Going to the bath among Russians is a fairly common type of recreation and healing of the body. The benefits of visiting the steam room lies in stimulating metabolic processes in the body. The healing properties of hot steam and a broom affect all systems of our body, from the skin to the nerves. There are a lot of similar places in the capital where a person can completely relax and be filled with energy. One of these is the Bersenevsky Baths.

Created specifically to revive the true essence of the Russian steam room, this establishment has preserved all the traditions and customs that reigned among our ancestors. A special microclimate reigns here. The address at which the bathhouse, which is quite popular among Muscovites, is located is Bersenevskaya embankment, house 16, building 5. It is located on the site where the warehouses belonging to the Smirnovsky vodka factory used to be. The townspeople joke that this is why the "Bersenevsky baths" are distinguished by an atmosphere of goodwill, spiritual uplift and evokepeople have a desire to take a walk and have fun.
This public complex is designed not only for lovers of a real Russian couple, but also for those who are looking for a place to organize their holiday or celebration. Guests will be satisfied with the time spent and will appreciate the taste of the dishes offered.
"Bersenevsky baths" have 46 seats in the steam room, a large selection of brooms for every taste. Professional bathers work with clients.

The interior of this institution, located at Bersenevskaya embankment, 16/5, strongly resembles an original Russian steam room, assembled from log cabins of valuable trees. This combination of logs gives a special aroma and taste of antiquity. The smell of a cut reigns in the air, which relaxes and strengthens the body and spirit. The furniture in the complex is also made mainly of natural wood. The steam room has enough space to comfortably accommodate a large company that wants to not only take a steam bath, but also drink beer, talking on a variety of topics.
Bersenevsky baths are heated with a brick electric stove designed by Alexei Razzorenov, an expert in his field, a skilled craftsman and an extraordinary innovator. The decoration of the main premises of the complex, including the steam room, is made of unedged linden. This made it possible to achieve the aroma of a real Russian bath - the one in which our ancestors took a steam bath.
For those who prefer solitude, there is a special treatment room where the client can, in seclusion, bringput your energy in order without disturbing anyone.
There are two fonts in the relaxation room, there is also a "Russian shower". Antique copper basins are the highlight of the interior, which the Bersenevsky Baths are famous for. For those who cannot imagine their life without work and even visit a steam room combines with it, a negotiation room is provided. It is fully furnished with handmade furniture. The restaurant area is divided into separate sectors with the help of beams. There are also tables and chairs made of wood, charming with handmade quality, luxurious leather sofas are installed. You can order not only a variety of dishes from Russian cuisine, but also kvass, home-made beer. Judging by the reviews, this foamy drink immediately wins the hearts of true connoisseurs.

Additional information
Besides the traditional bathing, "Bersenevsky baths" also offer various procedures: spa programs, peeling, several types of massage, body wraps. Professionals work here who know what is needed to remove cellulite, improve the back and legs. Each treatment begins with a traditional massage with brooms, each of which, depending on the type, has extensive medicinal properties.
The Bersenevsky Baths are open seven days a week from ten in the morning to eleven at night. Mondays are exclusively women's day, while the rest of the time men go here. The cost of one hour is 750 rubles. There is a service "until the last guest", which is set at a double rate. Can I orderminimum two hour session. After ten o'clock in the evening the cost of the order is three thousand rubles. Veterans of the Second World War and children under seven years old can bathe for free every day from ten in the morning to five in the evening.

Excellent steam room and professional bathers who know their business - this is what many visitors say about this complex. "Bersenevsky baths", reviews of which are evidence that everything is organized here at the highest level, are located near the metro station. It is enough to use the steam treatments offered here at least once to immediately feel more cheerful. Judging by the reviews, after a massage with a birch broom, fatigue disappears as if by hand, strength appears for new achievements, the body is cleansed, and the person becomes active again. Professional bath attendants, who are well versed in pairing, work wonders. There is no such person who would speak badly about the Bersenevsky Baths, moreover, everyone is strongly recommended to visit them.