Pushkinsky reserve "Mikhailovskoe" is located in the center of the Pskov region, among the forests, away from the bustle of the city. This is a particularly valuable cultural monument of the peoples of the Russian Federation since 1995. It is believed that here is the poetic homeland of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (1799-1837). Hilly terrain, the expanse of lakes Kuchane and Malenets, a powerful pine forest, spread over half of the seven hundred hectares occupied by the national treasure - this is how a natural deity looks like, which has become inspiration, life, tears, love of a classic of Russian literature.

Three dates
Everyone who cherishes the poet's work dreams of visiting the Pushkinsky Reserve. The region, which holds great pages of history, includes the estates of Mikhailovskoye, Trigorskoye and Petrovskoye, as well as the settlements of Voronich, Savkino, Vrev, Velye. In the eighteenth century, the estate was founded by Pushkin's maternal grandfather Osip Abramovich Gannibal. In the poet's mature memory, this is the family nest of Mother Nadezhda Osipovna Pushkina.
There is an opinion thatPskov freedom endowed Alexander Sergeevich with special inspiration. Here were born more than a hundred of his works - poems, poems. A descendant of Hannibal visited Mikhailovsky in 1817-1819, lived for two years of exile (1824-1826). Many years later, in 1922, by decision of the Soviet government, the Pushkin places were recognized as protected areas.
There are many activities in the open air museum. Main:
- The poet's birthday is June 6 (old style - May 26).
- Day of exile in Mikhailovskoye (August).
- Death Day - February 10 (January 29).
On these dates, the reserve is filled with a large number of people. These are local residents, guests from different parts of Russia, near and far abroad. The Pushkin Poetry Festival, held in early June in the village of Pushkinskiye Gory, is known all over the world.
Gift from Elizabeth Petrovna
At least once in a lifetime it is worth visiting the Pushkin Reserve "Mikhailovskoye". Reviews of tourists say: this is a special world, fraught with many interesting facts that make up the chronicle of the house of Pushkin-Hannibals with adjoining buildings and lands. As you know, in 1742, part of the royal possessions of Mikhailovskaya Bay was presented to Abram Petrovich Hannibal (“Arapa”) by the youngest daughter of Peter Alekseevich Romanov, Elizabeth I.
After his death, the property went to his son Osip Abramovich Gannibal, grandfather of A. S. Pushkin, who, as they said, organized the creation of a small village on the banks of the Soroti River. The abode of the masters and the outbuildings of the attendants grew up on the hill. Before him and in modern timesthere is a kind of symbol of Mikhailovsky - the access circle. From the south, the estate is decorated with a park, smoothly flowing into a pine forest.

From a gentle hill you can see Sorot, the valley of Lake Petrovsky (a body of water is sometimes called Kuchane) and the park of the same name. The house is not the one in which Pushkin lived, but was reconstructed in strict accordance with the surviving descriptions. It was in it that it was decided to build the main museum exposition. She has been popular for many years.
Good friend of poor youth
Tourists arriving at the reserve feel Pushkin's spirit as soon as they find themselves at the main southern entrance to the master's house. Already in the hallway, the story of Mikhailovsky appears before them. The heart is excited at the sight of the door on the right: behind it is the office of Pushkin himself. It has been restored to the smallest detail: there is even a footstool given to Alexander by Anna Kern. And with a massive iron cane, the poet liked to travel to Svyatogorye for fairs.
Opposite - the room of the girlfriend of the days of his harsh, decrepit dove-nanny. This is the so-called girl's, where, under the guidance of Arina Rodionovna, the yard girls were engaged in needlework. Alexander Sergeevich's parents on rare visits occupied three rooms on the north side of the house (bedroom, living room, dining room).
The colorful interior is complemented by a billiard table, which, as they say, is exactly the same as with a player who became famous all over the world for his remarkable literary talent. To the left of the house-museum you can see the nanny's house, hidden among lilacs and acacias.
On one half -a bathhouse, on the other - a room, where, probably, the old woman “dozed under the buzz of her spindle”, when the storm blew the sky with darkness. Nearby - three outbuildings, where the manager and clerk lived, there was a kitchen and a servant's room.
Beauty Genius Anna
Pushkin loved to walk in the park, laid out by his grandfather Osip Gannibal at the end of the eighteenth century. Spruce alley and today permeates the massif. Through it once drove into the property. There are almost no old trees left.

The famous family had its own chapel. It has been restored to its historical place, at the very end of the spruce kingdom. Anna Kern's linden alley runs at an angle to the coniferous expanse. In the June shade of young lime trees, Alexander admired the gentle image of the lady, her heavenly features. It was the summer of 1825, when Kern came to Mikhailovskoye, today part of the Pushkinsky Reserve.
The park's ponds also deserve attention. On one of them there is a secret place - an island of solitude, where Pushkin often visited: poets love solitude. It is pleasant to note that here everything has been restored with great scrupulousness: bridges, thoughtful arbors. Found and re-laid the old stitches-tracks. On the western outskirts of the estate there is Lake Malenets surrounded by a pine forest, which Alexander Sergeevich also liked to visit.
Last Shelter
The Pushkinsky Reserve will tell so much that it seems you can't overhear or revise! So, Trigorsky (Egorievskaya Bay) was owned by the neighbors and friends of the Pushkins Osipov-Wulf. The village is located on one of the three hills (hencename) west of Mikhailovsky.
Three kilometers through the forest past Lake Malenets - and dear comrades are already visiting Alexander Sergeevich (or he is with them). Pushkin liked to sit in the large library of the Osipovs. Their house burned down in the stormy 1918, but was restored in the sixties of the twentieth century. A museum is organized in it (as in the house of A. P. Hannibal in the village of Petrovsky).

And about the Holy Mountains. They went to them through Bugrovo (village), bypassing the mill of the Svyatogorsk monastery (water mill). The hydraulic structure was restored. Along with other objects of display (the miller's house, the peasant's yard, the threshing floor), it harmoniously blended into the museum complex. The Svyatogorsk Assumption Monastery has been known since antiquity. Here are the graves of the grandfather and grandmother of A. S. Pushkin, his mother. And next to them is the last shelter of the 37-year-old classic of Russian literature.