Quiet, calm, friendly and a bit mysterious Specific Park. St. Petersburg once abounded with such places, which, alas, are becoming less and less every year. These green areas not only give residents the opportunity to be alone with themselves, but also allow all visitors to feel the charm of good old St. Petersburg.
The territory on which the Udelny Park is now located gained a certain fame long before the first alleys appeared here. The thing is that Peter the Great was preoccupied with planting groves with mighty ship pines around the newly formed city, for he understood that there would very quickly be no trace of the former vegetation. One of these places was the future park. According to a very common legend, which residents still support, one of these pines was planted by the Russian emperor himself.

In 1832, the Specific Park became the location of a specialized agriculturalschool, which trained future foresters, as well as caretakers of noble estates. Interestingly, most of the students belonged to serfs, whom the landowners sent here to acquire knowledge. The school existed here until the abolition of serfdom.
The revolution of 1917 swept through the country like a whirlwind, destroying on its way much of what was cherished and cherished by more than one generation of people. The specific park, fortunately, turned out to be aloof from these destructive processes. The only thing he had to do was change the name: in the mid-1930s, this resting place was renamed in honor of the Chelyuskin heroes, whose feat was then admired by the whole country.

Having survived the harsh revolution, Specific Park was able to save its face and the hard times of the Great Patriotic War. During the famous blockade, a defense line passed through its territory, so the alleys, trees, and buildings suffered very badly. Restoration work began almost immediately after the expulsion of the Nazis, but for quite objective reasons, this process dragged on for more than one year. Along with green spaces, a variety of venues were built here where you could dance and play sports, play and spend time with children.
The specific park, the map of which still amazes with its diversity, is divided almost in the center by a low hill into two relatively equal parts. In one of them, cheerful birches, aspens and bird cherry trees predominate, and the second is farmed out.oak, linden, ash and larch. In addition, there is a small pond on the territory of the park, previously fenced on one side by a dam, along the descent of which a picturesque waterfall flowed.
For more than a dozen years, Udelny Park has been one of the most desirable places for recreation for citizens and visitors. Many of them love not only skiing and walking along the alleys, but also feed the squirrels and birds that live here. At the same time, in recent years, residents have been anxiously watching how symbols familiar from childhood disappear in the park, how it is increasingly losing its coziness and originality, turning into one of many.