There is something futuristic about Magas. This is not due to the architecture, which is unusually ordinary, a triumph of "Luzhkov's style" over the ancient traditions of architecture in Ingushetia. Something like this in Moscow looks like new courts or, for example, the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University and district administrations. It's about the atmosphere, not the architecture. The capital of Ingushetia, which has no history, looks strange and unusual. You get the impression that you are in an experimental sterile laboratory that works for a single purpose: forward, into the future.

Population, main buildings
In the future, the capital of Ingushetia rushes consistently, starting in 1995, and since 2000 - and in the status of the capital, already the official one. During this time, the city grew in length by 4 km, and in width - by 3 km, it also acquired a population (in Magas in 2012, about 5 thousand people live permanently, and quiterecently, in early 2010, its population was only 524 inhabitants). About 5-6 thousand more people come here every day to work. About 90% of all republican state institutions are located in this city, including the residence of the president, ministries and parliament, as well as small divisions of the administrative apparatus. The Ingush State University is also located here, and a television building was completed for the twentieth anniversary of the formation of the republic. The capital of Ingushetia also has its own republican bank, and a business center has recently begun to actively develop.
Objects under construction
Adds the futuristic and future tense that dominates the news from this city. Basically, they talk about the dates when it is planned to open the facilities under construction today: the Drama Theater, the Cathedral Mosque, the diagnostic center, the House of Friendship of the Peoples of the North Caucasus, schools, a business center, residential buildings, kindergartens and other buildings. The feeling of sterility is reinforced not only by the cleanliness and novelty of city streets, but also by the absence of any kind of industry. Factories, factories and agricultural enterprises are fundamentally not built here.

Some features of the city
Magas is a city of students sitting with laptops between classes on the alley of the Republic, officials and a few schoolchildren dressed in smart uniforms. Lurid signs, noisy markets, crowds - all this you will find in Nazran, checkpoints are located in the border areas and gorges, history and ancient architecture - in the mountainous, southern partrepublics. This city was honored to turn out to be an ideal settlement like those that in the last century were built by Soviet citizens with great enthusiasm, who at the same time dreamed of building a new life. Let's hope that Ingushetia (the republic whose capital we are describing) will be no less understandable, open and, most importantly, calm than its main city today.
Station and airport
Airport of the same name is located 30 km from Magas, and the railway station is located eight kilometers from the city, in Nazran. The capital of Ingushetia stands on the Kavkaz (federal) highway, so everything is quite convenient in terms of transport. You can move around the city by minibus or bus, but walking is easier - the distances are very short. The Sunzha, a mountain river, flows near Magas. The nearby former capital of Ingushetia, Nazran, is also located on this river.

Things that may be of interest to tourists
There are very few Russian residents in the city, the vast majority of the population are Ingush. Magas, the capital of Ingushetia, does not yet have a mosque. It is planned, however, to complete the construction of the Cathedral Mosque by 2016, as well as the spiritual center, along with a madrasah and a number of other institutions.
In the city, due to construction work, it can be quite noisy during the day. However, the center of Magas has already been built, so it is clean, there are no trucks.

The hotel in this city is just being built - there are no tourists here. Those who want todaylook at the current capital of Ingushetia, they will be forced to stay in another city. The nearest one is Nazran, the former capital of Ingushetia. But it's not very far, besides, there are frequent buses. Renting an apartment here is also not easy, as the city's population is constantly growing, and temporary housing is in great demand here.
Building in the city is low-rise, there are no and will not be any buildings here with a height of more than 5-6 storeys in the near future. This policy of building Magas is partly due to the fact that the maximum population, according to forecasts, in the capital should not exceed 30 thousand people.

Near the government house and the presidential residence, an observation tower is being built now, which is made in the form of a tower. Therefore, it will soon be possible to admire the city and its environs from a bird's eye view.
City Day is celebrated on April 15.
In Magas, as in other cities of this republic, most women and girls wear headscarves and long skirts. Visitors are not required to observe local traditions, but it is recommended to do so. You can do without a scarf, but it is better to replace jeans with a skirt no longer than the knees.
History of Magas
Magas today is a blank slate, which has been painted in the colors of the state Ingush flag since 1995.

It is the only new city that was built in the post-Soviet period on the territory of the Russian Federation, and also one of the few in the world that was originally founded as a capital.
Inhabitants of Ingushetia, talking aboutMagas, often remember Peter the Great and the city he founded on the Neva. But the circumstances of the formation of these two capitals are fundamentally different. The city of St. Petersburg "stole" the status of the capital from the ancient, but quite capable and lively Moscow. The Republic of Ingushetia, after the collapse of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, whose center was in Grozny, was forced to remain without an administrative center at all.
How Magas became the capital
The capital of Ingushetia (former) Nazran, which temporarily performed the functions of the main city, could not accept this role, since it was and remains, in fact, a large rural settlement. The Ingush consider Vladikavkaz to be the historical capital, but, as you know, it has long been the main city of another republic, North Ossetia.
The way out of this difficult situation was the construction of the capital from scratch. Other similar examples include Astana in Kazakhstan, but it appeared 2 years later than the city of Magas. In 1995, 4 km from Nazran, a garden city grew up, right in the field - the cultural, economic and administrative center of this youngest republic in Russia, the new capital of Ingushetia.
Hypotheses about the location of ancient Magas
Magas, according to legend, was the name of the capital of the Alanian ancient state (which was an association of mountain tribes). The location of the historic city has not been precisely established. Translated from the Ingush language, the name of the capital means "city of the Sun". It is known that in 1239 the troops of Batu destroyed ancient Magas. According to some version, it was located just on the site of the currentIngush capital. But this assumption has not been confirmed. There are two solar signs on the flag and coat of arms of the city, which is a reference to the city of the Sun.
There is, however, a more prosaic hypothesis, according to which the lands of the current capital once belonged to the family of Ruslan Aushev, the first president of the republic. Under him, the city of Magas was founded.
We told you about the new capital of Ingushetia. Scanwords that come across in a variety of newspapers and magazines often contain a question about its name. Now you know how to write the answer.