The island of Cyprus, located in the Mediterranean Sea, has an ancient history. Today it is one of the most popular tourist centers in Europe. Tours to Larnaca are especially in demand among lovers of beach holidays. This article will tell about the sights of the resort and its hotels.

Larnaca (Cyprus): History
It is believed that the city arose on the site of ancient Kition, which existed before 12 BC. e. According to legend, it was founded by the grandson of Noah and was surrounded by cyclopean fortress walls. Later it was captured by the Phoenicians, and in the 4th century BC. e. the famous ancient Greek philosopher Zenon was born in the city.
In the first century, on the territory of modern Larnaca, Lazarus resurrected by Christ, nicknamed the Four-Day, settled. He lived there until the end of his life, and was buried in a crypt, which has survived to this day. It is with his grave that the name of Larnaca is associated, which translates as a tomb.
In antiquity, for many centuries, the local Phoenician port was one of the most important copper trade points in the region, and today the largest international airport of the island operates thereCyprus.

Natural attractions of Larnaca
The resort is a real find for those who like to combine a beach holiday with a visit to monuments of architecture, history and nature. In Larnaca, tourists can see a unique s alt lake with an area of 2.2 sq. km. In winter, it becomes a haven for tens of thousands of migratory birds. Among them, pink flamingos are of particular interest. They fly to the resort to feast on a rare species of shrimp that lives in the waters of the Larnaca s alt lake. In addition to flamingos, more than 85 species of waterfowl escape the cold on its shores.
Historical monuments of Larnaca
At the entrance to the city from Limassol, the attention of tourists will surely be attracted by the 18th century aqueduct, consisting of 75 arches, built during the period of Ottoman rule at the expense of the Ottoman ruler of the island. In the old days, it was used to provide the city with water from a source located 9 km from Larnaca. The aqueduct operated until 1939, after which a modern aqueduct was built.
Other interesting sights of Larnaca and Cyprus include the Hala Sultan mosque complex, located on the opposite shore of the s alt lake. According to legend, the aunt of the Prophet Muhammad, Umm Haram, is buried there. The woman was married to one of the famous Arab commanders and came with him to Cyprus during one of the raids, where she died. Ten centuries later, a mausoleum was built over the place of her rest, and at the beginning of the 19th century a mosque appeared next to it. At the momentHala Sultan is considered one of the important Muslim shrines.
Long before the arrival of the Turkish conquerors in Cyprus, the locals believed in the Savior. To this day, Christian traditions are strong on the island. This is evidenced by many Orthodox churches that have survived to this day. for example, 6 km from the city is the Church of Panagia Angeloktistos. The temple was built in the 11th century on the ruins of an early Christian basilica. Inside the church, there is a mosaic image of the Blessed Virgin Mary with the baby Christ in her arms, surrounded by the archangels Michael and Gabriel, which dates back to the 5th century.

Larnaca in Cyprus is one of the few cities where fans of museum exhibits will not be bored.
First of all, tourists should visit the art galleries of the city. They are quite modest, but there you can see interesting works of Cypriot and foreign artists. Judging by the reviews of tourists, the private gallery, where works by Theo Michael are exhibited, deserves special attention. Travelers can buy their favorite paintings there and chat with their author.
For lovers of curiosities, it will be interesting to visit the Museum of Medicine, where ancient instruments are exhibited, with the help of which doctors performed surgical operations and performed anesthesia many centuries ago. The only negative is that the institution is open only on Wednesdays and Saturdays.
Like anywhere where the breath of Ancient Greece is felt, there is an archaeological museum in the city of Larnaca, Cyprus. It is located near Finikoudes alley. Theretourists will see the remains of columns, ancient huge amphoras and statues. Several halls of the museum are lined with shards of crockery, and a large old olive oil press is on display in the courtyard.

Larnaca Fortress
The medieval castle is one of the main attractions of the city. Its construction began in the 14th century and was completed only after 3 centuries in 1625. Before the capture of the island by the British, the fort of Larnaca performed its defensive functions, but then it was turned into a prison for dangerous criminals, where executions of prisoners were often carried out.
Today, tourists can walk around the fortress for free, and those who buy tickets will be offered to get acquainted with the exposition of a small museum, which exhibits ancient weapons and other exhibits related to the history of the castle.
Among the attractions of Larnaca (Cyprus), photos of which are most often seen in tourist brochures, this corner of the resort occupies a special place. It is difficult to find a tourist who, while relaxing on the southeast coast of the island, would not spend evenings on the Finikoudes embankment, along which slender rows of date palms rise. Among other things, there are many bars, traditional taverns and restaurants with excellent cuisine. The Monte Carlo establishment is especially popular with vacationers, serving the freshest seafood, and lovers of delicious wines are happy to visit the conceptual retro bar Istante.

Resort beaches
If you are going on vacation to Larnaca in Cyprus, reviews from tourists will help you decide on the choice of beach. In particular, most of those who have already vacationed on the island recommend giving preference to Pyla and Finikoudes beaches if you are going on a trip with children. For young people, Mackenzie is more suitable, where after sunset you can have plenty of fun in nightclubs, and lovers of a relaxing holiday are better off going to Castella near the coastal village of Psarolimano or Faros in the village of Pervolia.
Snorkeling enthusiasts will not be bored in Larnaca, who should visit the small eco-beach "Yanates".
Speaking in general, all the beaches of the resort are marked with white flags, which indicates their cleanliness. The only thing that can upset vacationers is not the most attractive gray color of the sand. However, this is fully compensated by the fact that almost all the beaches of Larnaca are free and you can come there with your own umbrella or lay down with a towel.

Larnaca Hotels in Cyprus
The resort is not one of the super prestigious, so it is easy to find cheap apartments and cheap hotels located in the tourist area. Moreover, if you search well, you can check into a room in a guest house or hotel a couple of minutes walk from the beach.
Even in the high season, you can find a budget option for 37-45 euros (2585-3140 rubles) per night, and for 50 euros / 3500 rubles. you can rent apartments that are not inferior in comfort to a three-star hotel with good reviews. At the sametime, in Larnaca you can count luxury hotels on your fingers. The best rooms with half board in such establishments will cost 430-540 euros (30-37.7 thousand rubles).
For families who have chosen Larnaca in Cyprus for their holidays, reviews recommend giving preference to apartments that are spacious and comfortable. In addition, choosing this accommodation option, you can cook your own meals, which is especially important if you come on vacation with children.
How to get to Larnaca by air
As already mentioned, the main international airport of Cyprus is located in the city. For Russians, the easiest way to get to the resort is by air, especially since there are regular and charter flights from many cities of our country.
The most budget option is from Pobeda, where a flight from Vnukovo to Larnaca costs about 70 euros / 4890 rubles. However, you will have to pay extra for baggage transportation. A flight on S7, Ural Airlines and Yamal airlines will cost a little more.
The cost of tickets in this case will be 105-140 euros (7300-9700 rubles).
Rossiya and Ural Airlines operate regular direct flights from St. Petersburg to Larnaca. Economy class tickets in both cases will cost 146 EUR/10,200 RUB
Trip to resort "by land"
Tourists with a Schengen multivisa can make a "multimodal" trip to Larnaca by bus and ferry on the route Moscow - Tbilisi - Batumi - Mersin - Republic of Northern Cyprus - Larnaca. However, given the complex relationship between Cyprus and Turkey, such a trip,costing about 150 euros (10,400 rubles), may not go entirely smoothly.

Now you know which beaches of Larnaca in Cyprus are suitable for families with children or water sports. We hope this information will help you organize the best holiday of your life on the legendary island of Cyprus.