Free artificial skating rink in Moscow

Free artificial skating rink in Moscow
Free artificial skating rink in Moscow

Today, when deciding where to go on weekends or holidays, many people opt for a skating rink. Moreover, not only young people go there, but also older people. And this is very true: “a he althy mind in a he althy body.”

In Moscow, artificial ice rinks are no longer a rarity. This sport and, of course, recreation is rapidly gaining popularity for several reasons:

You can do it as soon as you decide to go to the skating rink, that is, this activity does not require large financial investments, since you can rent skates (or buy your brand new ones - not so expensive)

Winter ice rink
Winter ice rink

It is not necessary to take care of whether you have a certain physical fitness or it is completely absent before going to the rink. Just go and ride for fun

People are getting so used to this pastime that they don't want to give it up in the summer either. And here an artificial skating rink comes to the rescue. Great idea! Moreover, there are more and more rinks with artificial (synthetic) ice in Russia.

Varieties of these rollers

All artificial ice rinks are divided into two types:

  • With synthetic ice. Such skating rinks can function in any shopping complex all year round. They do not need low ambient temperatures.
  • With ice from the water. Such a coating is created using special equipment. It can only be equipped in rooms that maintain a certain low temperature.

That is, it turns out "skating rink skating strife." Let's understand the terms.

What is synthetic ice

Synthetic ice is a monolithic surface created by connecting sheet thermal panels, which are made on the basis of polyethylene (moreover, high molecular weight). This coating is excellent for hockey, skating, including figure skating, curling and short track. Moreover, for skating on such a surface there is no need to purchase special skates. Ordinary curly or hockey ones are quite suitable.

Note! Information for doubters: the sliding of a skate blade on synthetic ice is 90% identical to sliding on ice made from water (that is, traditional). This is excellent proof that with synthetic ice, an artificial ice rink is a very innovative project. And in no way inferior to its counterpart "from the water." You won't even feel the difference while riding.

Skate Blade Glide
Skate Blade Glide

Panel fastening methods

PE sheet panels for artificial ice rink can be connected to each otherin two ways:

Using a tenon-groove-pin connection. This method is suitable for panels that are mounted not only indoors, but also outdoors

Important! The basic basis for slabs connected in the manner described above can be: asph alt, soil, concrete, tiles, wooden and metal platforms. The only condition is that the base must be strong and as smooth and even as possible.

With the help of the so-called special dovetail mount. A similar method is suitable for artificial ice rinks that have a perfectly flat base base. Regarding the temperature - it should not differ in large differences. Only two conditions

The benefits of synthetic ice

Synthetic ice has many advantages:

  • Installation and operation of an artificial ice rink (synthetic) is much cheaper than an analogue, for the production of which refrigeration units and water are used.
  • Quick payback of construction.
  • Has high moisture resistance.
  • No noise from running compressors.
  • High speed of installation work due to the mobility of the plates.
  • No strict requirements for the premises and areas where artificial ice rinks (synthetic) are equipped.
  • The ability to give the rink absolutely any shape.
  • Green friendly.
  • Durability.

What is artificial ice

Artificial ice is equipped with a whole set of tubes (mats), through which constantly circulatescoolant, and, of course, water. Ice appears as a result of the formation of an intermediate antifreeze. Tubes (each 25 mm thick) located in a concrete or sand base are made of plastic or steel.

A bit of history

In 1876, or, to be more precise, on January 7th, the people of London were invited to the world's first skating rink. Naturally, it was not an open rink with artificial ice, but a closed one. This event took place in the Chelsea area, which was considered one of the most fashionable in the city. The townspeople liked the skating rink, and they perceived its arrangement very positively. In those days, skates were nothing more than metal skids attached to a wooden base. These riding aids were tied to shoes with leather straps or ropes.

Riding accessories
Riding accessories

Then, in 1881, an artificial skating rink began to function in the city of Frankfurt am Main. Its area was about 533 square meters. He pleased the population in the period from August to October. And then closed and open artificial skating rinks were built with enviable constancy. Russia also did not remain aloof from this process. For all time, the skating rink has always been a favorite vacation spot for residents and guests of Moscow.

Indoor and outdoor artificial ice rinks
Indoor and outdoor artificial ice rinks

Moscow pleases residents and guests of the capital with its ice rinks

It's great to get together in a fun company and go to the skating rink. And if it is also a free artificial skating rink, then the joy is doubled, thenis, "cheap and cheerful." It doesn't matter if you can ride or not. The main thing is a good company and the time spent with he alth benefits. What could be better!

The main thing is a good company
The main thing is a good company

There are about 200 free artificial ice rinks in Moscow. Here are some of them:

  • In the Fili park complex.
  • In Krylatskoe.
  • In the park complex called "50 years of October".
  • In the Olympic sports complex.
  • In park complexes: Northern Dubki, Angarskiye Prudy, Goncharovsky and Dubki.
  • On the territory of VDNH in Ostankino.
  • In the Nikulino park complex.
  • In Vorontsovsky park.
  • On the territory adjacent to the construction of the Northern River Station.

Note! If the air temperature exceeds + 5 degrees, as well as on holidays and when competitions are held, then changes in the schedule of skating rinks are possible.

In Fili Park

Address: Novozavodskaya street, 18. The skating rink will not disappoint you: 800 square meters of artificial ice, there are places where you can change clothes, eat and go to the toilet. You can ride from 10 am to 10 pm. At the end of the working week, namely, on Friday, as well as on Saturday evening (from 17:00 to 20:00), you can attend music discos (right on the ice). Moreover, you can ride your own skates absolutely free of charge, but the rental of skates (if you don’t have your own) and their sharpening will cost you a small amount (see prices below, at the end of the article).

riding onice skating
riding onice skating

Rink in Krylatsky

Address: Rublevskoe highway, 26 building 3. The site (1800 square meters), covered with artificial ice, operates in the morning, namely, from 10:00 to 22:00. The disadvantage of the skating rink is that it will not be possible to rent skates due to the lack of such a service. Therefore, you will have to be content with your own skates.

50th Anniversary of October

Address: Ud altsova street, 22. A locker room, food points (if necessary) and, of course, toilets are organized. Skate rental and sharpening are guaranteed (services are paid). Opening hours - 10:00 - 22:00.

Sports complex "Olympic"

Walk on foot for 3-4 minutes from the metro station "Prospect Mira" and you can already see a skating rink with an area of 1250 square meters (address: Olimpiysky Prospekt, 16). During the working week you can ride from 16:00 to 22:00. But in the "weekend" (Sat and Sun) - from 11:00 to 22:00. Entrance costs nothing. Need a wardrobe - please; need skate rental please (fee required).

Northern Dubki, Angarsk Ponds, Goncharovsky and Dubki

Addresses: Keramichesky proezd, house 65-71/1, st. Sofia Kovalevskoy, house 21/1, st. Rustaveli, ow. 7 and st. Dubki, 6 respectively. You can visit them any day from 10 am to 10 pm and absolutely free. If you need services such as skate rental and sharpening, you will have to shell out a certain amount of money.

Sports complex "Olympic"
Sports complex "Olympic"

Note! For people with benefits, a 50% discount is provided.

On the territory of VDNH in the park complex"Ostankino"

You will find a very warm dressing room (free of charge) and, of course, skate rental. You can ride from 10:00 to 22:00 (on weekdays), and on weekends and holidays - until 23:00.


Address: 86 Vernadsky Avenue. You can use the locker room, food service and toilet. As usual, if you bring your own skates, the entrance is free; in case of their absence, a rental is at your service.

In Vorontsovsky Park

There is an ice skating rink called "Laboratory of Ice" (metro station "New Cheryomushki", entrance from Arkhitektora Vlasov Street), which is open to the public from 10 am to 10 pm. There is a pavilion where you can taste quite fresh pastries and "drink" exclusively hot drinks (do not confuse with strong ones). There is a relatively warm locker room, you can use the skate rental service.

Near the Northern River Station

Get to the Rechnoy Vokzal metro station. The ice rink is relatively small - only 800 square meters, open from 10:00 - 22:00 every day. Minus the skating rink - you can not use the skate rental service due to its absence. But there is a plus - the presence of a warm locker room.

Rental and sharpening of skates
Rental and sharpening of skates

Note! On all ice rinks, skate rental is a paid service and is about 150-250 rubles per hour. Sharpening varies within the same limits. At some skating rinks, after the first hour of skating, the rental price is reduced to 100 rubles (for example, in Vorontsovsky Park).

Come, ice rinks in Moscowwith artificial ice are waiting for you!