Train St. Petersburg - Sukhum: route and travel conditions

Train St. Petersburg - Sukhum: route and travel conditions
Train St. Petersburg - Sukhum: route and travel conditions

The cities of St. Petersburg and Sukhum are not quite close to each other. One option for traveling from one site to another is to travel by rail.

Cities of St. Petersburg and Sukhum: where they are, the distance between objects

St. Petersburg is a very famous city in Russia, not without reason it is called the second capital. It is the second largest city in the country in terms of population (after Moscow). The administrative center of the Leningrad Region is located on the coast of the Gulf of Finland, on the Neva River. This metropolis is considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, with a rich history, great architecture and friendly people. No wonder tourists come here from all over the world.

The city of Sukhum is the capital of Abkhazia. It is the largest city on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. It is located at a distance of 107 kilometers from the Russian border. This picturesque resort is famous for its scenery, clean beaches and Caucasian hospitality.

train Saint-Petersburg - Sukhum
train Saint-Petersburg - Sukhum

The direction of travel "St. Petersburg - Sukhum" is popular with tourists. The distance between the cities is more than two thousand kilometers. And one of the transport optionsis the train.

St. Petersburg - Sukhum train route

If you decide to travel by train, you must take into account that the length of the railway track between the objects is 2757 kilometers, of which 103 kilometers is the route through Abkhazia. The rest of the route passes through Russia.

You can get from one point to another all year round. There are also travel options with transfers in the cities of Sochi and Moscow. With the opening of the tourist season, from the end of April to October, a direct train St. Petersburg - Sukhum, No. 479A runs between the start and end points of the trip.

train saint petersburg sukhumi reviews
train saint petersburg sukhumi reviews

In the spring, the train leaves about once a week, and closer to summer it starts to run more often - every other day or every day.

His route goes through famous Russian cities: Tver, Moscow, Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Novocherkassk, Rostov, Armavir, Tuapse, Sochi, Adler. Through the territory of Abkhazia, the train passes Gagra, New Athos and arrives at the final destination - the city of Sukhum. Travel time 2 days 7 hours and 53 minutes.

St. Petersburg - Sukhum train: passenger reviews

Impressions of this trip among tourists are quite contradictory. So, most travelers tend to think that the train is convenient, since its route eliminates the need for transfers. Many note the polite attitude of the staff, friendly guides.

Cars always have clean linens and hot water. The cars are cleaned regularly, usually twice a day. Undoubtedly, the presence of a dining car is a plus, passengers are satisfieda wide range of menus. The food in the restaurant is fresh. It is impossible not to note the abundance of picturesque landscapes outside the window, many stations sell fresh fruit.

But there are also negative points. The train contains old cars, in some of them there are interruptions in the operation of the air conditioner and in the ventilation system. This is especially important for people who do not feel well in the heat, because on the street at this time there is literally nothing to breathe. Also, many note the lack of a dry closet.


Train route Saint-Petersburg - Sukhum
Train route Saint-Petersburg - Sukhum

The cost of your trip on the St. Petersburg - Sukhum train will depend on factors such as class, type of carriage and date of travel. The train includes reserved seats and compartments. There are no seats, as well as luxury cars.

In a compartment, a trip will cost you about 8 thousand rubles. The budget option is a trip in a reserved seat - about 4 thousand rubles per person. Toilet seats will cost a little less.

Tickets for the St. Petersburg - Sukhum train are recommended to be purchased in advance, as closer to the beach season and vacation time, there are practically no empty seats here. If circumstances permit, it is better to book or buy tickets immediately and on the way back.
