Marble Canyon, "Ruskeala": photo, official website, reviews

Marble Canyon, "Ruskeala": photo, official website, reviews
Marble Canyon, "Ruskeala": photo, official website, reviews

Ruskeala marble canyon (see photo below) is a mountain park located in Karelia near the city of Sortavala. It was created in 2005

Ruskeala marble canyon
Ruskeala marble canyon


Marble canyon "Ruskeala" (Karelia) began to be developed in the 17th century. The work in those days was carried out by the Swedes. The quarried marble was used to build foundations and to make building lime.

The marble canyon "Ruskeala" was paid special attention in those days when palaces and cathedrals began to be erected in St. Petersburg and its environs. The valuable stone mined in these places was highly valued by architects. Marble slabs were used to decorate their buildings by Montferrand and Rinaldi. Kazan and St. Isaac's Cathedrals, Mikhailovsky Castle and others were faced with this magnificent stone.

Before the start of the Russian-Finnish war, the quarries where the valuable stone was mined were flooded by the Finns. According to one version, this was done in order to harm the Soviet troops.

marble canyon ruskeala photo
marble canyon ruskeala photo

Marble canyon "Ruskeala" was used today. Here they mined the material that went to the claddingstations "Ladoga" and "Primorskaya" of the St. Petersburg metro.

Exploitation of the surrounding deposits continues today. The former scale, of course, no longer exists, but constant mining and sale of crushed marble is carried out.


Ruskeala Mountain Park is a marble canyon, which is a real museum of mining, as well as a natural heritage. These places amaze with their beauty. Former quarries today are delightful mountain lakes. They resemble marble bowls filled with bluish-green waters. Nearby adits look like mysterious caves.

marble canyon ruskeala karelia russia
marble canyon ruskeala karelia russia

Marble canyon "Ruskeala" in 1998 received a new status. It was recognized as part of the Russian cultural heritage.

Marble Quarry

The place where valuable building material was mined in the past is one of the attractions of the Ruskeala mountain park. Today the quarry is filled with crystal-clear, emerald-colored water. The splendor of its patterned shores with sheer cliffs pleases the eye. In the former quarry, you can find places where the marble is visible right through the water.

ruskeala marble canyon excursions
ruskeala marble canyon excursions

There are a number of viewing platforms along the perimeter of the stone quarrying site. From them you can admire the picturesque views. Viewed from these sites are brick ovens built before the 1917 revolution. They were used to obtain lime,which was produced by burning marble chips. The pipes of these furnaces are laid out in the form of a cone and resemble minarets or ancient towers. It can be seen from the observation decks and the old administrative building. It is notable for being built entirely of marble.

If you want to admire the scenery of the local nature from the water, you can rent a boat on the pier. Then you can swim into the grottoes located in the sheer cliffs. Such a journey will leave an indelible impression, surprising with the play of light that is observed on the marble ceiling. Even at night, the marble canyon "Ruskeala" will delight you with bright colors. This is due to artificial lighting arranged here.


Travelers seeking to get to the marble canyon "Ruskeala" (Karelia, Russia) will have to overcome the path along the banks of the Tokhmajoki River. Here, at the Ahvenkoski waterfall, it is worth stopping and admiring the opening landscapes. In order for travelers to relax and gain strength, benches have been specially installed on the banks of the river.

Ruskeala marble canyon official website
Ruskeala marble canyon official website

Additionally, you can visit the destroyed Finnish power plant. It is located on the Tohmajoki River, just downstream from the waterfall.

Description of the canyon

There is more than one marble quarry in Ruskeal. But on the territory of the mountain park is the most beautiful of them. After the place was cultivated, a guard began to be on duty at the entrance. A large number ofstalls offering souvenirs to visitors. You can walk here along neat paths sprinkled with marble chips, near which there are signposts and fences. Such changes cannot but rejoice. They testify that the marble canyon "Ruskeala" (see photo below) is under supervision and will keep its condition for many years.


The area of the mountain park is relatively small. Its width is only 100 m, and its length is 450 m. In this regard, excursions conducted in "Ruskeala" (marble canyon) do not take much time.

marble canyon ruskeala how to get
marble canyon ruskeala how to get

Several more quarries are located around the park. Interestingly, the color of the water they are filled with is different everywhere. So, in the main quarry, you can admire the emerald greenish tint. The water in adjacent marble bowls is blue or gray with a bluish tint. There is no mystery in this. The shade of the liquid depends on the color of the marble lying here. There are also unflooded adits in the canyon. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to get into them, you must use the services of an escort. You should not do this yourself.

Walking outside the park

The so-called Italian quarries come close to the marble canyon. In them, one can clearly observe evenly cut layers of amazing stone. This spectacle is not limited to the mountain. Near the quarry there is a large number of abandoned marble blocks that were rejected at one time. Its name of the aditreceived due to the fact that the first developments on them were carried out using Italian technologies with the involvement of specialists from this country.

mountain park ruskeala marble canyon
mountain park ruskeala marble canyon

Here you can also admire the marble pool, which is carved directly into the layers.


The fans of scuba diving who managed to visit the marble canyon "Ruskeala" are also satisfied. This place is a real paradise for divers. They are attracted by flooded quarries, which are connected to each other by adits. The majority of visitors do not see the underground horizons of numerous tunnels, in which marble was mined at one time.

The bottom of the main canyon is also of interest to divers. Here is an abandoned technique that was used to extract marble. The attractiveness of the place increases the transparency of the water, due to its low temperature. The fact is that cold springs hit in a career. That is why the water in it is constantly updated.


There are flooded marble quarries in Ruskeal. On the main one, which is located on the territory of a mountain park, boats are rented. On the banks of the remaining quarries, you can find several places for recreation with a tent. However, do not count on privacy, as these places are very popular with tourists.

Not far from the park flows a river called Tohmajoki. On its banks you can also find several places for setting up a tent. However, there is a lot of garbage here.

Visitor experiences

Thosetourists who visited the marble canyon "Ruskeala" leave reviews about it as a great vacation spot. In this regard, the mountain park is very popular. In summer, it is best to come here on a weekday. Only in this case will it be possible to avoid pandemonium. You can visit the mountain park in the early morning, when most of the visitors have not yet arrived.


Marble canyon "Ruskeala" is located at a considerable distance from St. Petersburg. That is why a day trip is very tiring, especially for the driver. In addition, starting from Priozersk, the road is very winding and dangerous.

Caution does not hurt when using mobile communications. There is a border not far from the canyon, as a result of which there is a constant connection of unsolicited Finnish roaming (SMS messages are received from the mobile operator).

It should also be taken into account that the banks of the quarry are sheer steep cliffs. Climbing is prohibited here. There are signs posted all over the place. If you rent a boat, then you should not swim close to the rock. Sometimes stones fall from the peaks.

Paid services

There is a small fee to walk around the park. Boat rental is paid. In winter, a skating rink is arranged in the canyon. Skates can be rented here.


So, you have chosen the marble canyon "Ruskeala" as the place for your holiday. How to get to it? It is possible to do this by public transport, but it is difficult. For this from St. Petersburg, you have to get to the town of Sortovala. Regular buses and trains run to this settlement from the northern capital. The next point of the route is the village of Ruskeala. You can get here by bus, which runs twice a day. Its route runs from Sortovala to Vartsila through Ruskeala. A distance of twenty-five kilometers can also be covered by taxi.

There is another option. In St. Petersburg, you need to take a train to Kostomuksha. The distance from this station to the park is eight kilometers. The train arrives in Kostomuksha at one in the morning and at four in the morning. Arriving on it, you can become the first visitors to the park.

It is much easier to get to the marble canyon by private car. At the same time, the route from St. Petersburg will run along the A-129 highway to Sortovala. Having reached this settlement, it is necessary to turn north to the village of Ruskevala. On the map, this is the A-130 highway. Not far from the village there is a sign in the direction of the mountain park. The car can be left on the side of the road or in the free parking of the complex. It should be borne in mind that this route is not close. From St. Petersburg to the destination is almost three hundred and thirty kilometers.

Tour categories

Has "Ruskeala" (marble canyon) official website (base-ruskeala. rf). On it you can find a lot of useful information for tourists. There is also an opportunity to get acquainted with the categories of excursions offered in the mountain park. Among them are a weekend hike and a long walk, as well as a weekend itinerary.

Wherecan I stop?

In the village of Ruskeala there is a recreation center of the same name. It works year-round and is designed for ninety visitors. The recreation center has rooms of varying degrees of comfort. There are rooms for honeymooners and couples with babies.

On the territory of the recreation center you can have a barbecue picnic. There is a sauna built on the shore of the lake for guests.

Excursions to the marble canyon, waterfalls or Lake Valaam are organized for vacationers. For those who come by their own car, there is a guarded parking lot. There is a rental center at the Ruskeala recreation center that provides sports equipment - footballs and volleyballs, bicycles, skis and skates. Picnic equipment is also provided.


Ruskeala marble canyon is popular all year round. There are many interesting places and amazing views. So, when visiting the mountain park and its environs, do not forget to take your camera with you. According to most tourists, the marble canyon is one of the most interesting places in Karelia.
