Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight safety and other parameters

Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight safety and other parameters
Rating of Russian airlines in terms of flight safety and other parameters

Air transport today is a very popular mode of transportation. When it comes to traveling around the country or to neighboring countries, there is an opportunity to use alternative methods of transportation. But it is impossible to fly across the ocean except by plane. Therefore, sooner or later one has to face the problem of choosing an air carrier.

rating of Russian airlines
rating of Russian airlines

A little about ratings

And if we are constantly talking about global research, almost every country conducts its own investigations, then it is a little more difficult to rank Russian airlines. There is one very simple explanation for this.

As practice shows, when it comes to safety, the factors of compliance with documentation, timely medical examination by the crew, vehicle inspection and the like are taken into account. In essence, the safety rating of Russian airlines does not take into account the number of accidents. In realall tragedies or unplanned situations occur due to a combination of circumstances, and ratings are compiled as a result of documentation checks.

How is it done in the world?

The security index is calculated as follows. The initial data are indicators of passenger traffic for a certain number of years. Then this number is correlated with the amount of damage or loss of life due to accidents over the same period of time. Years without accidents and participation of companies in international quality certifications are also taken into account.

rating of the best airlines in russia
rating of the best airlines in russia

Russian airlines rarely appear in international airline safety studies. The ranking list is published annually, but Hong Kong and the United States are increasingly among the leaders. In 2014, the German center JACDEC published its safety rating, in which the Russian company Transaero ranked 17th. This is an excellent indicator for a domestic company.

What is the situation this year?

As you know, quite recently in Egypt there was a terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of two hundred people. The authority of the airlines was greatly undermined. The number of people who are afraid to fly is getting bigger and bigger. Because of this, you should know the rating of Russian airlines by various parameters.

Russian airlines list rating
Russian airlines list rating

Many major tour operators or air ticket companies do their own research for their customers based on reviews and flight realities. Byaccording to one of these companies, the rating of the best airlines in Russia looks like this:

  1. The first place is occupied by Yamal Airlines. She earned this position thanks to affordable prices, high quality service and minimal flight waiting times.
  2. The second place went to the newly minted Ifly. The main direction of the young company is charter flights to Sochi and other southern cities. Although she is new to the market, she has already managed to fall in love with the population.
  3. In the third position - "KogalymAvia". This company can be found in different ratings, and everywhere it is in the lead.

Almighty "Aeroflot" in this list is only in fifth position. Many passengers are unhappy with inflated prices, frequent flight delays and completely inconvenient flight schedules.

Russian airline safety rating
Russian airline safety rating

Transaero behind Aeroflot. Although this is a very good and large company, its employees rarely inform passengers about a delay or postponement of a flight, or do it at the last moment. The conditions for the carriage of goods are constantly changing.

Safety in Russia

What companies can rightfully be considered standards of service and safety? Here is the reliability rating of Russian airlines:

  1. Transaero. If this company is already recognized in the world as a reliable carrier, then we need to trust it.
  2. "Aeroflot". This is the largest carrier in Russia, and it is not surprising that the number of unforeseen situations per flight unit is minimal. Moreover, the companyhas been on the market for decades.
  3. Red Wings Airlines closes the top three, operating flights on the most popular tourist routes.
  4. Aeroflot's low-cost airline Pobeda is in fourth place. It is famous for the fact that the prices for flights across the country from the capital and to it are very low. Since there is very little on the market, no complaints have yet arisen. The main directions are the central part of Russia, the Urals and near Siberia.
  5. S7 Airlines has settled on the 5th place in the rating of the safest companies. This advantage is achieved due to the largest domestic traffic. There are also several regular flights to the CIS countries, Europe, East and Central Asia.
reliability rating of russian airlines
reliability rating of russian airlines

What do Russians fly?

For the issue of safety, the age of the aircraft is important. Surprisingly, in our country there are cars with 25 years and even 30 years of experience. They not only operate regular flights, but are not going to retire. The rating of Russian airlines by the age of the aircraft will be interesting to read:

  1. The oldest working copy is at the Center-South company. TU-134A-3 of 1976 is still flying and making regular flights.
  2. Only a year younger than the 1977 Turukhan TU-134A-3, which belongs to the UTair group. The base is located in Krasnoyarsk.
  3. Another brother of TU-134 operates business flights from RusJet. Its first flights date back to 1978.
  4. In the company parkSaratov Airlines is listed as a 1982 Yak-42.
  5. Northern Airlines shift workers are probably familiar with the TU-154M, it has been flying since 1987 under the guidance of Gazpromavia pilots.
  6. Transaero also has one obsolete copy - Boeing 737-400. He is over 25 years old.
  7. And last on the list is the 1991 Airbus A-320. This is exactly the same plane, the same age as the one that crashed in Egypt this year. He is registered with the company "Ural Airlines". According to the company, the last flight was made in January 2015 on the route Hurghada - Yekaterinburg. After that, it was removed from flights.
rating of Russian airlines by aircraft age
rating of Russian airlines by aircraft age

Wings of Russia

In our country there is an annual award, which is awarded to the best airlines in various categories. Based on these results, it is possible to compile a certain rating of Russian airlines.

Thus, in 2014 the winner in the nomination "Air transportation on domestic routes" was "Siberia" (S7 Airlines). Aeroflot is the leader in international transportation. The second and third places in this position are occupied by Globus and Orenburg Airlines, respectively.

Orenburg Airlines unanimously became the leader of the audience sympathy.

At the moment, data is being collected for the establishment of the next award - "Wings of Russia 2015". By the way, everyone can go to the site and vote for their favorite airline.


You can rank Russian airlines indefinitely. But every passenger for himselfdetermines which criteria will be the main ones. For some, this is the price of a ticket, for someone - the schedule and time of arrival. And others will never sit on an old plane. That's why we reveal the whole truth about the air transportation market in our country.
