Kirzhach is a river in Russia. It flows through the territory of the Vladimir region. In its lower reaches there are sections that are the border with the Moscow region. The length of the river is 78 km, it is the left tributary of the river. Klyazma.

The source is the confluence of two rivers - the Small and Big Kirzhach. The first water stream flows out of the Berendey swamps in the Aleksandrovsky district of the Vladimir region. The length of the river is 69 km. On its way, it is littered with snags and fallen trees, but is popular with kayakers. To the east of Maly, parallel to it, the river Bolshoi Kirzhach flows. The length of the water flow is 55 km. As well as Maly Kirzhach, it is available for rafting.
Not far from the village of Ivashevo, both rivers merge into one, continuing their course in a southerly direction, until they flow into the waters of the Klyazma, 10 km from the city of Pokrov. Kirzhach is a river, a photo of which can be seen in article relating to the Oksky basin district. Its waters go a long way: r. Klyazma, Oka, Volga. And after that they flow into the Caspian Sea.

A bit of history
First time descriptionriver and its sources appeared in 1852 in the documents of the General War Department. It is known that in the period from the 7th to the 9th centuries. Finno-Ugric tribes lived on its banks. Kirzhach is a river, the name of which, most likely, comes from the Moksha (Meryan) dialect. The word "kersh" meant "left".
The source of the river is at an altitude of 137 m, to the place where it flows into the Klyazma it drops to 115 m above sea level. The channel of the watercourse meanders steeply in some areas, the direction of water movement is from north to south. Kirzhach is a typical flat river, has a slight slope (0.6 m per km), the flow is calm. The bottom and shores are sandy. The right coast is high and hilly, while the left coast is more gentle and low. Forest areas are often found along both banks of the river, but to a greater extent they are characterized by meadow vegetation. At the source, the width of the channel is small, with the fastest possible flow. In this area, there are often obstacles in the form of fallen trees. Further downstream, the river diverges to an average value of 10-20 m. The maximum width of the river. Kirzhach is observed in the place where the Sheredar tributary flows into it, and reaches a height of 70 m. In the lower reaches it has a fairly large marshy valley with numerous oxbow lakes on the way. Kirzhach is a river, the average depth of which is 1-1.5 m, and the maximum reaches 4 m.

Climatic features
The area through which the Kirzhach flows is characterized by a temperate continental type of climate. All seasons of the year and their transitions are well expressed here. Forthe region in winter is characterized by stable snow cover and frosty temperatures (the average in January is -10 ° … -12 ° С). At this time, the river freezes (from about the end of November). It opens in late March - early April. The average July temperature is quite favorable – +18°…+20°С. Kirzhach is a river that is full of water throughout the year. Its floodplain is filled to the maximum in spring. Type of food - mixed. The average annual rainfall is 600 mm.
The river has several tributaries, most of which flow into its channel in the lower reaches. The largest leftists are Sheredar, Molodan, Shorn, Vakhchilka. Of the right, the largest is the river. Bachevka. All major tributaries Kirzhach have similar characteristics to it: they are all flat, have a calm current and carry their waters in a southerly direction.

It is known that the Kirzhach River used to be navigable. But later it became shallow, changed the shores and is not used for this purpose now. Currently, the only vehicles that can be found on the water are fishermen's boats and kayaks, as the Kirzhach (river) is ideal for rafting. Feedback from fans of this sport claims that during the descent you can get an unforgettable experience.
In the past, many windmills and dams were installed along the river. Now they are practically gone. Only occasionally there are dams that, to a greater extent, no longer fulfill their main task. They are located below Ilkino, RedOctober and at the village. Settlement.
Fineevskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant
On the banks of the river there are no sights, at least architectural and historical ones. The only building that could attract attention are the ruins of the Fineevskaya hydroelectric power station. In the first half of the 20th century, this hydroelectric power station was autonomous and fully provided electricity to nearby collective farms, state farms and settlements. However, in the post-war period in rural areas it was forbidden to use their own sources, it was necessary to connect to state power systems. So the Fineevskaya HPP stopped its activity. And in 1967 it was completely dismantled. Now only ruined walls remain from the former hydroelectric power plant, although it is considered a local landmark.

Plant and animal life
Kirzhach (river) will delight you with the beauty of local nature. The Vladimir region in this area is covered with mixed forests. Broad-leaved and small-leaved plantations (mainly aspen and birch forests) spread along the banks of the river. Broad-leaved forests are a natural we alth and the most important raw material resource of the region. In them you can find a large number of berries (blueberries, currants, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.), mushrooms and medicinal plants (St.. Sometimes large mammals approach the banks of the river: elk, roe deer, spotted deer. Of the birds here there are black grouse, hazel grouse,gray partridges, geese and ducks. Hunting in the region is allowed only under licenses and within specially allotted time limits.
Fishing and recreation
Water of the river. Kirzhach are rich in fish. Bream, perch, pike, ide, roach, gudgeon, and ruff are found in abundance here. There are close to 40 species in total. Fishing on the river is year-round. The locals even have special names for the most popular places for fishing: Fedorovsky Bridge, Quiet Channel, Doughy Bank, Goat Beach, Slynchev Bryag, Kukushkin's Place. According to the stories of local fishermen, even "trophy" specimens of fish are found in the river.
Another type of recreation is kayaking. Very often on the Kirzhach can meet fans of this extreme sport. The most popular route is from the Ileikino railway station to Usad (a station on the Klyazma River).
Comfortable beaches and recreation centers along the river can not be found. Connoisseurs of "wild tourism" come here to rest. You can stay for the night in private country estates (for example, Polan Manor). Not far from the confluence of the Sheredar tributary with the Kirzhach, there is a he alth-improving sanatorium "Sosnovy Bor" (Petushinsky district, Vladimirov region). It deals with specialized treatment of the digestive system, blood circulation, kidneys and genitourinary system. It is also worth noting that the air in these places has healing powers. Here is such a unique Kirzhach River.

How to get there
The most convenient way to get to the banks of the Kirzhach watercourse is by rail. The railway line passes to the west of the river for almost all of its movement. On the banksthere is a large settlement - the city of the same name Kirzhach, as well as a number of other small villages: the villages of Savino, Ilkino, Lisitsino, Ileikino, Fineevo. There is a bus service between them. Residents of Moscow can go here from the bus station (Shchelkovskaya metro station). Buses depart according to the schedule with a difference of one hour. There are also minibuses. The journey will take about 2 hours.