The distance from Novosibirsk to Moscow along the highway is 3388 kilometers, and in a straight line - 2811 kilometers. To overcome such a distance is no joke. The question of how much to fly to Moscow from Novosibirsk is very relevant in this situation.
How long to fly
Most travelers willy-nilly on this route take the plane. How long to fly to Moscow from Novosibirsk is a simple question. It is worth looking at any ticket search site and it immediately turns out that the travel time is only four hours.
Many are trying to investigate the problem of how much to fly to Moscow from Novosibirsk with transfers to save money. Basically, the travel time is extended by 2-3 hours, that is, the costs will be from 6 to 8 hours. By the way, you can see that the savings compared to direct flights are small. So it's better to try to catch plane tickets during the low price period, because the difference can be more than two times.
Airplanes in this direction fly frequently, performing an average of 10 flights per day. So the question of how much to fly to Moscow from Novosibirsk and whether it is worth flying is usually decided veryquickly.
Planes take off from Novosibirsk airport Tolmachevo and land at Domodedovo or Sheremetyevo. From the same air harbors, they fly in the opposite direction.
The flight time to Moscow from Novosibirsk will fly by. After all, along the way you expect a meal, the distribution of drinks. If you intersperse these pleasures with reading the press or a book taken on the road, you will not have time to look back, as the landing is announced.

How long is the train ride
Train to Novosibirsk takes from 45 to 54 hours. Therefore, the choice usually remains with the aircraft, although there are also admirers of moving closer to the ground. After all, this is how you can travel around the country, observing life in cities and villages along the way, admiring natural landscapes.

It is easy to calculate that traveling by train will take at least a day more time in one direction. On the way there and back, you can save 2-3 days. This includes transfers to the airport and waiting for a flight.