Vologda is a city 450 kilometers from the capital of Russia with a population of almost 330 thousand people, the largest settlement in the northern part of the country. Vologda is on the list of cities with especially valuable historical heritage. Many historical monuments are taken under state protection.
From the history of the city
What is Vologda famous for? First of all, the fact that it is the most ancient city of the Russian North. The date of foundation is considered to be 1147. Until the XIV century, these territories belonged to the Novgorod principality. For many years the city was a real bone of contention for the princes of Tver and Moscow, they constantly tried to take Vologda away from the Novgorod princes. Only a century later, the settlement passes completely under Moscow.

In the XV-XVI centuries, handicraft and trade flourished in the city. However, during the Polish-Swedish intervention, the settlement was badly damaged. As early as the 18th century, trade routes crossed the B altic Sea, and the importance of the city was declining.
PoAccording to one version, the name of the city comes from the Finno-Ugric word "volok", which means "big forest".
Local dialect
What is Vologda famous for? Of course, the local unique dialect. To be honest, not every region can boast of having its own "zest" in speech, like Vologda and the southern part of the Arkhangelsk region, where there is a northern Russian group of dialects.
The peculiarity of the dialect is that the speech turns out to be "okay". Simply put, when pronouncing vowels in absolutely all unstressed syllables, the letters "o" and "a" sound like "o".
Specialists of the local pedagogical institute have been studying the composition of the Vologda dialect since the 60s of the last century and even released more than one dictionary. The first to see the light was published in 1983. And in 2010, they even published a dictionary for children.
Despite the fears of some modern philologists, there is no tendency that "okanya" in Vologda will be replaced by "akanye".

Monument to the letter "O"
To confirm the importance of the local dialect, a memorial sign (forged sculpture) with the letter “O” was installed in Cathedral Hill Square.
The idea of local craftsmen is simple - to perpetuate such an important letter for the inhabitants of the region. Its height is 2.5 meters, installed on a pedestal in 2012.
The nearest public transport stop is Leningradskaya.
What is Vologda famous for? Of course, lace, which is also called very poetically - "frozen colors of the northern winter." Peculiarityneedlework is that weaving is done on wooden sticks or bobbins. The main plot is represented by a dense pattern of ribbons. Most often, the pattern is applied to the patterned lattice.
This type of handicraft is very original, it has existed in the north of Russia for more than three centuries. It has not lost its relevance and best traditions even today, which is why Vologda is so famous for lace. Today, industrial production and handicrafts occupy a special niche in the city's economy.
The works of the best masters have been exhibited more than once at international exhibitions since 1876 and often received the highest marks. And in Paris (1925) and Brussels (1958), lace from Vologda received gold awards.

Museum of Lace
On the Kremlin Square, in the building at number 12, there is a museum of lace, where a permanent thematic exposition has been opened since 2010. The building itself is an architectural monument of the 18th century, which once housed a state bank. Since 2015, the museum has been included in the top ten in all of Russia. Within the walls of the museum there is an impressive collection of exhibits dedicated to this type of folk-applied craft. The exhibits were collected for many years, some were transferred from private collections, while others were specially made for the museum according to surviving sketches of past times. Here you can see the work of needlewomen from other countries. On the first floor of the museum there are temporary exhibitions and author's works of modern needlewomen. The museum has a shop, a lace-making class and a workshop.
What is Vologda famous for? A story for children must necessarily include a description of the Vologda Kremlin, which is located on Sergey Orlov Street, 15, on a total area of 56 hectares. This is a special historical monument of the city, although not as majestic as under Ivan the Terrible in 1567. Then the fortress had 20 towers, and the length of the fortifications was 3 kilometers. However, in the 17th century, the Kremlin lost its strategic importance, gradually fell into disrepair and was dismantled, suffering from floods and the lack of restoration work. Therefore, today you can see only the remains of the once majestic Kremlin - this is the bell tower and some ruins of structures.

Resurrection Cathedral
This is a real monument of architecture, which is under federal protection. The cathedral is part of the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin.
Before this cathedral, another church stood on the same spot, where a divine service was first held in the 18th century. However, immediately, the building was recognized as flimsy and quickly dismantled. The current cathedral was built in 1776. By the way, the temple was almost completely built from the stone of one of the Kremlin towers. Today, the building has been preserved almost in its original form, with the exception of the entrance group, which has been slightly altered. And the interior decoration was made in the 19th century.
Museum "The World of Forgotten Things"
What to see? The attraction of Vologda is the museum "The World of Forgotten Things" (Leningradskaya street, 6). Here you can see how the people of the city lived in the 19th and early 20th centuries.century. The rooms have a completely recreated pre-revolutionary interior. The museum itself is located in a mansion of the century before last.
Musical and literary evenings, holidays for children are held here.
St. Sophia Cathedral
Description and photo with the name of Vologda attractions are in the catalogs of each travel company, some of them can be seen in our article. Sophia Cathedral on Sergey Orlov Street is the oldest stone monument in the city. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, work began on its construction (in 1568). Despite the fact that after 2 centuries the Resurrection Church appeared nearby, the significance of St. Sophia did not decrease at all.
Construction lasted about 20 years, the main example for the architectural style was the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.
During the next Polish war, the building was badly damaged, but it was quickly reconstructed.
In Soviet times, the church was much more fortunate than the rest of the country. It, of course, was closed, but not destroyed, but transferred to the local history museum. And the temple received the status of a historical monument back in 1935, probably for this reason it survived.
Today the building is well maintained, with two major renovations already completed.
There is a unique fresco inside the church. It is the largest in area (400 sq. m.) in all of Russia and is dedicated to the Last Judgment.

Peter I House-Museum
What else is Vologda famous for? The first museum in the city, the exposition of which is dedicated to Peter I. It was founded in 1885 andlocated on Sovetsky Prospekt, at number 47.
Until 1872, the house belonged to a merchant, but the local authorities decided otherwise. They bought him for 4 thousand rubles from Vitushnikov E.
In the walls of the house-museum you can learn about the life of the Slavs in the period of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The clothes of Peter I, his death mask, and other rare items have also been preserved here.

Spaso-Prilutsky Dimitriev Monastery
What is the city of Vologda famous for? Of course, a male monastery in the Priluki microdistrict. This is the most revered and largest monastery in the entire north of the Russian Federation.
According to the official version, the monastery was founded by a disciple of Radonezh - Dmitry Prilutsky. But the most important thing is that throughout all the centuries it was possible to preserve the original appearance of the buildings, and it was founded in 1371. Some buildings were built later, for example, the Cathedral of the Savior.
The relics of Prilutsky, who was credited with the gift of salvation, are kept in the monastery.
After the revolution, the monks were expelled from their monastery and were able to return only in 1990.

Museum "Vologda link"
Below you can see another photo. The name of the sights of Vologda is the museum "Vologda exile". There is a wonderful exposition here, you can find out what famous people were exiled to the city, starting from the 15th century. One of the first in exile was Prince Vasily II the Dark. In the future, the tradition of exile in Vologda was supported by Ivan the Terrible and the Romanov dynasty. Under Stalin, the tradition is not only maintained, butand becomes massive.
The museum is located on M. Ulyanova street, 33.

Trading Cover
On the Torgovaya Square in Vologda there is a beautiful stone Church of the Intercession at the Market. It was built in 1780 instead of a wooden one.
In the revolutionary years, the temple was closed, future teachers were trained here. The doors of the church for believers were opened only after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
The building is made in the late Baroque style with an adjoining refectory. A classic hipped bell tower is installed at the top.
In closing
All these sights of Vologda can be seen in 1 day. In addition, walking along the streets of the city, you can see many monuments: the poet and native of these places Batyushkov, bricks and even a monument dedicated to the 100th anniversary of electric lighting. There are many bridges in the city, especially in the central part. The largest one is called the "Bridge of the 800th Anniversary of Vologda", 160 meters long.
From souvenirs, from the city you can bring not only the most beautiful lace, but also household items with local flavor. These are bread bins and items for the kitchen, containers for storing bulk products, painted ceramic dishes. Many things are made of birch bark (the upper layer of birch bark), which, after special processing, acquires a golden light. The most beautiful felt boots are also made in Vologda.