Where is Canada? General information

Where is Canada? General information
Where is Canada? General information

In our time, due to the rapid development of technology, including the Internet, it has become easier than ever to find out where Canada is located. Lots of information on this topic. The big disadvantage is that the most important information is presented, as a rule, in English. Many people have thought about traveling to Canada more than once. For those who have not yet decided to visit this country, this article was written.


Where is Canada
Where is Canada

Despite the fact that this information is taught to schoolchildren in secondary educational institutions, many still cannot give a clear answer to the question of where Canada is located. In fact, its geography is very wide and varied. It is located in the north of the North American continent. If we talk about its size, then it is the second largest country after, of course, Russia. Canada is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, borders on the United States and Greenland. Since 1925, Canada began to claim part of the Arctic, but this issue still remains unresolved. The country is divided into three territories, which are located in five regions - these are Central Canada, the Atlantic, the Prairies, the North and the West Coast.

Central Canada

Currency of Canada
Currency of Canada

Central Canada is made up of two provinces - Quebec and Ontario, where most of the country's production capacity is concentrated. The entire territory of this region consists of plains with very fertile soils. These factors indicate that the area is favorable for agriculture. It abounds in energy resources.


The Atlantic includes the following provinces: New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, Labrador and Prince Edward Island. Local residents are engaged in agriculture and forestry, fishing. The mining industry and tourism are intensively developing.


This zone includes: Northwest Territories, Yukon, Nunavut. By area, these 3 provinces occupy 1/3 of all of Canada. The area is rich in gas, oil, zinc, gold and lead.

West Coast

Canada visa
Canada visa

The main we alth in British Columbia is fish and timber. This area is considered the most beautiful area in the entire country.

We hope we answered your question about where Canada is. Now we will try to find out the length of the second largest country in the world. Locals measure distances in kilometers. The length from East to West is 7000 kilometers. If you try to cover this distance by car, it will take at least 7 days.


Canada has 31 million people, 80% of whom are urban dwellers. The capital of Canada is the city of Ottawa, with a population of 1 million people. If, knowing whereCanada, if you still want to visit this country, or maybe move to it permanently, then due attention should be paid to education. This is especially true for those who are going to raise their children there. Just like in our country, education in Canada in schools up to 15 years old is free. Teaching takes place in French and English. For those who move to Canada from other countries, there are special courses for learning the language. Before enrolling a child in a class, testing is mandatory. Secondary and higher education in this country is paid. The currency of Canada is the Canadian dollar. The cost of one course in this country depends on the province and speci alty and averages from 3000 to 9000 CAD. If you have the opportunity to visit this country, then do it by all means, especially since you already know where Canada is located. Visa is not done very quickly, so think about it in advance.
