The capital of Angola - Luanda - is the administrative center of the province of Luanda. Approximately 1.5 million inhabitants live in the state of Angola. Its capital was founded back in 1575, and from the beginning of the 17th century until the middle of the 19th century it was considered the main port from which black slaves were sent to Brazil. Only in 1975 Luanda was recognized as the capital of Angola.

Dividing Luanda
The capital of Angola is a port city on the Atlantic Ocean. In addition, Luanda is considered a major industrial center of this state. Conditionally divided into the lower and upper city of the capital. Angola, and along with it Luanda, are also known for their commercial and industrial quarters. The upper part of the city is represented by residential areas and government offices. Here you can find such ancient monuments as the Archbishop's Palace, the Cathedral and others. In addition, the Atlantic capital is rich in its museums and higher educational institutions. It also has other world-famous attractions.
Besides this, the city has developed textile, food and oil refining industries, automotive industry. Another capital of Angola is engagedexports of oil, coffee, diamonds, iron ore and fish products.

The busiest place in the capital is the international airport. Another attraction of the city can be called a railway that connects it with mines, as well as with coffee plantations located around Malanje.
A bit about history and ethnic composition
As mentioned above, Luanda was founded in ancient times. Its founder is considered to be the Portuguese colonizer P. Diasem de Novais. Initially, this city was called Sao Paulo de Luanda. In 1975, the future capital was named by its current name.
Today, both Europeans and Afro-Europeans live in the capital of Angola. The official language is Portuguese. However, the locals speak Bantu languages.
Culture of the capital

The capital of Angola is considered the cultural center of this state. This is evidenced by the presence of the following institutions: a large number of schools, various preparatory courses for entering higher educational institutions, as well as local libraries.
The architectural monuments of the capital include the Jesuit Church, the Church of the Carmelites, the Church of the Madonna of Nazareth.
National Aspects
It should be noted that the flag of the city has not yet been officially approved. If we talk about the coat of arms of the capital, then it is divided vertically into red and blue parts. On a blue background you can see the Virgin Mary, and on a red background - the image of St. Paul with book and sword. At the top of the coat of arms is a crown with five towers. Under this picture there is a ribbon with an inscription conveying the following information to the people: St. Paul is the patron saint of the capital of Angola.
Due to the presence of attractions in the main port city, as well as because of the unique history of its formation, the number of tourists wishing to visit this country has recently increased significantly.