Northern Crimea is little known to tourists who want to soak up the rays of the southern sun on the beaches of the western or southern coast, the majority of visitors purposefully visit only the sea coasts. Dzhankoy is far enough from the sea and has a peculiar climate and significance. Quite different priorities are concentrated here - the northern gates of Crimea are open to all directions from the north, south, west and east. Trains and roads lead here, this is a transfer city, which, meanwhile, has picturesque places.

History of occurrence
Dzhankoy is a small town, it appeared in the days of the Crimean Khanate. The Turks were attracted here by the climate and the terrain, immersed in greenery, calmness and measured pace of time. Its name has not changed in history. Translated from the Turkic name of the city means "hospitable and lovely village." Of course, then the city was not large, but in the eighteenth century Dzhankoy was already mentioned in chronicles. By the time the city became part of the Russian Empire along with the entire peninsula, it received the status that has been assigned to it today - “the cityrepublican subordination.”
The first street in the city was named Krymskaya, and today it has been preserved under the same name. The construction of buildings and the railway became fundamental events for the village, which was Dzhankoy, but the cultural trends of the peoples living here were reflected in the architectural features of the city. The gates of Crimea are opened both to industrial areas and to visitors who want to get acquainted with local attractions. Dzhankoy is a very cozy city. In many ways, this is favored by a special climate: no hot days, no cold nights.

Opening the northern gates of Crimea, Dzhankoy demonstrates how the historical past is preserved within its borders. The architecture of the city is preserved in the style of the khan's palace buildings, including the Muslim mosque.
Some of the sights are built in the Gothic style. For example, this is the Czech Church of the Heart of Jesus Christ. It attracts guests of the city with its charm, the style and beauty of the outside and inside are complemented by a legend about the fulfillment of desires. At the beginning of the 20th century, this church was one of the most beautiful in Crimea, it was built by Czechs and Germans who moved to Crimea. An organ, bells brought from the Czech Republic, crystal chandeliers, benches for parishioners made of oak, Persian carpets, silk, velvet, white marble - this is how it looked in those days. After the war, the church was only partially restored, the decision that it was unprofitable to reconstruct it was made by the European side, and todaythe fading luxury and beauty of the man-made landmark is still pleasing to the eye.
No less interesting is the Shatilov estate, reconstructed in our time. Being a kind of historical monument, the estate is divided into several buildings, people still live in one of them.
The Orthodox St. Intercession Cathedral can also be attributed to the religious values of the city, and cultural life is reflected in the local history museum of the city. A rather unusual small zoo with over a hundred exotic birds, this landscape reserve is located near Dzhankoy.

Why is Dzhankoy the "Gate of Crimea"?
There are no outlets to the sea, no border zones, no airports near Dzhankoy. Places lovingly referred to as the "Golden Gate", Crimea has several. So why did they call Dzhankoy like that?
Dzhankoy cheburek is still famous throughout the peninsula for its openness, friendliness and hospitality. One of the best wines, popular since ancient times, are rightfully considered "The Sun in a Glass" and "Aphrodite", which are produced here. The gates of the Crimea are of great agricultural and industrial importance both in the old days and today. Therefore, people come to Dzhankoy not to satisfy their interest, but in connection with business matters, however, once in the vicinity of this peculiar city, you will not remain indifferent to it.