It's hard to imagine a more wonderful weekend than visiting an amusement park, which will allow you to relax and have fun with your family. VDNH, whose park is rightfully considered one of the best, offers a huge selection of entertainment for all ages and for all tastes. And it is not so important whether you are a guest of the capital or live in it. Everyone feels great when visiting this amazing complex.

At any age there should be room for joyful entertainment. It is very useful to relax a little and enjoy some childish pranks from the heart. Psychologists recommend visiting various entertainment centers as a psychological relief, and VDNKh (park) is the most suitable place for a holiday of the soul.

In order to get to know a person better, it is enough to look at him in an unusual situation. Inviting your colleagues to a corporate holiday in one of the most beautiful and largest amusement parks,you can recognize them from the most unexpected side. Relaxing, people change, become softer and kinder. Therefore, such unloading will be useful for the entire office: it will positively affect the work and the fulfillment of tasks. The main thing is to approach the rest wisely.
The park at VDNKh can be a great place for a romantic date. Everyone wants to spend time with a loved one in such a cheerful and pleasant environment. You can please your soul mate with a ticket to her favorite attraction - not a single gift is valued as highly as receiving positive emotions. After all, they leave the brightest imprint and are stored in memory for a long period of time.
A weekend with kids is the time every parent dreams of. In today's world, full of worries and fuss, in the endless pursuit of a secure future for their child, many do not have enough free time to fully communicate with children, not to mention spending time together. Attractions in Moscow (VDNKh) will delight both the child and the parents. This is a great opportunity for all family members to get close and share pleasant experiences.

Besides the rides, there are a lot of simply beautiful and picturesque places in the park, looking at which you can relax and admire the national heritage. The alley of fountains can impress even the most unromantic people. At VDNKh, the park opens up unprecedented beauties and introduces man-made art, which has been created over the centuries and required painstaking work.
The location of the park itself is very convenient for both local residents and visitors: it can be easily reached from any area, from any station. At VDNKh, the park offers fun entertainment at very reasonable prices. And all the proceeds go to the reconstruction of monuments, fountains, as well as the construction of new attractions. It is difficult to imagine a better place to relax - both with family and with friends. Spending time together for very fun activities brings people together, gives pleasure and joy. And sharing your joy with your neighbor is much more pleasant than enjoying this feeling alone. Do not forget about entertainment - they are just as useful as everyday work.