Ice Palace (Peter) - the best venue for events

Ice Palace (Peter) - the best venue for events
Ice Palace (Peter) - the best venue for events

You can list all the interesting places and institutions of St. Petersburg indefinitely. We will start with the youngest of them - a sports and concert entertainment institution. The Ice Palace, which St. Petersburg can be proud of, was built in 2000. The purpose of its construction was quite specific - holding such a large-scale event as the Ice Hockey World Championship.

ice palace peter
ice palace peter

History of building construction

Initially, the construction of the facility caused controversy and controversy. It was about the inexpediency of building such an expensive project for the city. By the time the work was completed, the structure could compete with the best European complexes, as well as the North American sites. Fifteen years have passed. And no one remembers those first disputes. Indeed, throughout this period, the sports and concert complex is constantly in demand.

Real complex

This five-story building has a three-storyarena. Its height is 22 meters. Once on the second or fourth floors, you can go for a walk around the glazed palace. The building itself was designed using unique technologies, which allows you to turn a large hall into a medium one. At the same time, in proportion to the size of the premises, their capacity also decreases.

Also, the palace differs from other similar objects in excellent visibility from any place. Therefore, even from the balcony you can see the full picture of what is happening below. This is especially suitable for hockey fans because of the opportunity to look at the game of their favorite team from above and understand the tactical intricacies of what is happening.

12, 5 thousand spectators - this is the capacity of this institution. Pleases its guests with such large-scale structures as the Ice Palace, St. Petersburg. This object offers its visitors balconies, an amphitheater, super-comfortable boxes for accommodation. Moreover, the latter are separate premises. In terms of comfort, they can be compared with hotel rooms. Imagine, they even have a wardrobe and a toilet. They are also equipped with bathrooms, showers, comfortable furniture, household appliances and electronics. This gives viewers the opportunity to have a great time without causing inconvenience to their neighbors.

sports and concert complex
sports and concert complex

Event Venue

Currently, the complex is used for organizing sports competitions. It is a concert venue for performances by world stars. In addition, it serves as a place where exhibitions and fairs are located, conferences are organized. The number of events held at the Ice Palace is increasing every year. But even on days free from them, life does not stop here. Those who wish can ride here on the skating rink, which has been operating literally since the opening of the complex. A performance in this building is a status event for any performer or group. The Ice Palace stage saw concerts by Alla Pugacheva and Yuri Shevchuk, Marilyn Manson and Cher.

avenue of five-year plans
avenue of five-year plans

How to get to the complex?

The address of the institution is Pyatiletok Avenue, 1A. You can get to the place in the most convenient way. Someone decides to walk in order to get to an exhibition or event hosted by the Ice Palace. Petersburg is a huge city. Therefore, you can choose such a walk living in the nearby microdistricts of the Nevsky district. If you are coming by your own car, then you need to plan the route in advance and decide on parking.

Public transport is another option. If you want to get there faster, you should choose the metro. Coming out of it, it remains to do a short walking path. It will not be difficult to find the complex - it can be seen from any of the nearby stops. Those who are interested in such an attraction as the Ice Palace, Peter must definitely visit. You can get more detailed information about the facility and the events held in it by contacting the official website of the institution.
