Magnitogorsk is a city located in Russia, in one of its most picturesque corners - in the Urals. Many tourists tend to visit it, so there are some features that attract travelers not only from other regions of Russia, but also from around the world.
So, let's take a closer look at some of the features of the city, its main attractions, and focus on historical facts.

General information
Reviews about Magnitogorsk say that this settlement is very picturesque and attracts tourists with a huge number of interesting places. The city has some peculiarities. One of them is that it is located at the intersection of the borders of Europe and Asia, and the second is that Magnitogorsk is one of the few cities in Russia that were founded relatively recently.
However, according to the localsresidents, this settlement began its existence back in the distant 18th century, when a fortress was built on the site of its present location, and later the village of Magnitnaya.
Local residents say that the first settlement was set up on the left bank of the Ural River. Subsequently, its other coast was also settled. In reviews of Magnitogorsk, tourists note many picturesque places where you can take great photos against their background.
Geographic data
What is the main feature of the location of the settlement, it was said above. It is located at the crossroads of Asia and Europe, on the banks of the Ural River. In the place where the settlement in question is currently located, historical Bashkortostan was previously located. The city has a fairly large area - about 400 sq. km. From north to south, the settlement stretches for 27 km, and from east to west - for 22. If we consider the territorial indicators of the city, then Magnitogorsk ranks 25th among Russian settlements.
Magnitogorsk is located at an impressive distance from the Russian capital - 2000 km. The regional capital of the region (Chelyabinsk), in which the city is located, is located at a relatively short distance - 308 km (if you move along the highway). The total population of the city is over 410,000.

Reviews about the city of Magnitogorsk say that the bulk of the economy of this settlement falls on industry. The city has a number of large factories of blackmetallurgy, one of which is built right at the foot of the Magnetic Mountain. Among the plants, the largest are hardware-calibration and crane. A separate share of economic profit is accounted for by Prokatmontazh LLC, UralSpetsMash CJSC, as well as by the Magnitogorsk CHPP. In many regions of Russia, the Magnitogorsk shoe factory is famous. These shoes are affordable in price and quality and are quite popular among Russians.
As for products, Magnitogorsk produces a large amount of ferrous metal, electrical equipment, cars and some other types of vehicles. In addition, food products, tobacco products and some types of alcoholic beverages are produced at the city's enterprises.

Russians pay special attention to what kind of education residents of Magnitogorsk can get. The reviews say that the higher educational institutions of the city are primarily engaged in the training of specialists in the field of ferrous metallurgy, since this area of \u200b\u200bproduction is paramount in the specified settlement.
The leading educational institutions of the city are Moscow State University (Magnitogorsk State University), Moscow Conservatory (Magnitogorsk State Conservatory), the Higher School of Business, the Institute of Tourism, and the Institute of Economics and Law. Many representatives of the younger generation living in the city prefer to receive higher education at the branch of the Ural Academy of Public Administration, which is also located inMagnitogorsk.
From the number of secondary educational institutions, the following deserve special attention: Magnitogorsk Pedagogical College, Magnitogorsk Multidisciplinary College of MSTU, as well as a polytechnic college.
Main Infrastructure
Residents and guests of the city in their reviews of Magnitogorsk pay special attention to how well its infrastructure is developed. There is an excellent transport system, represented by public modes of transport and several taxi services operating within the city.
Taxi reviews in Magnitogorsk say that the best local carriers are Yandex. Taxi, as well as Maxim and Lucky.
According to tourists and residents of the city, the drivers of these companies always do their job accurately and behave extremely politely with passengers. Almost throughout the city, free parking spaces are equipped, if desired, drivers can use paid parking lots.
It should be noted that traffic congestion is often observed in the city, especially in the evening, during rush hour, when many people rush home after a hard day.
According to the reviews of the city of Magnitogorsk, left by local residents, we can say that the utilities here work quite well, providing all the necessary services in a timely manner. Residents pay special attention to the rather low tariffs set for utilities.
Among the negative reviews about the inhabitedparagraph, one can single out those left by young parents. According to them, there are not enough places in kindergartens in the city, and therefore there are certain difficulties in obtaining preschool education.
Reviews of kindergartens in Magnitogorsk for children say that not all of them are equipped with the necessary materials for the normal learning and development of the child. In this regard, many parents prefer self-education of the child, and some of them practice hiring private nannies and teachers.

Finding a job in Magnitogorsk, according to local residents, is not difficult. In this settlement, according to the townspeople, the employment center functions perfectly, which is responsible for the employment of local residents. Statistics show that most of the city's population is employed in the industry associated with the production of ferrous metals, as well as food products. The most promising enterprises in this city are: the city-forming Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works, MMK-Metiz, as well as a crane and cement-refractory plants.
In online reviews of Magnitogorsk, one can often find certain opinions regarding medicine in the settlement in question. Most of them say that the he althcare sector is well developed in the city, there are a considerable number of institutions that are well provided from the technical side. However, some residents of the citythey are negative about the fact that the main number of medical centers located here belongs to the category of paid ones.
According to the residents of the city, the most promising he althcare institutions are centers such as Dr. Life, NEO, Indigo Children, LoraK Ural, and Glagoleva.
As for reviews of Magnitogorsk dentistry, they note that excellent service is offered by clinics such as Moskunova, Atlantis Dent, and Viva Dent.
Among all medical centers and complexes of a special profile, the most promising and in demand, according to the majority of local residents, are: LCD MIBS named after S. M. Berezina, Rehabilitation Center for People with Disabilities of the Medical University, Laser Eye Surgery Clinic of Dr. A. G. Kazakbaeva, as well as the school of therapeutic hardening Neretin V. F.
Many of the attractions that are located in Magnitogorsk deserve special attention of tourists. The comments left by tourists who have been here often offer some recommendations for visiting certain interesting places.
In their reviews of Magnitogorsk, many travelers recommend seeing the historical monument to the steam locomotive, located on the Railway Station Square. Absolutely all tourists who arrived in the city by rail can admire it.
Fans of monuments can also head to the object erected in honor of the city's first builders- The first tent, which is located in Veterans Park. This object was erected in honor of the time when one of the first representatives of the city's population had nowhere to live - most of them then simply settled down with their families in large tents in the open air.
The attention of tourists is also attracted by the obelisk "Europe-Asia", installed on the border of the connection of two parts of the world. It is located near the entrance to the Central Passage, which runs across the river. This place is located next to Nosov Square.
Art lovers visiting the city should definitely visit such cultural monuments as the Pushkin Magnitogorsk Drama Theatre, the Opera and Ballet Theatre, as well as the Boris Ruchyev Museum-Apartment, where you can see many interesting objects.
Special attention should also be paid to the Magnitogorsk Local History Museum, which presents expositions that clearly tell about the rich and very interesting history of the city.
Lovers of walks in interesting places can afford to visit Victory Park and the Alley of Metallurgists, as well as the German Quarter, which is located near Uralskaya Street, along Lenin Avenue. For lovers of walks along the picturesque flowering grounds and alleys, the village has a number of gardens, which present interesting species of plants, shrubs and trees.
On many photos of the sights of Magnitogorsk you can observe the Chimes of the city. They are presented in the form of a high stele, which reaches a height of 29 m. The entire column, onat the very top of which a large city clock is installed, completely covered with marble. At night, this structure is illuminated with the help of equipment specially installed for this purpose. Often in this place, lovers make dates, various events are often held, photo shoots are arranged.

Restaurants and cafes
In reviews of Magnitogorsk, you can often find recommendations regarding visiting certain entertainment venues in the city. These include some of the restaurants and cafes that locals say offer the highest quality service to their customers.
Among the most popular restaurants in Magnitogorsk, according to tourists and locals, are Gaststatte, Uchkuduk, HookahMall, Le Delice, La Fleur Cafe, and Iveria. As for the latter, it often acts as a venue for mass banquets in honor of the celebration of some celebration.
Speaking of the best cafes in the city, we should highlight "Bitter Coffee", "Vanilla", "Coffee Grinder", and "Bravo". Many residents of the city prefer to visit the local McDonald's. Moreover, not only children, but also adults.
In total, there are more than 450 cafes and restaurants in the city, which are visited daily by residents and guests of the city.
Special attention of tourists is attracted by places where you can organize a temporary overnight stay upon arriv alto Magnitogorsk on a business visit or excursion. Reviews about Magnitogorsk left by travelers from different regions of Russia and the world often refer to those hotels that are recognized as the best in the city. These include: "Aurora", "Star House", "Forum", "Crown" and "Golden Yurt".
It should be noted that the listed places of rest offer their guests the best conditions for living and good food. The average cost of accommodation in comfortable hotel rooms in the city is relatively small - it is about 1,500 - 2,000 rubles per standard category apartment per day. Many tourists consider this price quite affordable for the majority of the Russian population.
If you want to stay in less upscale, but inexpensive apartments, tourists can use the services of hostels, which are also numerous in the city. It should be noted that this type of temporary accommodation is most common among visitors who visit Magnitogorsk on a tourist visit. The most popular hostels in the settlement in question include: "Granite", "Kyoto", "Atlas", "Zeleny Log" and a hostel located at the address: Lenin Street, 18. Hostels do not offer individual meals, and living conditions are sometimes leave much to be desired. But on the other hand, for this type of housing, you can pay about 400 - 700 rubles per day for a bed, which is a good savings.

Acquisition of holiday real estate
Considering the peculiarities of Magnitogorsk, many residents of nearby cities express a desire to move permanently to this city. Often, summer cottages are acquired here, which are located in the picturesque regions of the settlement. As for the cost of suburban real estate, it ranges from 300 to 750 thousand rubles per plot.
Future summer residents turn their attention to the fact that several companies operate in the city, specializing in providing household plots with all the necessary equipment, seedlings, seeds and garden chemicals.
One of them is the garden company "Victoria" (Magnitogorsk). The reviews about this company say that it is a large online store that can offer summer residents everything that they can only wish for. The range of products presented to the attention of buyers can please many with its abundance. If it is necessary to purchase something special, the client can always place an individual order for the search and delivery of the necessary goods.
According to the buyers of the specified online store, there is an individual approach to each client. All goods are delivered exactly on time, intact and safe. This company has more than 10 specialized stores throughout the city, which carry out retail sales of the goods listed on the site.

The market of this locality also operates a similarfirm "City-Sad", which offers customers a large catalog of country goods. According to reviews, Magnitogorsk Gardens and those areas that are located in the regions adjacent to it are provided with products supplied, for the most part, by this store.