The idea of creating a hydrofoil river ship appeared at the end of the 19th century in France. The designers of that time tested an unimaginable number of floating facilities of the most fantastic shapes. Already at that time, sufficiently powerful engines and the material from which it was possible to build a hull were developed.
But the built models categorically did not want to take off over the water. They lacked the stability and speed to accelerate. Already in Soviet times, after the revolution, Polytech student Rostislav Alekseev was fascinated by a futuristic article about the future of the fleet. About ships that can sail, hovering over the water like birds. And he was taken by this idea. A flying ship… How to make viscous, dense water let go of a heavy structure? After all, its hydrodynamic force dampens the speed of any ship, even the fastest! These are the properties of water. Rostislav started with the wings and developed their special shape. And with success he defends his diploma on the topic "Glider on underwaterwings".
Creator of "Sunrise" Rostislav Alekseev
So for the first time the future legendary creator of unusual ships, capable of developing speed on their wings, inaccessible to other similar watercraft, declared himself for the first time. The topic of the diploma interested the commission, it was very similar to a Ph. D. thesis, there was so much realism in it and, it seemed, simplicity. During the war years, Rostislav Alekseev worked at a factory where tanks were assembled and repaired, but the thought of creating unique ships on wings did not leave him. And the first boat, built according to the drawings of a young designer, appeared in Moscow already in 1946.

He had numerous supporters and like-minded people who enthusiastically supported the idea of Rostislav. For several years, drawings of high-speed vessels were developed and production was established. In 1957, the serial production of ships on the wings of the "Rocket" series begins. Based on these drawings, many modifications were created in subsequent years, and the Voskhod series of motor ships is one of them.
Favorite brainchild of the whole country
The ship "Voskhod" is already the second generation of the SEC and the direct heir to the amazing qualities of the "Rocket". In 1973, the first copy of the new series was launched to replace the outdated models. The technical characteristics of the ship "Voskhod" were significantly improved, and initially it was built for use in the river fleet. But time has shown that Voskhod can also work successfully in sea areas.close to the coast.

Many models of this series were used in the Crimea for walks and excursions on the sea. The demand for them increased, and motor ships began to be built for the whole country. The engines were supplied from Leningrad and Barnaul, and the entire ships were assembled at the More plant in Feodosia. By itself, the motor ship "Voskhod" was a small ship, its length was a little over 27 meters, width - 6.4 meters. Therefore, it was used as a pleasure boat most often.
Cruise ship for lakes, seas and rivers
Each of the ships had a 1000 hp engine. s., but in terms of the amount of fuel consumed, it could only be compared with aircraft. And the very moment of putting the ship on the wing in terms of fuel costs was equal to the launch of the Soyuz-1 spacecraft. And yet they were still built. There were few high-quality roads in the USSR, because of this, the river bed was often intensively used for movement on such boats. Maybe that's why the river fleet in the Union developed so rapidly. By 1990, more than 150 ships of this series were built.

So many did their job well. They were used mainly as passenger pleasure transport in small river and sea cruises, in regular routes instead of buses and trains. The winged ship was especially loved by children, they were admired. The ship attracted special attention in the Crimea, from a distance it looked like an alien ship, and every Soviet vacationerhad a photo from the Voskhod ship in his family album.
"Sunrise" in our time
These ships were operated on lakes, rivers, seas throughout the Soviet Union. In addition to the team, a little more than 70 people could be transported on the river handsome. On Lake Baikal, the motor ship "Voskhod" still performs one-day excursions on several routes. They are arranged to get acquainted with the beauties of Lake Baikal and the territories adjacent to it.

The flight Irkutsk - T altsy - Bolshiye Koty - Irkutsk gives you the opportunity to visit the fabulous and stunningly beautiful places of Lake Baikal and the Angara. During the parking there is time for horseback riding and visiting the Museum of Local Lore. True, there is no open area on the ship, but all the same, such trips are very popular. There is a "Voskhod" in the Samara River Shipping Company, they are used for regular flights where it is not very convenient to use vehicles. They are also found in Petrozavodsk, Krasnoyarsk and other cities of our vast country.
Ship characteristics and durability
The maximum speed of this series of river transport is 65 km/h, which is a good indicator for a vessel that is engaged in passenger transportation and excursions. On the river it is not so often possible to meet ships with the characteristics of the Voskhod motor ship. Its displacement is 28 tons, it has a river register class "O". This means that the main purpose is inland water basins, river mouths, reservoirs, marinecoastal zones with a wave height of no more than 2 meters.

And despite the fact that the last copy was built in 1991, the quality of the ships that remained afloat is good, they were made to last, and even after repairs they brought considerable benefits to their owners. Durability is also explained by the fact that the body was welded from a durable aluminum-magnesium alloy, which is not susceptible to corrosion. The rivets were no longer used in 1973, and the wings are made of stainless steel and, with proper care, could last for decades.
Relentless workers on the water
After the collapse of the Union, the construction of unique ships practically ceased. Some of the outdated copies were cut into metal, more modern models were bought with pleasure by the owners of river companies for commercial passenger transportation. Those that remained in Russia still serve faithfully after repairs and upgrades. So, Voskhod-23 has been working tirelessly in St. Petersburg since 2011.

It was converted into a sightseeing one, and now you can go on it on a weekend along the standard route from St. Petersburg to Strelna or Kronstadt. Panoramic windows allow you to observe the picturesque landscapes of the Gulf of Finland in comfortable aircraft seats. Even a significant speed does not prevent you from relaxing and getting incomparable pleasure. These vessels are also offered for rent for walks with all your friendly staff or with friends. It is worth noting that you can swimgo only during daylight hours.
World popularity of the ship on wings
Even in Soviet times, the passenger ship "Voskhod" was popular not only at home, but also abroad. These vessels were supplied to 18 countries around the world. They practically did not undergo alterations, the technical characteristics of this series were so good. Buyers were attracted by the small size, which was especially useful in small bodies of water. The capacity of the ship "Voskhod" was no more than 80 people, it was successful, because it is almost a bus, and they were often bought to replace vehicles.

Already in 2002, after a long break, three more Voskhods were built at the shipyard by order of the river company Connexxion. A floating craft with rather difficult aerobatics can be controlled by a team of two or three people, this quality is also taken into account when buying. Motor ships of the Voskhod series were sold to Canada, Vietnam, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Turkey, Thailand, and Hungary. Some of them are still afloat and working properly.
Memories of the legendary ship
Many people remember these cruise ships, especially those whose youth fell on the time of the existence of the Soviet Union. Motor ship "Voskhod" receives good reviews for speed, for convenience, for beauty and unusualness. For some, this is a warm memory from childhood, when under the Crimean sun on the wet sand they drew the contours of these ships. And then enthusiastically waved after his handa car passing by. Even now, after numerous repairs, these ships are winning the hearts of those who met them already in the 2000s.