When preparing for a trip and looking for a vacation home, tourists often ask the question: “What is an apartment?”. After all, this name of the rooms is increasingly found in hotel offers. It should be said that apartments are a non-Russian word. In French, it meant an apartment, and from Italian it was translated as a “room”. Today, this is how they call hotel rooms, which fully correspond to our idea of an apartment with amenities.

Apartment is a bedroom, a living room, a bathroom and a kitchen with all necessary appliances and utensils. It is no coincidence that such numbers are becoming increasingly popular today. What is the attraction of rooms with a foreign name "apartments"? Tourist reviews will help answer this question.
Apartments are savings
Usually, self-catering hotel rooms do not charge tourists for food. For most vacationers, this is convenient. First, you can not change youreating habits. Secondly, you can save a lot on food. In addition, very often apartments are designed for several people, and the staff willingly add extra beds to them, often without even charging the full price.
Apartments are freedom
Tourists who live in apartments enjoy more freedom than those who eat at a hotel. They are not tied to a diet, so they may not be afraid to skip a pre-paid dinner or lunch. At the same time, people who live in apartments, but do not want to cook on their own, can use the services of a hotel or hotel at any time. In addition, there are usually restaurants and bars in the hotel, so vacationers can combine their vacation, either cooking on their own or visiting restaurants. In addition, when buying an apartment in the property, the buyer can count on the arrangement of the apartment to his liking: in projects, the layout is usually free.

Apartments are fashionable
In our country there are not so many hotels offering accommodation in apartments. But it has become fashionable to buy them at sea or in other resort areas. Today, more and more compatriots are becoming owners of apartments in Bulgaria, Spain and other countries. Living in a hotel, but owning their own apartment, such property owners simultaneously solve several problems at once. They have comfortable housing near the beach, they can use any hotel services: laundry, restaurants, swimming pools, gyms, etc. Typically, these services (other thanmeals in a cafe) are free for residents. Such housing is not very expensive. So, recently there was information that apartments (80 square meters) in Bulgaria (3rd line from the beach) for permanent residence can be purchased for 800-1200 euros. Of course, apartments in Moscow or other capitals will cost much more.
What are apartments like?
- Apartment with an attic. Demand for loft lofts in Moscow is growing, and their price increases accordingly.
- Two-level apartment. They allow you to arrange terraces and vertically zone the space. They often occupy two floors, which allows you to arrange French windows and make two separate entrances.
- Apartments with a separate entrance. They create the complete illusion of their own, detached house.

According to experts, the time is not far off in Russia when apartments will completely replace conventional storey construction.