How few places are left where you can feel that special freshness and charm of untouched nature! The village of Altaiskoye in the Altai Territory can rightly be called one of these places - rare and very beautiful.

Green valleys, picturesque hills, "fluffy" forests, fields and bluish outlines of mountains visible on the horizon - all this beauty is here.

A bit of history
The village of Altai in the Altai Territory was founded back in 1808. At first, this settlement was the center of the Altai volost, later it began to be considered a large merchant village. Trade and small industry were well developed here.

If we talk about people who lived on this earth in those distant times, then, according to the records found (which, however, only speak of male souls), in 1857 511 men lived here, in 1882 - 822. At the end of the 19th century, people began to move to the village of Altaiskoye in the Altai Territory, thanks to which the settlement grew rapidly.

Already in 1893, there were 519 households and 3082 inhabitants on this land. The building of the volost government, two churches (one of which was Orthodox, and the other of the same faith), a college and a school were built. Oil and leather factories, a wine warehouse, mills and several trading shops also worked here.

According to the census conducted in 1926, the village of Altaiskoye in the Altai Territory was home to 7595 inhabitants. Almost half a century later, the settlement received the status, according to which it was now considered an urban-type settlement.

Interesting historical fact
It is curious that the Great Encyclopedia of 1904 contains an entry that Altai is one of the first schismatic settlements. In 1857, the majority of the inhabitants adopted the common faith.
On the territory of the village there were 519 households and 3,000 inhabitants. In addition, the village had two churches, an oil mill and a tannery, a weekly market, and a magistrate's chamber.
What is the village today
A large developing settlement, in which 14 thousand people live, - this is exactly what the village of Altaiskoye is today. The Altai Territory, the photo of which can be seen in this article, is a very beautiful place - with picturesque nature and many rivers. The village referred to in the article is no exception. It is located in the foothills of Altai, along the local river Kamenka.

In the village itself, severalfactories, including wine, brick, asph alt, bakery and some others. As in large cities, there are supermarkets, shopping centers, gyms, saunas, cafes and restaurants.
There are various educational institutions in the district center, including ordinary schools, kindergartens and vocational schools, and there are also institutions such as the school of cheese-making masters.

The settlement is much more interesting than it seems at first glance! Many people come here for tourism purposes. What attracts them to the Altai village? The Altai Territory, the map of which reflects all the diversity of this area, will clearly show what exactly you can see and where to go.

A little about phytotourists
Such an interesting and unusual direction appeared here thanks to the Biolit association, which opened in the vicinity of the village. It is a large arboretum, the plantations of which are spread in the Altai foothills. More than 70 types of medicinal and ornamental plants are grown here.

Phytotourists are just the guests of the arboretum. People are interested not only in these plants, but also in the products that are made from them. And here they get the opportunity to purchase these crops, get comprehensive information on each plant.
In addition, the village has a museum of local lore, which contains a whole collection of paintings and interesting expositions.