, the drink is completely different from wine and rather resembles a herbal tincture. Locals infuse it in tall jugs made from unglazed ceramics.

Popular rum

When you get to Vietnam, you can try the local rum. One of the popular brands is Chauvet. The drink can be both dark and light. The last option is for making cocktails. In any case, it is not recommended to use it in its pure form. But compensates for all the shortcomings of the light dark version. The drink is considered a worthy specimen, which is worth not only trying while relaxing in the country, but also purchasing it for a home collection orgive to friends. The cost of rum fluctuates around 9-10 dollars per liter.

Vodka connoisseurs

Of course, Vietnam also has vodka. The following brands are worthy options:

  • Lua Moix;
  • Nep Moi.

There is not much difference between them. But the aftertaste of the last vodka is reminiscent of coconut. A bottle will cost the customer about $5.

It is also worth remembering that in addition to local alcoholic beverages, alcohol from all over the world is sold in Vietnam. At the same time, the prices are quite attractive, and especially persistent tourists can always reduce them.

Where to buy alcohol?

Of course, spirits can be tasted in the restaurant. However, this option is considered the most expensive. Here, the restaurant mark-up, service and the cost of the proposed snack are included in the price.

You can go in search of decent alcohol to the market or to small shops. They can be found both cheap options and quite expensive ones. However, it is recommended to carefully approach the choice, as quite a lot of fakes are offered.

There are many large supermarkets in Vietnam. At the same time, shops are considered the best option for buying alcohol. There is a large selection and quality assurance, but sometimes fakes can be found. Alcohol in Vietnam, sold in a supermarket, has an average price tag of $10.

How much is alcohol in Vietnam
How much is alcohol in Vietnam

Norms for the import and export of alcoholic beverages

Before buying bottles of alcohol for friends and family,you need to familiarize yourself with the regulations for import and export. Of course, you need to check the data immediately before the trip, because they can change.

How much can I enter?

The norm for one adult citizen is as follows:

  • 2 liters, ABV up to 22 degrees;
  • if more than 22 degrees, then no more than 1.5 liters;
  • beer - no more than 3 liters.

The rules apply to hand luggage.

How much can I withdraw?

Within the limits of personal use, it is allowed to export alcoholic beverages from Vietnam. You can only carry two glass bottles in hand luggage. At the same time, it is possible that at the Nha Trang airport there will be a request to pack the bottles in foam boxes, which are sold here for $ 10 apiece. However, if you depart from another airport, this requirement will not follow.

Customs officers often turn a blind eye to the number of exported bottles, but in order not to run into problems, it is still worth knowing when to stop.

Experienced travelers advise you to buy alcoholic beverages in plastic containers. At the same time, pack them not in hand luggage, but in main luggage.

Vietnamese Restaurant: Alcohol
Vietnamese Restaurant: Alcohol


Vietnamese money - Vietnamese dong. It is better if the tourist takes care of exchanging his currency for the national one in advance. Supermarkets only accept it. But sellers of small shops are also ready to accept dollars.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that when buying alcohol, you should not lose your head and taste everything. It is better to choose a provenplace - restaurant or shop. It is also better not to overdo it with the amount of alcohol you drink, otherwise such an act can completely ruin the whole vacation.
