We, the people of the 21st century, accustomed to not moving away from civilization for more than a few days, no, no, and begin to nostalgic for those days when we could carelessly walk in the park, live in the village or spend the night in a tent at campfire.
Is it still possible in today's world? “Of course,” seasoned travelers will answer. However, to implement the plan, you will have to carefully choose a place to stay. For example, go to the Altai Reserve. Why should you choose this place? What is so unusual about it that for decades now, both residents of neighboring settlements and guests from near and far abroad have been coming here every year with pleasure.
This article will not only tell readers what the West Altai Reserve is like, but also share a lot of useful information necessary for a comfortable pastime in nature.

General Description
The Altai State Reserve began its work quite a long time ago, on October 7, 1967, when a new protected area was created on the territory of the reserve that existed from 1932 to 1951green area.
It should be noted that purely geographically it is located in the mountains of Southern Siberia and covers the Turochaksky and Ulagansky regions of the Altai Republic.
The Altai Reserve boasts an impressive area of 881,238 hectares.
Note that the length of the territory of the reserve from southeast to northwest is 230 km, and the width is 30-40 km.
Goals and objectives
The Altai Nature Reserve was created to achieve very specific goals.
We will try to list the most basic ones:
- preserve the most valuable and rare in beauty Lake Teletskoye and its landscapes;
- protect cedar forests;
- save the most important game animals that are on the verge of extinction, such as deer, elk, sable and so on.
Also, the main goals of creating this reserve include the desire for a permanent stationary study of the nature of the region as a whole. The main task of the Altai State Nature Reserve is the opportunity to provide, preserve and study:
- typical and unique ecological systems;
- natural course of natural phenomena and processes;
- genetic fund of flora and fauna;
- individual species and communities of animals and plants.

Features of local flora
The reserves of the Altai Territory in general, as well as the above-mentioned territory in particular, are very rich in rare, and sometimes completely unique plants.
The most common tree species are fir, spruce, larch, birch, cedar, pine. Alpine ecologically clean cedar forests are considered real pride.
It's hard to imagine that sometimes the diameter of a cedar tree growing here can reach 1.8 meters, despite the fact that its age is a whopping 400-450 years.
In general, the West Altai Reserve is rich and diverse. It has about 1500 species of higher plants, 111 fungi. There are 272 species of lichens alone.
There are 668 species of algae known to mankind in the reserve. Seven species of lichens from the collection, which the reserves of the Altai Territory can boast of, are listed in the Red Book of Russia. Such lower plants include laboratory (both reticulate and lung), bordered stikta and others.
It is interesting that in these parts there is a diverse species composition of animals and plants. Considerable diversity of vegetation is created due to the local variety of climatic and natural-historical conditions, as well as due to the complex relief with heights reaching 3500 meters in some places.
Of the 1500 species of flora representatives known here, there are endemics and relics. The area of the reserve is not only quite impressive, but also located very well: at the junction of the Altai, Tuva and Sayan mountain systems. The exceptionally rich fauna of the reserve is determined by the variety of natural conditions, as well as the complexity of biogeographic boundaries and naturalhistorical development.

Animals of the Altai Reserve
Sable is one of the main species of fauna living in the Altai taiga. The nuts of the cedar tree occupy a significant place in its diet, so the distribution of this animal in the territory of the reserve depends on the distribution of cedar, and the Altai Reserve has enough of these trees.
Of hoofed animals, deer, reindeer, Siberian roe deer, Siberian goat, Siberian musk deer and mountain sheep live here.
The most numerous species in the area of the reserve is the maral, a large taiga-mountain deer. Like all deer, every year with the beginning of spring, he sheds his antlers, and new ones grow in return. Young antlers are called antlers. They are of great value as raw materials for medicines.
Rare inhabitants of the reserve
Siberian musk deer is found in the forests of the Altai Reserve. She does not have horns, but there are well-developed fangs on the upper gum. Their length is approximately 10-12 cm. The musk gland of male musk deer can be used in the manufacture of quality perfumes.
This reserve, as well as the Tigireksky Reserve of the Altai Territory, is famous as a natural habitat for another fairly rare animal - the Siberian mountain goat.
In the south side, as well as in the adjacent territory, mountain sheep are in the wild. True, it should be noted that due to the extermination of both predators and humans, these animals are onlyseveral dozen, so they, along with the snow leopard, are listed in the Red Book.
Few people know that only about 35 years ago a wild boar entered the reserve from Tuva. And today it is already quite common in the territory of this reserve, it successfully breeds and gradually increases in number.
The Altai Reserve is also considered home to large predators such as the wolf, bear, wolverine and lynx. The bear lives in the Altai mountains. It is exceptionally mobile and develops a fairly high speed when running. Before going to the lair, he accumulates a huge amount of fat, which is considered healing. On spring evenings and also in the morning, bears can be seen grazing on the southern slopes of the mountains, where they eat young shoots.

Structure of the reserve
At the moment, the Altai Reserve consists of four departments:
- scientific;
- environmental education;
- security;
- economic.
One of the most important functions in the reserve is carried out with the help of the protection department.
The main task of science is to study the natural course of processes in natural complexes located on the territory of the Altai Reserve. With the help of the scientific staff, research is carried out in various directions. Today, the scientific department of the Altai Reserve is actively involved in the study of argala, musk deer, and snow leopard.
The environmental education sector was created with the aim of forming the Russiansociety understanding of the problem associated with the protection of nature and environmental safety. In this regard, the specialists of the reserve hold various events not only with the guests of the reserve, but also with the population.

History of Creation
On May 24, 1958, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR issued an order aimed at restoring this natural park, the area of which at that time was 914777 hectares.
However, in the summer of 1961, the Altai Reserve was again disbanded. During the period from 1965 to 1967, the scientific community of Siberia raised the issue of the need to create such a special protected place within the territory of the reserve previously located here.
On March 24, 1967, the Executive Committee of the Altai Regional Council of Workers' Deputies decides to organize a specially protected zone in order to preserve the unique natural complex of the Teletskoye taiga and Lake Teletskoye.

What to see first?
You can get to the Altai Reserve only from Teletskoye Lake, so you will definitely have the opportunity to get to know and appreciate the so-called Altyn-Kol.
This lake received its Russian name from the Cossacks, who first appeared here in the 17th century. The origin of the unusual name is connected with the Altai tribe of Teles, who lived on the lakeshore.
Also, there are interesting routes in the reserve, such as Lake Kholodnoe, waterfalls Korbu, Kishte and Unapproachable.
By the way, not everyone knows that the Korbu waterfall is located in the middle of Lake Teletskoye. It has a well-equipped observation deck and information stands, and the height is 12.5 meters. This is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the reserve.

Korbu Waterfall
This place is located on the Korbu River of the same name, which flows into Lake Teletskoye. The entire right bank of the lake is also located on the territory of the Altai Reserve.
Waterfall forms a cloud of water dust that constantly hovers around it.
Guests of the reserve, located on the spacious observation deck of the waterfall, enjoy a magnificent view. In the winter season, when the river freezes completely, the Korbu waterfall creates a continuous picturesque wall of ice.
There is only one way to get to the waterfall: you need to cross the lake with the help of a boat. This tour is very popular among tourists. However, there is some danger for hikers making their way to the falls via the lake, as there is a chance that the top or bottom will start, making the trip nearly impossible at times.
Since 1978, the Korbu waterfall has been in the status of a natural monument.

Kishte Waterfall
This amazing and picturesque place is located on the river of the same name, which flows into Lake Teletskoye on the right bank.
Tourists have the opportunity to enjoy the amazing beauty of this waterfall up close.
Note that getting toThe waterfall is possible only with the help of a motorboat, since a pleasure boat does not enter it. The noise of falling water can be heard even from the lake, which is why, in fact, it was called Kishte, which means “calling” in translation.
It also has a second name - Sable. It should be noted that the waterfall is located on the territory of the Altai Reserve, so in order to visit it, you need to have a special permit.

What is forbidden to do in the reserve?
Any activity that is contrary to the goals of the reserve is prohibited. Therefore, it is impossible on its territory:
- is located, pass and pass unauthorized persons and vehicles;
- cut wood, harvest resin, tree sap, medicinal plants and technical raw materials, collect wild fruits, berries, mushrooms, flowers;
- mowing hay, grazing cattle, placing beehives and apiaries;
- hunt and fish;
- build buildings, roads and other communications;
- contaminate the territory with various waste and garbage;
- damage and destroy information signs and stands of the reserve, as well as do anything that interferes with the natural development of natural processes and threatens natural complexes and objects.