Recreation on Sakhalin is preferred by many residents of our country. And there are certain reasons for this. For those who love nature, this is the perfect place. You should not go here in the hope of seeing some outstanding monuments created by man. But Sakhalin offers tourists much more. This is clean air, mountains, lakes, springs with thermal water. On the mainland, such natural we alth is rare.

The rest on Sakhalin in the summer is especially impressive. The island is simply immersed in rough vegetation. Unique representatives of the flora grow here, the size of which even exceeds the height of a person. And we are not talking about tall trees. The rich fauna also contributes to the creation of a certain atmosphere, for which tourists go to these parts.
There are also man-made objects here. For example, lighthouses, bridges, abandoned roads. Buildings incities of Sakhalin are not of great interest to tourists. Most of them were built back in Soviet times.
A bit of history
For more than forty years, the southern part of the island belonged to the Japanese. Today, their legacy can be seen in unusual buildings, monuments and freeways. Most of the locals drive Japanese cars.
The history of Sakhalin Island dates back to the 17th century. Then the Russians began to explore the Pacific coast. Until the 19th century, the island officially belonged to neither Russia nor Japan. And only in 1855 was the beginning of a diplomatic alliance between these states, which reinforced the treatise on borders and friendship. According to this document, Sakhalin Island was in the possession of Russia and Japan. In 1875, Sakhalin completely came under Russian rule under the Treaty of St. Petersburg.
Negative aspects of rest
Reviews about holidays on Sakhalin do not always speak of its positive aspects. Like any other tourist destination, the island has its own characteristics that just need to be taken into account. The main thing that tourists single out from the negative points is too high prices. Accommodation, food and transport here are almost twice as expensive as in other Russian cities. Other negative aspects are typical not only for Sakhalin. For example, tourism infrastructure is practically not developed here, the quality of roads leaves much to be desired, and transport links are poorly developed.
What to see on Sakhalin?

Cities onThe island was settled relatively recently, so there are no historical infrastructure facilities here. The cities themselves are not of interest to tourists, which cannot be said about the natural beauties of the island. Travelers especially note the local caves - Vaidinsky and Bear tragedies. In addition to stalactites, here you can admire alpine meadows and the purity of mountain lakes. The caves are located near the village of Izvestkovy, which can be reached by rail from the Smirnykh station. You do not need to pay anything to enter the caves, but local guides do not recommend exploring them on your own. It may be of little information, and besides, life-threatening.
Recreation on Sakhalin Island is diversified by unique natural monuments, the main of which will be described below.
Lake Tunaicha

This lake is considered the largest on the island. To see this beauty, you need to overcome the path 45 km from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. This place is loved by ornithologists. You can get to the lake by minibuses following in the direction of Okhotsk.
Moneron Island

West of the city of Kholmsk is the amazing island of Moneron. It attracts tourists with its underwater world. The warm Tsushima current passes here, thanks to which even representatives of the subtropical climate can be found in local waters. The island is also home to seals, numerous colonies of birds and fur seals. You can get here only by air or by boat. The island is considerednational reserve.
Seal Island
The island is washed by the waters of the Sea of Okhotsk. It is located 12 km from Cape Patience. Here you can find a huge number of seals and sea birds. The territory is considered a nature reserve, so you won’t be able to get here on your own, only with an organized tour.
Zhdanko Ridge
The mountain range is of volcanic origin. Its length is 13 km, and its length is up to two km. Hiking trails are organized here, taking several days. During this time, you can go around the entire ridge. The attraction is located north of the village of Tikhaya. The station is followed by a postal train from Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where you can get there.
Without a comfortable stay, rest on Sakhalin will not bring so many positive emotions.
In the major cities of the island there is a huge choice of places to stay. But many people prefer to live closer to nature and therefore choose recreation centers located in the suburbs.
Yolochki Tourist Complex

"Yolochki" - a recreation center (Sakhalin) - invites everyone to relax in the bosom of pristine nature. The base is equipped with everything you need. Here you can spend time with your family, have a wedding, and even hold business negotiations. The combination of picturesque nature with bright entertainment appealed to many guests of the base. It is located in the suburbs of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.
Base "Yasnomorskaya"
An unforgettable vacation at sea (Sakhalin) can be offered by Yasnomorskaya base. Here you can not only breatheclean air, walking through the forest more often, but also learn to dive. The tourist base offers accommodation in comfortable rooms. In total, up to 20 people can live here. This place is often chosen by large companies. Meals can be ordered in advance or cooked by yourself. All kinds of events are held in the beautifully decorated banquet hall.
The main feature of the base is that it has its own diving center.
Recreation center "Tunaicha"
The beauty of nature and all the benefits of civilization are successfully combined in this wonderful hotel complex on the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk. Cozy houses are equipped with modern household appliances and comfortable furniture. The houses have a thematic design, for example, a hunter's house, a bath house, a fisherman's house. From all windows you can see the picturesque beauty of the lake.
On the territory there are gazebos, barbecues. You can cook your own food or eat at a local canteen. From leisure - the beach, cycling, billiards, sauna, swimming pool. The base is located among centuries-old trees, surrounded by picturesque nature. Rest here, according to travelers, brings real pleasure and beautiful photos.
Holidays on Sakhalin are full of surprises. The nature of the island will not leave indifferent any traveler. Mountains and lakes, volcanoes and seas, forests and nature reserves - from the natural beauties there is everything you could wish to see. But experienced tourists still recommend caution when walking in local nature reserves. There are a lot of bears on the island. And these are not alwaysanimals welcome guests with cordiality. But if the animal is not provoked, it will not attack a person.

Sakhalin today embodies all the problems of Russia. Weak infrastructure, bad roads, contrast between rich cities and impoverished towns. But it all fades into the background. Those who have ever rested on Sakhalin want to come back here again. And all because of the unique atmosphere, which is not found on any of the continents. The islands have always attracted travelers with their natural scenery.